Category Archives: Uncategorized


I’ve been consistently… intermittently? … that seems like a contradiction even though it currently makes sense to me… nauseated for at least two weeks now.  I think it’s stress.  No matter what I do or don’t eat.  Or when I do or don’t.  It doesn’t matter.  It’s miserable, and I am so busy that I can’t tell if sometimes it legitimately goes away or if I’m just too busy to notice it.  There are so many progressive things happening, and so many things depressing me, they’re canceling each other out, except there is the excess of the negativity and it’s taking over.

Last year I felt so stagnant professionally it was starting to worry me.  Then I worried it would start effecting the quality of my work and therefore my reputation, so I made the decision that from 9 – 6, since that’s all the time I’m allotted, I wouldn’t just be there physically but would actually be there and be present.  I made the decision to show up every day, mine as well do everything to the best of your ability while you are there anyway.  I’ve been called a mentor, I’ve had insane work (for a 40 hour period) dumped on me, I screamed for overtime to get it done and was denied, somehow still managed to get it done, appreciate those who helped me figure out how to rearrange and redo things to make it possible, and have tried to balance doing well without giving too much of a fuck.. that’s when it gets irritating.  But it’s not my personality to not care in anything I’ve ever done academically, professionally, personal interest, everything.  It’s in direct conflict with myself to not give a fuck.  Otherwise I shouldn’t have any part in it.  Well,  I finally finished the project and a couple people noticed and that was cool.  I finally got some recognition with a few peers, and it used to stress me out that this day hadn’t come.  It came and went yesterday, and I don’t care about that anymore.  I almost feel like I got nominated because my boss felt bad or felt some kind of guilt over other changes that were recently brought to light.

So I decided to shift my focus from work to school.  I felt if I’m running up a hill a work, wow Kate Bush, to distract myself with another pursuit I’ve been wanting desperately.  I went back to work months before I thought my health would allow last year… maybe I can do the same with university.  It’s terrifying.  Every time I’ve tried to push through this one my body has fought against me to the point of almost destroying itself.  I’m not like normal person healthy either, I don’t think it’ll happen, I made peace with it years ago.  But I think now my tolerance for pain and my threshold for activity has gone up.  I’m still walking around fatigued, I just try to hide it better.  Try to take better precautions to do as much as possible in a day without compromising the next.  Sometimes I still fubar that estimate.  I’m being given the impression that what I’ve been doing the last few months has been noticed by people in another office I never see, and that it’s supposedly planting seeds for opportunity in the future and there’s some verbal recognition.  I’m tired of lip service.  I see the illusion, I see the politics even if I don’t know how to play that game.  I don’t want to.  I should have been excited to get the thing I wanted last year.  I’m not.  I should be excited I’m starting university for the first time in 8 years in two weeks.  I’m already exhausted thinking about it.  But I still want it.  How do I have this much energy driving me to obtain goals in two different directions simultaneously when I barely have enough energy to get out of bed in the morning, and it’s a struggle every morning?  One thing I’ve been grateful is at least I already know what I’m doing at work and have established things so it’s not going to overwhelm me and conflict with my studies.  That is a silver lining.  I’m trying really hard here to find those.

Got home a little later than usual today since I had to work with contractors on busted TVs in conference rooms.  They’re fun people, I actually enjoy working with them and don’t mind it, aaand I get to sleep in and go in later tomorrow because of today. Win.  Random news thing in the living room regarding a cap in the state for selling solar freaked out dad.  I explained it was a temp thing and they’re pushing for an extension tomorrow, and it’s not going to kill the industry.  This was a lot of yes but here, have some logic.  This conversation spiraled into a lot of other things like the recall notice on the car we got two weeks after trading it in last year.  Earlier this week we got a post card saying the truck was one of the vehicles with a defect where if the airbag goes off shrapnel hits the occupants.  That is freaking insane.  What else is crazy is even though they offer to repair this at no cost, none of the dealerships have parts ready to fix it.  So we’re waiting on a follow up notice in the mail of when parts will be available to fix the death trap on wheels.  We ended up on a tangent about insurance companies and manufacturers deciding on how many deaths they’re potentially dealing with and the cost of lawsuits and settlements versus recalls, because the bottom line here is always about money, not life.  Two out of the last three cars we’ve had, have been recalled for some crazy life threatening shit.  I really hope my Asian car doesn’t have a homicidal streak like the last two American cars.  Don’t let me down baby.  Somewhere between car recalls and solar we got into how it’s illegal to go 100% off the grid even if you can sustain your property entirely on solar energy, or how it’s illegal to collect rain water, or in some places how you can’t grow your own food.  The one that angers me the most is how it’s illegal to feed the homeless.  That makes me so mad.  People from Occupy would bring food and supplies and give extra to the homeless.  I’ve seen people get yelled at and threatened, I know people who have been maced and arrested for this.  How can people face fines and  potentially jail time for any of the above?  But it’s okay for corporations to not recall lethal products if settlements are more cost effective, even if they’re killing people.  We talked legalities with insurance companies and somehow go to water tables being destroyed by old gasoline tanks and people drinking petroleum.  Famous cases like Erin Brockovich and Pacific Gas and Electric.  Dear lord, the downplaying of Fukushima.  So this is great, tonight my dad randomly mentions the Superfund site for William AFB where I grew up.  I asked him why he never brought it up before tonight and he said it just never came up but look it up.  Threw it into Google and I’m looking at the EPA page on it.  PCE and TCE were discovered in the ground water.  LNAPL “in the form of floating jet fuel and VOSs from disposal of industrial solvents… PCBs, and pesticides form past disposal practices.. etc.”  This stuff was going on while we lived there.    This stuff is crazy.  Earlier today while working on the TVs we were talking about the drought in California and agriculture and almonds.  It apparently takes 1.1 gallons of water to grow a single almond. We Google’d it.  One of the contractors has a major nut allergy, and we were discussing gluten and his household is careful to avoid it since they feel bloaty and terrible when they decide to consume it without thinking about it.  I’m glad I don’t have celiac, but too much exposure still causes flare ups, I hate it.  It’s better to avoid it.  We talked about the documentary Fed Up discussing the World Health Organization‘s daily limit of 25 grams of sugar in a diet, and how even though no more than 10% of someone’s energy should come from sugar, a lot of products go way past the daily limit.  I never even noticed how even though labels give percentages for things like sodium, fats, carbs, protein, etc, there is never a percentage next to sugar.  The food is bad, the land is bad, water is bad, trying to control any of it personally without affecting others is bad.  But if a large corporation or the government does it, it’s hidden, and when it’s exposed it blips in the news and disappears again.  I probably sound like a liberal with a bleeding heart.  I never thought of myself as a hippie, I’m not crunchy.  It’s the lobbying, and money, and corruption, and broken policies that compound that leave me in awe.  I wish more companies like mine would see this and do something about it, instead of continuing to exploit it.  There are far too many.  I consider myself pretty moderate politically.  I am human.  I believe in the human interest.  I guess I’ve been so wrapped up in my personal drama and pain that I needed to focus on other problems that weren’t my own. But this laundry list is the world’s problem.  That didn’t really help divert me from legitimate issues.  I guess these aren’t my problems in the sense that they’re mine alone, those ones seem pretty trivial after all the above. These problems belong to every living breathing person, and every person who has yet to see a sunrise or experience rainfall, or know the warmth, love, and security of a mothers tight embrace.  I am probably a fool, but I hope more people will acknowledge this before we are at the point of no return.

Just skip this Mel, it’s sex talk.

I can’t think.  I can’t brain, this this was really bad because it was really good.  My close gay friend almost made me orgasm by getting into my head.  I can’t remember the last time someone got to me like that with just words… that I wasn’t sleeping with.. but still even then holy hell.  We went to this awesome Chinese / Vietnamese place in Chinatown for dinner and on the drive back started talking about this guy he saw the other night and how it went and we brought up past relationships knowing when they went downhill because sexual frequency went way down.  There were a couple tangents and even though he identifies as gay he’s enjoyed being with women occasionally and has this oral fixation thing where he loves going down on men and women.  Then he randomly asks me if I liked getting my labia sucked.. while. I. was. driving.  Idk.  I never thought of it and I guess my partners never thought of it.  He found this amusing.

I mean, I don’t think and I can’t concentrate.  I get a little weird about this particular topic, and I didn’t go into this in the car, but like… I really enjoy giving, I really really enjoy giving I can relate on that on a high level, but the receiving gets weird.  I have this thing where I have to be right out of the shower and freshly groomed aaaaand even then I’m so sensitive I can’t deal with that much anyway.  For as much as I love it, more than a few minutes kills me.  It’s like enjoying being tickled a certain way or for a short amount of time but any more and it’s too much.  And this is such a weird thing to discuss I just don’t discuss it and I think I’ve made partners assume I don’t dig it previously… I actually have no idea.. and idk how I am on the receiving since I’ve never gotten a review.. I get great feedback on my giving abilities lol.  I’ve wondered how I am, I think everyone does, but I’ve been down women who weren’t fresh and haven’t wanted to repeat with them, and some women even if they’re clean just might have stronger scents and depending on how our chemistry will mesh we may or may not enjoy it.  That concerns me.  It kind of did back when I used to smoke weed at night years ago.  I never heard this personally but I remember someone telling me they went down on a woman and knew she smoked because of how she tasted… and it wasn’t pleasant.  This whole thing actually isn’t gender specific, I just experience it as a chick.. Whatever.  I’m rambling.  I can’t remember the last time someone went down on me and I think it was last year but I have a terrible memory as it is and despite that I’m kinda sad it’s that infrequent… even if I can only handle it for a few minutes.  Maybe I flail and twitch too much.  I feel like when it builds up too much I have to fight some auto struggle reflex and sometimes I’ve gone numb and it’s waaay too much.  So, he was like when things happen I should just shove their head down and wrap my legs around and I was like noooo, when I’ve been in scenarios where both parties are tired and under time constraints or I had to convince someone sex was okay, just getting that far I can’t even imagine asking.. for uhh… yeah.. well.  And he was like okay then be all you can’t go in until you go down, and my respond was nooooo!!!  Cause then I’d only feel like I’m depriving myself then, because I really really really do enjoy everything else.

But the uhhh, the conversation in the car.  So we’re both people persons and he likes to see how people think and how they work, and one of his curiosities is how they are in bed.  Which I find hilarious, I mean I’m a very curious person.  He made a general statement and then followed up saying I was curious and asked if I wanted to know what he’d hypothetically do and I said sure.  He said he knew he’d blindfold me and tie my hands up, and my eyes got really big and he was all like no you can still move them they’d just be tied together, and he’s big into sensory deprivation and I told him I don’t really have experience in that.  I’m actually a little apprehensive about it.  He said it heightens the other senses and to think of it like getting a massage except you can’t see what’s going on and you can feel the sensations on your back more.  That doesn’t sound bad.  This feels a little deceptive though.. potentially.  He then said he’d do his thing and talked about some game he plays with his tongue.  Oh and he has a Wartenberg wheel and I was like ohhh heeeeey so do I.  And toys are fun yaaay.  I’m rambling / typing bits of dialog but my brain ran with it while I was driving home and omfg.

So I’ve wondered…

How many times we’ve thought of each other, wanted to text each other, and decided not to bother the other person… around the same time.  Does that actually happen?  I am obsessed despite keeping myself busy.  This is bad.  This is just.. I’m so tired and aggravated at myself.

This week has been so physically painful, idk why I had  such bad fibro pain this last week and why my stomach has been jacked up.  At least I kind of accomplished things and was responsible this weekend, and tomorrow Anne is making some badass fancy as !@#$ dinner and we’re playing Cards Against Humanity.

I’ve studied more math in the last 48 hours than I have in the last decade.  Took pretty much all the assessments and did the entrance interview questionnaire thingie, and am only missing the essay exam.  My brain hit a brick wall so I decided to eat something and shower, then read some article a friend posted online How To Ruin Your Life (Without Even Noticing That You Are) .  There’s this one paragraph in there that really got to me..

“Why are we so enamored with the idea of first becoming somebody’s rather than somebodies? Trust me when I say that a love bred out of convenience, a love that blossoms from the need to sleep beside someone, a love that caters to our need for attention rather than passion, is a love that will not inspire you at 6am when you roll over and embrace it. Strive to discover foundational love, the kind of relationship that motivates you to be a better man or woman, the kind of intimacy that is rare rather than right there. “But I don’t want to be alone,” we often exclaim. Be alone. Eat alone, take yourself on dates, sleep alone. In the midst of this you will learn about yourself. You will grow, you will figure out what inspires you, you will curate your own dreams, your own beliefs, your own stunning clarity, and when you do meet the person who makes your cells dance, you will be sure of it, because you are sure of yourself. Wait for it. Please, I urge you to wait for it, to fight for it, to make an effort for it if you have already found it, because it is the most beautiful thing your heart will experience.”

I’ve been doing the solo thing officially since 2013.  I feel like emotionally I started in 2012.. and officially while still going, emotionally quit sometime last year? lol/cry I’ve fallen into the lonely trap, the convenience trap, the right here and now trap.. the I’ve been in it for almost 4 years trap, and there was the 2013 perfect storm where every aspect of my life is in pieces and the wrong person is here so I went with it trap.  It’s all a goddamn trap.  Perspectives / live lessons / whatever.  It’s been a mission not to fall into another trap or be with someone for the wrong reasons.  I don’t have to sleep next to someone, as much as I miss it.  There’s nothing wrong with waiting for the person who makes my cells dance as Bianca Sparacino put it.

I started catching up on Sailor Moon Crystal.  I like Pluto in this one waaay more than the other anime.  I like pretty much everything more with the new one, and they did something big that wasn’t in the manga or the og anime and it worked so well.  Kind of impressive.  Still haven’t done the essay… might just save it for tomorrow.  I was thinking of Mel’s wedding this morning while studying and she hit me up a couple hours later asking if I was doing a speech.  I warned her I suck at those and was going to wing it if she wanted me to do it, and pray the bar is in full swing and hopefully we’re on or past the champagne by then.  She wants it.  I’m doing it.  Imma wing it.  It’ll only be two minutes?  It’ll probably be the most trainwreck awesome thing I’ll do this year and I’m terrified and looking forward to it at the same time.  Mel said she was gonna cry.  I was like.. don’t do it.  If she cries I’ll cry.  Gdi.  We have 8 weeks to go.  I can’t believe my sister is getting married in only 8 weeks… September 10th is in 8 weeks right? Aaaand today I’m studying, taking exams, and watching Sailor Moon.  I hope we never change on the inside Mel.

Watching Humans episode 4 online and thinking about you.

There are some protected posts listed under the venting category, I decided to consolidate them under the same password.  You know it too btw, if you were ever wondering.

Some non dream related nonsense

I feel like typing a bunch of random ish for no reason.. because I can.  I have a feeling this could be lengthy nonsense.  Idk if these things get long because I type fast or because my mind doesn’t shut up.  Or both.

So I feel like I won the internet today, and all offline.  There were three flood rescues today, two roll over accidents off Summerlin Parkway, and I wasn’t part of any of that!  I seriously feel bad for everyone who was, I’m just glad I wasn’t.  The airport was shut down and the manhole covers around Valley View and Desert Inn are floating away in the streets.  Those things are heavy!  What if they hit someone or a car or something.  After parking under an overpass for a while I realized the water level wasn’t going down so I exited the freeway at Cheyenne and took that to the 95 to get home.  Less downhill, less water, the storm was already moving SE by then.  I have a great photo of this rain cloud pouring over where I live from where I work before I headed home.  And then I got home and immediately shoulder checked the staircase going into the living room.  I run into walls and trip over nothing.  But I’m so good in a car… which the exception of that one time on Sahara rd on the way to a Korean restaurant I don’t want to think about or ever acknowledge.. but besides that I’m good.  I mean if I had to pick I’d rather leave it the way it is.  Car is good, people are safe, I’m a hazard to myself walking around.  Call it good.

When I got settled in I showed mom this meme online that said something like “To my children, never make fun of having to help me with computer stuff.  I taught you how to use a spoon.”  This is accurate.  I’ve never made fun of mom for computer stuff.  I just help her happily.  She started laughing and then I learned about how when I was a baby I had some hatred for spoons.  I had no idea.. and that’s weird. These stories always end with “you were so stubborn.”   Well where do you think it came from? ._.  oww I just hit my knee on the desk while typing this out.

I have a headache.  I got to start enjoying a new supply of estrogen this morning and thought that would help but oww my face.  I wanted to sleep all day after this weekend but responsibilities.  Today actually wasn’t that bad.  Got a lot done.  Went to lunch with a friend at work but things got scary cause something happened to some girl sitting a couple booths away and they called paramedics.  Idk what happened, we were done with our lunch hour and were leaving.  I hope everything worked out there.

Anyway,  I’ve been obsessing over BoA’s 8th Korean album Kiss My Lips.  For the last few years she was putting out amazing work in Japan and her Korean fans were like.. heeey… what about us?  Don’t you love us anymore?  She does.  She. Really. Does.  omfg. Copy & Paste was a great album too but this.  The entire thing is perfection. There is no bad track.  There is no filler.   It made the Billboard’s top 10 world albums.  I was blasting it from Koreatown to Little Tokyo, it makes the drive in the storm better.  The entire thing is like my life lately, the last year.  It’s so up and down and emotional, especially this one song in the track list.  It’s officially the theme of adult Suejung.  Nothing fit for a long time because this hadn’t come out yet. lol  I haven’t seen the video for the first song on the album Kiss My Lips, and was like damn BoA and I are getting older.  But we both still look really good it’s okay.  We’re like a year and a half apart, I remember this cause her birthday is super close to my 1st boyfriend’s in high school.  I really don’t know how I feel about this video.  I’m used to seeing her dance and she dances really well, but this videos… super American in a not good way?  Idk.  Maybe I’ll like it tomorrow if I have an open mind on what to expect.  Who Are You had a super cute video.  So much Samsung product placement.  Everyone in the US has Apple.  All the Koreans got Samsung lol.  This album was the best purchase in a while.

I keep pretending to start university and then my schedule goes lol jk jk.  I was all okay do I wanna start at the beginning of August?  No? Defcon?  What about September then.. No?  Maid of honor at a wedding?  October?  ._.

I read the thing, I had to read it more than once.  And was confused that it just stopped.  And then open this up on one monitor and have it on the other to try and piece together timelines.  That was interesting to figure out.  I have so many things to ask and say.. but I feel like I can’t do it online. It’s not right.  I mean okay I can ask two things cause they’re not important and it’s curiosity but like the rest, the rest isn’t okay electronically.  BoA, and cons, and university.  I didn’t age the last decade.  It was like on the radio I was streaming from AZ today, Fitz was talking about how Smashing Pumpkins and Marilyn Manson are touring together, Jurassic World just came out, Terminator just came out, there’s Bush vs. Clinton in the campaigns so it’s all like the 90’s again.  Weird. I want to stand under hot water for a bit.  I’m out.


Hello bed

It’s 12:58AM on Saturday morning and I just got home.  I’ve spent more time in friend’s and loved one’s beds than my own this week, was introduced to this great cafe with the best tea selection and amazing gluten free red velvet cake, got an endorphin high off a massage, and have been dealing with some of the worst pms ever, then the worst pms swings into the worst sex cravings.  I’m used to exhaustion, not actual pain.  Idk…  Apparently my cycle synced back up with the full moon again.  One of the things I appreciate about my bc is being able to move around or postpone my periods and this time I didn’t realize I hadn’t put it on the calendar in June so I just enjoyed 5 weeks of… not this.  When I realized that Tuesday I was all.. alright maybe I should just suffer through.  There were a couple times I postponed these weeks because of when he was in town.. because I could.  I mean I can so why not… that and I think it’s kind of funny and awesome science lets me do these things when I want.  Uhh yeah, kept messing with it and still ended up back on the moon’s schedule. This is the most I’ve ever written about this ever.  I think it’s the only time I’ve written about this ever. Weird.  My bits were referred to as my box this afternoon too.  I couldn’t stop laughing.  Also never used the term bits or box.  lol.   So……  Anne had people over and made sangria and margaritas, aaaand rock fish and mango salsa for dinner.. I realized after the last ceviche I had.. had mango in it.. maybe I don’t have a mango allergy like I thought I did and something else was bothering me.  I’m really really hoping it’s not avocado.  I feel like I got two Saturdays this week, and derped around the first one which I desperately needed.

I’m in some really weird mental space right now.  It’s been a long time since I got to enjoy the kind of sex where you can laugh and be silly, I mean it should always be fun and happy, but been a while since I could giggle, and laugh, and crack a joke all while being in the middle of everything, and to be 100% there mentally and emotionally.  I really missed it, being able to laugh and be playful.. to shake and tremble above him, and I know he gets as much enjoyment out of it as I do. Dammit I wish I had more time on top.  Idk why I didn’t think about removing my ring before it hit my cervix.  D:<   Every time he left Vegas I kept myself occupied by driving to Phoenix, or going to an event, or just not being alone.   Usually it’s hard to find that sweet spot in the middle from spending time with friends without burning out or going home and falling into some deep lonely depression.  Every time it was time for him to leave for the airport I’ve cried, even after telling myself I wouldn’t.  Each time it’s been less and less.  I think I’m alright for now.. like despite what very little time there was, and how exhausted we were, we tried to get as much out of that time as possible and for that I am grateful.  I feel like I got to get some things off my chest I’d been holding onto for months, filled in some gaps, am better understood, and understand why things happened, and even got to ask some things I wondered in the back of my mind but never thought to vocalize.  I can’t wait for round 3… and I’m hoping that’s Defcon week, I’m sure we could fit some time in.  I really want to see the pretend angel pdf before then,  it’s not just curiosity, I’m wondering if I’d gain some insight from it, and get to see responses from things I’ve said on here previously.  I wonder how he’s celebrating bibimbap day.  I never got to finish my points or transition when discussing the little bit of history I brought up Wednesday night but we were out too late and fading fast.  All we can so is try our best with the circumstances we’re given… I guess. The anger from April is gone.  I’m still hurting but not for the same reasons, and it’s not as sharp anymore.  It’s dull and faded after the first two rounds.  Maybe that’s a little bit of closure.

Car accidents

It’s been a very long, eventful, exhausting, and fun weekend. Got over my fear of roller coasters and really enjoyed them, saw some awesone shows and fireworks, got to get my BB cuddle time in, and road trip with my other family.

I remember a bit about this mornings dream. It’s been not stop go go go the last three days in haven’t eBen though of writing. But this morning I woke up from a dre where I witnessed a really bad car accident, I wasnt in it. That was just the last part, and there was a bunch of weird disturbing stuff before that but I can’t remember.

Earlier this evening my parents were driving on the freeway and this bumper was in the middle of the road. The truck in front of them swerved and tried to avoid it but still ran it over and almost flipped over. Dad decided to let it go under the car and not risk flipping. There didn’t seem to be any issues about a puncture or anything but the cars going to the dealership to get checked this weekend anyway. It’s scary. If the truck had kicked the bumper up it cold have gone through the windshield and killed my parents. Its scary as !@#$.

Vegas morning

I haven’t been home much this weekend and haven’t slept much, it’s been little naps here and there.  I don’t blog the dailies like I used to years ago and it feels like mundane events aren’t worth going over, but I’ve read back on some entries that are almost a decade old now and remembered exactly what was going through my head then, how I felt, how I reacted and later how I got out of it.. how the dust settled.  All that.  I try to remind myself that most issues won’t matter in a couple months, and you are untouchable by almost every issue by the time a year has passed.

I had a Vegas morning when I woke up.  I think this is probably the 3rd but I can only really remember one time before in 2012.  I tried to figure out what qualified as a “Vegas morning” and it’s the morning after, where you wake up and get in your car and it’s bright.  This is the only time in a long time I didn’t have sunglasses on me, I expected to be home before 4am.  But it’s bright, the sun is up, the lights are off or dim, and you see the city for what it is.  It’s just these ridiculous buildings, and these ridiculous people.   I’ve called it superficial and vapid for a long time.  I’ve seen people at slots, playing video poker at the bar, and they look anything but happy.  I’ve never cared for casinos, some might be a little more tolerable than others.  Everyone at this hour is exhausted, it’s 9am and they’re checking out.  It’s the worst time to be alone, a Vegas morning is painfully lonely without the company of a friend or a companion.

Earlier this week my favorite fwb from Phoenix said he’d be in town with a group of friends for a bachelor party and he wanted to catch up.  I wasn’t expecting anything, we hadn’t seen each other in two and a half years.  Friday night I found them at Culinary Dropout and made fun of them for going to Culinary Dropout at the HRH since there’s one in Scottsdale, which is like coming here and going to Cornish Pasty Co since they were founded in Tempe.  They were all yeah we’ve been there but we like the fondue so we’re here.  It’s the only thing I liked on the menu when I went to the one in Scottsdale years ago.  That place tries to be high end while cutting corners, but that’s another story.  This one wasn’t bad, there was live music, I actually walked up to the bar and got an angry orchard to drink while I awkwardly walked around looking for them… trying to be less awkward because alcohol.  They were all cool, and Eric kept asking me where to go, what’s fun, I have to know cause I’m a local. I was all look, I am still a Phoenix native, I still say I’m from Phoenix whenever I get asked where I’m from.  Whatever.  I suggested Fremont with Container Park in mind, the bars are more casual, my favorite Mexican food is nearby, they wanted to walk the strip.  I warned them walking from the HRH to the strip was longer than the entire length of Mill Ave and they were all okay, by the time we got there they were like oh !@#$.  The groom was not interested in anything stereotypically Vegas, no strippers, gambling was meh, alcohol was sure.  They asked me where would I take a 13 year old girl to impress her, that’s what Chad would be into.  I said Chinatown Mall where all the Hello Kitty stuff was.   They were walking north towards the Venetian, I discovered the groom played DDR and was very arrogant about his skillz.  I drunk challenged him to DDR and he said he’d won, I said I’d kick his ass, then mentioned Gameworks at Town Square.. we’d been walking in the opposite direction.  We took a bridge across the street to the Cosmo and went up to Holstein’s for alcoholic milkshakes.  They took forever.  Then they listened to my idea of fireball and DDR and we took a cab to Gameworks.  They closed at 1am. We were all wtf.  Went to McFadden’s, they were charging a cover. WTF.  Double Helix was closed, we drank at Yardhouse.  Went back to HRH and chilled then I left.  Didn’t get home until 4am, I was so tired.

Saturday I slept in and watched Private Practice on Netflix.  Texted Matthew and he was indirectly back and forth about hanging out even though everyone was all I should come back and go to the pool party at Rehab.  Later he texted explaining Eric got blackout drunk because him and his wife were separating and some lady called him to inform him her husband was sleeping with his wife.  His primary focus the entire trip was going wherever there were pretty girls.  He asked me where my single girlfriends ended up, I said Palazzo in Phoenix and Rogue in Scottsdale.  He asked where in Vegas, I said idk it’s the strip so a club?  Oh yeah at the Cosmo he was listing things and alt and goth came up so I pulled a before and after pic I had when I goth out.  Now it’s like super saiyan levels.  That pic on the right was super saiyan lever 4.  That night I was at level 2.  Now it’s a running joke.  Anyway, Saturday Matthew had to clean up behind him when he was hitting on chicks and shoulder checking guys.  He was verbally threatening others and himself, later he passed out and peeps were taking turns watching him.  Then I got a text saying he didn’t want to lead me on, and I was all what?  So I reminded him I wasn’t expecting anything, but this was weird since the previous night his hand was on my back or hip, it was subtle, it sent a message.  I’m pretty sure my body language responded.  I decided to take myself on a date and got Hawaiian fusion tacos then went to see Ex Machina.  I used to go to movies with friends all the time and maybe saw two in 2013, or one in 2013 and one in 2014?  Ex Machina looked so good it was worth going out to watch instead of just downloading it.  It was really worth it.  It’s a Black Mirror episode in a full length movie.   After the movie I texted Matthew and he said they were on the floor gambling.  I found them at the bar and got wine, we stood around discussing plans.  We took group photos, Eric wanted a photo with this hot stripper behind him, I took photos and she posed.  She was super nice, she had mad skills and was up to the ceiling doing nifty things.  I tipped her and she hugged me and said my dress was gorgeous. They finally listened to my idea about going to Fremont, we got in a limo and when we got to the street he said everything on Fremont was closed by 2am.  I was suspicious since it was Saturday night.. but I ran into this last night…. I asked if Insert Coin and The Griffin were down, or the Fremont street experience, he said the lights were off.  Eric opened his mouth about strip club and they mentioned Sapphire.  Oh em jee.  We ended up going, I felt so bad for the groom.  He’d rather drink and game, I think most of us felt that way but we were doing bachelor Vegas thanks to Eric.  The driver mentions how he thinks there are male dancers so there’s something for everyone and I was all it’s all good, I’m bi.  He said he’d get us there for free and have HRH pay for it and then get us in without cover so we’d only have to deal with the two drink minimum.. because I’m bi.  Everyones happy.  I don’t get it.  The place is loud, and huge, and stupid.  It’s like walking into a club, like a dance club, except it’s majority spectators and topless dancers.  They were saying earlier how they weren’t into clubs… well… this isn’t much different.  I go to the bar and use a drink ticket for wine.  For once in my life I have cash on me and this one curvy stripper is on the stage so I walk right up and tell her she’s beautiful.  She says I’m beautiful and I tip her then she gropes my rack.  I decided this was a lot like my 21st birthday except I’m too sober for this and walk away.  We scored a couple seats and chilled at the bar watching the stage.  Ken and I found Matthew but we were separated from everyone else.

This is where shit gets real. I asked Matthew what was going on with his text earlier and his leading on comment since it didn’t make sense to me.  He explained how he’d been seeing this girl off and on for a while, and their dynamic, and how her mom really never took care of her, and she needed a place so she’s been staying with him.  She works in hospice and it’s a really hard job and he’s been a support for her, and she’s been a support for him, she’s been a sounding board for him.  He very honestly described a codependency without using that term.  He was very honest about what he was in and said he couldn’t see himself being with her forever but wasn’t sure what he was doing at the time.  I told him that first of all we’ve always been no strings attached.  I asked him if he remembered how I approached him and he said yeah and that I was very brave. lol. I told him its been two and a half years since we’d seen each other and I would have expected him to go on and do other things, and that I’ve done quite a bit myself.  We’ve always been a no strings thing and we ended up being friends, that was icing.  I have no expectations, and I wanted to come hang out whether sex was involved or not, and no matter what happens, in the end everything is going to work out.  I think he knows inside what he wants but he’s not ready to pull the trigger with her because it’s going to be messy.  He hugged me and said I was such a good friend, and I’m too sweet.  He said I was too sweet via text earlier.  During most of the evening his hands were wandering my back and hips, and he was massaging my neck and shoulders… so now that I had this information the words and actions not lining up made sense.  I actually felt bad about our physical interactions no matter how subtle, they were will suggestive.  I was thinking about her in his home in Scottsdale.  Even if she’s bad for him, he should end it with her and not lead her on.  This has nothing to do with me,  I don’t have anything invested.  He would kiss my neck or my cheek, I couldn’t kiss him back.  It wasn’t in me.  We finally left and I was drunk, it was way past my intended exit time.  I crashed out in the room, woke up at 9, drove home.. Vegas morning…

This morning I was… not hurt.  That’s too strong.  I don’t even know if I want to say disappointed.  We’re on fb and he’s never mentioned her once, she doesn’t come up.  We’d been hanging out all weekend and I hear about her at 4am in a strip club while his hands are all over me.  We’ve invested into a friendship, not love.  I don’t understand why people finally disclose things when they do, when they’re already caught up in something.  We’ve been affectionate but never romantic.  I never fell in love with him, I know that’s mutual.  We’ve been able to chill and drink or grab food, and I never tried to separate him from his group, so I don’t understand why his on again off again gf didn’t come up until this morning.  Sure I knew him before he met her but I’d rather he do things right for his sake and for hers.   I’ve walked out of every relationship when I got to the point where I saw it was only downhill from where we were.  If I was interested in someone else, casual or otherwise,  I knew it was time to go.  I’ve never cheated on a significant other, I’ve been the other woman once now, and I’m still figuring that out.    Is there something about me where men are in some terrible relationships and they see me as a temporary escape and things are fine and then later they’re like now is the time to drop the bomb on me?  I don’t know what that says about me.  I don’t want to be some escape for people who are unable to deal with their lives because they’re so terrible but they’re unwilling to change their situation for the better.  I was wondering on the drive home if the guy I hooked up with in 2012 had a gf back home in the UK.  I will never know.  I hope not.

Visit me in my dreams?

This morning my friend at work Terry said he had the strangest dream and felt he had to tell me about it since I love hearing about dreams.  In this one he was at a party and appetizer trays were going around.  They had bars of soap on them and he took a few and carved one into a cell phone and it worked.  He said it was weird, I thought it was nifty. lol

Online Kelli said “If I visit you in dreams, I’m on the prowl apparently.  Let me know the stories!!! I am so full of love and affection I could burst!”  I’m really hoping she visits me tonight now.  I’m kind of serious.  (I miss her)

I remembered dreams when I woke up this morning but I felt they weren’t worth recording so I don’t remember them now.  Visit me in my dreams, it’ll make me want to remember them.

Random passing thoughts in the shower tonight included omg hot water feels so good, I think hot water at the end of the day can fix almost anything.  I am going to lose all the purple in one shot… it’s okay I’m still good.  I shaved my legs omg they feel good.. I wanna wrap them around.. omg I shaved in between my… feels soooo smooth.  I’m all nice, and soft, and warm, why am I sleeping alone? I want chocolate.  No I don’t.  My sleep schedules still gonna be effed up.

Sage shared an article this evening called “Are you beautiful? I asked 100 men what ‘physical beauty’ is and the results shocked me” by Rozanne Leigh.  He said the headline was “kinda clickbate” but the article was true, stop getting sick over how you think you should look etc. I loved it, Margaret Cho and Tina Fey were quoted.  It kind of encompassed how I’ve viewed things the last few years and it really contrasts where my mindset was in my teenage years and early 20’s.  I think a lot of the issues I had were influenced by who I was around, the situations I was in, who I dated back in the day, and how I let those things impact my perspective.  Loving “gothic beauty” and counterculture probably helped a lot back then.  It’s funny that fighting to be me and not focus on appearance is probably what made me love myself inside and out, and saved me from some really bad things that probably could have killed me.  I shouldn’t even be here right now, and I’m so happy I am.  I’m comfortable in my own skin, and no one is ever going to change that.  This is redundant from yesterday, but I became that goth queen I wanted to be when I was 15.. and I rarely ever wear makeup. lol

It’s 11:45PM.  Dammit.


I’ve never woken up to so much snow before, and I know I can appreciate it in 37 degree weather instead of somewhere like back east where the cold would be unbearable. My mountains were covered in snow. Yesterday I said my heart had been breaking ever so slowly and asked if there would be better days. Quite a few friends assured me there would be.  I was told “you have too beautiful of a heart for it to ever be allowed to break.”  That almost made me cry. Anyway, this was like waking up to a love letter from the universe. All I could see was snow and fog, and the clouds for miles kissing the earth. It was like being in a city in the sky.

It’s 1:27am, I just got home, can’t even think, can barely keep my eyes open. Neglected this thing for a week since I didn’t record what I dreamed about and forgot about them. It’s not that important… I feel like I spent the last week living a dream instead, and it was much more interesting. I watched two people get pulled over behind me, thank you for letting me borrow your luck.

I’m glad I claimed areas, so when you’re here you are mine, and I am yours.  I miss you. Saranghae.

Absinthe & Agony

I had to give the I will not be your gf / I’m not looking for a husband spiel last night. Didn’t think we were going there and haven’t had to do that in a while. Yes I’m smart, have a pretty face, really nice legs, and am enjoyable company.  I almost feel guilty about those things.  There’s never chemistry on my side.  He asked if I was seeing someone and I said no, that I’ve been single a year and a half, that I’m not looking for anything, and I’ve done better on my own.  I’m free and clear here.  He thought we had so much in common. I thought to myself… no.. I’ve gone millions of miles further before. Are people so disconnected now that this will suffice for them?

He was able to see my light side, but I know he’ll never understand the dark. Not like someone I already know.  Nothings ever been more complete…  or more beautiful to me. I don’t want someone who just accepts every facet of my being, I want someone who appreciates it.


It’s porn

I knew I didn’t have enough of a knowledge base or content for this funny and highly entretaining hentai challenge so I recruited friends for assistance online. They had some interesting content, my Canadian Korean buddy came through like I expected and then a good friend I used to work with shared the funniest picture and won at the end of the day. I asked where he found it and he linked me reddit’s hentai thread… of course. I never thought of that, but of course they’d procure this, especially this one it’s perfect. lol So I blame all the porn I burned through last night from all the link tangents for this one.

My legs were over his shoulders and he grabbed my hips to pull me down closer. There’s that little internal panic and excitement of not being in control of your own movement before you give up and enjoy whats happening. I know what it’s like, it feels like too much and it feels too good at the same time, like my legs twitch and I can’t get away so all I can do is rock my hips and remind myself to breathe. Pleading with him and begging him in my mind to fuck me because I’m so wound up and it’s almost unbearable but saying nothing because now I’m wondering how much further I can go.

And then the alarm goes off and it’s 5am. I hate my brain. Gdi.

Chris Hardwick and Steven Yeun

In my dream from this morning Chris Hardwick and Steven Yeun were hitting on me on Tinder.  I mean I know I’ve been waiting for TWD and Talking Dead to start back up but heavens no, hell yeah.  The Bloodhound Gang has been stuck in my head off and on for days.  There was other stuff after in the dream too where I was stuck in this condo that looked like it sustained damage post earthquake, or possibly a bombing?  I wanted to go upstairs but instead of getting out of my way or just going upstairs this dude would move up a stair then I’d move up.

I know there was a bunch more but I forgot because I didn’t draft it, not drafting it while still half asleep pre-functional already causes a huge memory loss.  I notice if I do these when I start waking up I get write a lot more detail down and this really is a legit dream blog, or if I finish this up and post at night it becomes less dream content and more bs “dear diary” stuff.  I love how my mind says “dear diary” like Bette from AHS: Freakshow. Brain dumping stupid thoughts in here has been more of an outlet than I expected (it actually still works).  I’m still trying to figure out how I got these two bruises on my right thigh.  I noticed them this morning when I got up, they’re like dime size.

I’m catching up with Mel, telling her about the high school lj I’m transcribing dreams from.. still kind of relevant to the cause, and she was all omg where did the time go, since that was 11 years ago.  We’re talking about how we met because of the anime club in high school, and she said she nearly cried when she read my post that I was losing everyone.  I almost cried when I read it yesterday too, but we always kept in contact with each other.  She said she remembered the moon crescent I used to wear all the time, I lost it in a move years ago.  She was all “sucks, strange how I still remember it.” lol   I’m probably going to read this in 10 years the same way I read 2004 entries yesterday… cringing at how much of an idiot I was.  It’s so hard and painful and embarrassing to read some of it.

I woke up in my friend’s guest room this morning and saw my reflection in the mirror. Sometimes I can see a beautiful woman looking back at me, which is still weird to process, but on the rare occasion I can see my beauty I think of you and hope this is how you saw me in the early mornings.

I was so happy seeing your gorgeous smile first thing.. I said I’d take as many mornings as you’d be willing to give, and I feel like I missed the biggest opportunity in my life for love and happiness, and not by choice.