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Dear Ms. Myers

Congratulations on legally becoming female.  You’d asked me if I was proud of you and I said I was, and I meant it.  I still do.  You’ve made some big changes in your life while overcoming the death of a loved one, domestic violence, and unique obstacles I cannot relate to, but can sympathize with as a woman.  Recently I had stated that your interactions with me had become overbearing and had been making me uncomfortable over time.  You immediately tried to cover this up as a misunderstanding that you love me as a friend and did not treat me as a significant other and were not trying to make sexual advances.  But that’s not the point,  you decided not to address my concern at face value.  If someone comes to you with an issue, you cannot decide it’s invalid and try to change it’s context.  So I reiterated I needed to be authentic to myself and reestablish boundaries with you.  You said okay and that you would give me space.. which isn’t what I requested.  I requested respect for my boundaries but if that’s the only way you know how to address the situation, I’ll take it.  Instead of choosing to work with me on this, you decided to part ways, and I have to accept that.

I didn’t realize until today that you’d dropped me from social media too.  Again that’s fine. But then I remembered all the times you’d made these posts about “real friends” and people who “actually supported you” instead of fake people.  I really hope you didn’t lump me in as disingenuous or uncaring.  I was there to listen, I showed up when your mother passed,  I was there to talk when you were having a breakdown.  I encouraged you to seek out help and reach out to any and all resources available to you.  I understood your girlfriend was not being supportive and you didn’t have the foundation you wanted while you struggled with your demons.  I can’t fill in the gaps she’s created.  You asked me to be your rock and I explained I couldn’t be that person because I have my own things going on.  I’m not trying to be selfish, but I have to draw the line for my own mental well being.  Again, this is why I encouraged you to use all resources at your disposal, and not just rely on one or two.  I was glad to hear you were going to therapy.  When you fluctuated back and forth between fighting to hold on to being suicidal I didn’t know what to do.  I tried to be a friend but I am not a professional when it comes to these things.  Your life and willingness to live, or dissent into being suicidal cannot be on my shoulders.  Again I encouraged you to go after help, and you have since said you’ve sought it out.

Friendship is a partnership like any dynamic.  It is a mutual give and take and sometimes when we fall we need a little more from our friends.  I understand that.  The last few months has all been take and I don’t think you realized you had been pushing the envelope for a while.  I tried to let things slide.  I’d tell you about other friends who went through transition and how happy they were to be themselves to the world.  Your insecurities are understandable while you are still discovering yourself.  Your constant need for validation with your photos and asking “am I cute?” or “do I look alright?” and “am I doing this right?”  were too much.  A couple times would have been one thing, but we shouldn’t be asking other people to completely validate us as individuals, and that is too much pressure on one person.  I should not have to shower you with words of assurance and complements.  Do you have any idea how much of an awkward position you put me in with those solicitations?  This had become a majority if our interactions.   My other girl friends don’t do this to me, cis or trans.  You asked me if I thought you were hot, you offered to show me your breasts in a photo and when I declined you asked me why I cared like it was a personal offense, saying it’s all the same anatomy anyway instead of respecting me.  Just because I’ve chosen to exchange photos with women previously does not allow you that same access of intimacy with me, and to demand that role in my life without my permission or consent is wrong.  Your behavior is an issue that is outside the scope of gender, and whether you want to realize it or not, expectations based on previous interactions with other people is a relic of rape culture.  My boundaries are not up for discussion, and that is not a personal slight against you or anyone.  You even asked me to poke your breasts to feel how firm they were in a parking lot.  Now ask yourself, who does that?

I understand everyone handles events in their lives differently, but this is exactly what I mean by overbearing.  I don’t know how many times I asked myself if you also had these interactions with other people, or other women, or just me?  I appreciate you being comfortable enough to confide in me but that’s not free license to act this way.  And you did not want to discuss this or actually dig into why I was bringing an issue up with you.  I have to care enough, and believe a problem is solvable, to bring it up instead of walking.  But you decided to walk.  Which is okay.  I hope you understand supporting you does not mean letting you slide on things.  Support does not equal being a doormat, and if you believe otherwise you have a whole other issue that’s entirely unrelated to your transition.  I hope you succeed in your endeavors and become the person you hoped to be inside and out.  I hope that you don’t see me as an enemy, and remember me as an ally from a distance.  I am certainly an ally of the LGBTQI community, and our interaction does not make me question where I stand in that regard.


Umm… I’ve been trying to figure a lot of stuff out for a while and I think giving up for a bit and dropping it to go hang out and not think about things probably helped more than anything.  I feel like I have my own autonomy back (not like it was ever lost or surrendered) but I needed a reminder in how to exercise my freedom to act on things without thinking about any long term goals or about anyone other than myself.  I had to remember how to establish different dynamics and build partnerships that worked for both individuals.  I had to remember I get to choose who to spend time with and to make the effort to actually see them, and that I don’t have to see others if I didn’t want to.  I needed to go from theory to practice and remember that denying myself of my own needs was it’s own form of self destruction even when I was lying to myself about my intent.  I know self care is very important but society never makes time for it.  I’m still learning, and still undoing society’s programming.

This wasn’t some repeat of 2012 where I opted out of a bad relationship and was fired from a company literally a week later.  I didn’t spend a week drunk so I could swing from one extreme of panic to one of almost apathy.. it wasn’t apathy.. but it was the wrong execution, attempting to escape from reality, and that forced me to look at my priorities later.  I was bordering on self destruction there.  A lot of it was survival from outside factors, but I didn’t have the prior experience to deal with everything crashing down on me in that way yet.

It’s good this isn’t my first run, and this time is much better.  I have more control in my life, I can moderately do things so they balance without sacrificing something.  I never wanted to be a slave of obligation and societal expectations, or the lies I told myself.  I had been so straight laced for so long I hadn’t realized I was sacrificing happiness for some ideal of some greater good in the future.  I needed a week to dive back into my hedonist roots and reset, and the contrast over the last 5 years is good.  It’s really good.

I probably look like I’ve been constantly changing my mind, like I don’t know what I’m doing, or what I want.  My wants have always been consistent, but it takes a long time for me to adjust to circumstances when I am.. adjusting.. and not just running away or cutting things entirely out of my life.  I might look like I’m trying to force myself into situations I can’t emotionally handle because I am tied to my desires and will continue killing myself every night I go to bed alone.  I had to lose you entirely.  I had to know our impermanence, like I knew it intellectually, but I had to declare it and live it.  I had to destroy myself to see what I would become after.  Slow motion heartbreaks where I could still see any reflection of a future weren’t enough.

And I still love you very much today, people don’t just wake up one morning and have a change of heart.  If they did they were liars, or had been in denial about a slow change that had started before they noticed it.  Pushing for all or nothing was terrible, I hate that in any situation.  I know that I will never marry you,  I know that I will not get to plan trips or lifetime milestones with you, which broke my heart immensely.  I couldn’t have any dynamic with you while transitioning mentally.  I still don’t know what we are, I don’t care to know.  I do not want a label.  There are going to be times where I bow out for a while and get quiet when I’m being emotional, there are going to be times where I will want to excitedly blow your phone up.  I’m not going to chastise myself about this anymore. I know time helps,  change in environment helps, reconnecting with friends, going easy on myself and not guilting myself over things, all that will slowly help.  I know someday I will love someone as much as I love you now, I don’t know when that’s going to happen (I’m not rushing),  but I can start moving forward with my life and without this push pull we’ve had to deal with over the last two years.  We change over time, we can enjoy each other’s company when our paths cross, we can leave it at that and be happy for each other’s happiness.  I know we still care about each other and that is enough.


I’ve considered the Vegas dating/hook up/whatever scene to not even be worth window shopping in since I moved there.  I mean I never considered Phoenix to be that great but it’s a lot better by comparison.. which is pretty sad for Vegas.  And I’ve been on the fence about doing anything with anyone.  Part of me feels like I would be betraying my own heart, but I know I should be allowing myself to take more steps towards moving on.  Wtf happened to me?  I’ve always been selective, but still suuuuuper free spirited when I find someone I’d actually want to hit up. I’m not worried about hurting anyone… I’m more concerned about my emotions after.  I don’t know if I’m going to feel better with the distance after or if I’m going have to damage control some unexpected emotional fallout from inside.  I have not been able to sleep with anyone else.  No one else has kissed or held me since, and that’s probably making it harder to try again.   I’m making this harder on myself.  I’m being ridiculous.


I know it’s only been a week since I was punted from my old corporate life, but everything’s either pushing me to stay in Vegas, or move to Scottsdale… and not just the Phoenix metro area, but specifically Scottsdale and it’s super weird. lol.  And as for Seattle thing, it’s nifty but it’s riskier than the two other cities where I have more support. Some recruiter is supposed to follow up on Seattle but *shrugs*

I’m so exhausted, I’ve met so many peeps I feel like some brand ambassador or someone who is touring.  And I said I’d stop looking at work things so I could finish the school things for now but more work things keep popping up, which is good, but I really wanna finish this Linux thing and haven’t studied yesterday or today. I just wanna sleep now. U^U; zzzzz

I hope results from the doc came back alright.


Don’t drop bombs on me and then disappear.

Even if you don’t realize it’s a bomb, doesn’t mean it all of a sudden it isn’t one.

I’m sorry your silence after freaked me out and I sent a message. I didn’t know you were at breakfast.

I am still shaking from anxiety.


I’m way more exhausted than I expected to be at the end of the week.  I guess I’ve been staying super busy tying loose ends, speeding through errands, and getting everything I’m “supposed to” situated so I could free up time and dedicate everything to studying right now… and got less done than I wanted this morning due to bs and then spent all afternoon researching and found some free money and resources for friends and then the Cisco thing for myself AND got a loooot more ish done than I thought I would.  Glad I held off on switching my major after all.  I’ve needed to develop a set routine but wanted other stuff out of the way first, and I got like 80%-ish of everything done so… I’m probably going to cancel going to Phoenix to speed through Linux.  I need this done before Cisco if I get the scholarship.  That should be a “when” but nothing is guaranteed. This is a three month program, it looks like it’s going to hurt like a mofo.  I still want it cause I’m crazy.

So I’ve spent this evening re prioritizing the order I want to do things in and figuring out feasible time frames with minimal (hopefully) burnout.  I’m going to respond to the last round of recruiters and leads and then stop putting time into job stuffs until this is done.  I started the first Linux class, it’s 45 hours of lecture, omg. *crying inside*  Plus the practice exams after that, and burning through those nonstop takes me about two days.  So yeah, I have to make a strict normal people schedule and stick with it.  Omg all of this feels overwhelming right now.  I already have weekend plans so I’m thinking of trying to casually do a couple hours here and there, and then dive in Monday with a 5 or 6 hour schedule. This whole thing is crazy.  The timing on all of this couldn’t have been more perfect if I had planned it. Omg.

Edit:  I have a goddamn phantom work phone I keep thinking I’m neglecting, or lost, at night.


Due to running my schedule 100% on my own whim and stuff, I will probably revert back to my old nocturnal ways. o.o

I am so exhausted today, I had such a good day.  I let everything sink in, and cheated and didn’t find a gluten free pizza cause my main priorities were cheese and grease and slices you fold in half, and I regret nothing! Not even this slight tummy ache.  Apparently half of a guild is into me, how wild is that concept?  *tangents* And my friends invited me to hunt Pokemon, and I have other friends hitting me up sending me url’s of their company job sites offering to be employee referrals, work friends I hadn’t seen in years are coming out of the woodwork to help me.  A nice recruiter called me about a spot in Phoenix not even two minutes after I left the Zoom meeting with TEO, but I want this thing I saw in Seattle, and the other thing somewhere I forgot what it’s called.  Everyone has been super sympathetic offering to help me however they can, trying to be super supportive… and I feel like such a fraud.  They have no idea how happy I am to be out of the toxic environment, I mean it started great but in the end it was bad, we know it.  I know I’m fine from a financial and future employment perspective and will probably take this as a shot to cram in the Linux cert so I have a better shot at the Seattle one or the Cali one, or the other one I can’t remember where it is right now and I’m too tired to look right now.  I’m so tired, it’s like when this stress is lifted off your back and you just need a nap.  But it’s after midnight so yeah.  I’m sure you’re super exhausted from literally everyone hitting you up in a panic trying to make sense of what’s going on, or see who else got hit.  I’m curious too, I guess that’s normal.  Dinner tomorrow at 7 should be interesting. ._.

I really hope you’re doing okay, and that you’re not holding on to any guilt or regret.  Everyone is going to you because they trust and respect you.  You are very much loved.


Mandatory One on One right at 9:00AM sharp tomorrow morning with TEO.  And I was told TEO and Axel understood this was a broken process and was not my fault.

I thought I was at least going to make it till Wednesday, lol.

There’s a lot of speculation going around in the office about you, and I’m sure they’re all wrong.


Day 1 without you and I already managed to cause my first sev 1.. that I’m aware of. What timing.

At least you don’t have to hear from everyone about it, and at least everyone agrees it’s due to a broken process and not my own negligence. *shrugs*




Are you getting more sleep? I know you’re always busy with other stuff and have the university thing and other things but I at least *hope* a majority of your schedule was being eaten by the thing you’re not actively doing right now. Idk how else to word it, it’s weird. That’s weird. This is all weird. I’m still feeling lost in the dark and ignorant af. But whatever.

I hope you’re getting more sleep and are legit resting instead of pushing yourself too much.


Thank you for answering what you could. I have three more questions but I’m not going to be rude and post them, maybe someday I’ll get to ask.

I know you’ve already gone a lot further than you should have, and I appreciate you doing that for me.


I’m speculating a lot of terrible things. I know I shouldn’t, cause it’s unhealthy… and I can’t ask questions or verify anything.. but my brain is an asshole sometimes. Okay most of the time.

Did someone decide I was a liability with how I’m connected to you and decided to drop me before I was a corporate scandal? Are you only on leave until I’m fired?

Did your doc make you go on loa? Or did you go on loa because of me? You’ve always been overworked and never took time for yourself before, I know everything is worse now.. regarding everything.. but..

My brain needs to stfu.


Did they go through your phone?  If we ever spoke are they looking at phone records or are you being recorded or something?  What’s made everything a little better?  I mean better is good.  I know you’re obligated to say you can’t talk about everything right now, but it would be nice to actually hear you for once.

Do they know about our sites?  My domains are registered privately but idk how much that actually helps.