Every prince is a fantasy, the witch is inside of me…
I went out to the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival for a little bit last night before grabbing food with a friend. I didn’t realize until after one of the dishes was tempura fried and thought one night would’t kill me and I would resume my clean eating today (I hate that terminology so much). I woke up feeling like I had the flu and was just in a car accident. I didn’t know it could feel this bad after avoiding gluten for a while. So I guess there’s that.
The star will shine, and then it’ll fall. And you will forget it all.
I’ve made the hard decision to not complete the scholarship and to formally withdraw from university for now. I’d been making it a priority to put sleep first, then eating regularly, working, going to my appointments, and then finally handling the apartment and doing school last, those last two competed for time and energy if either actually happened. This wasn’t sustainable and I had a lot of pride to shake off to admit it. But I’ve destroyed myself before trying to not let anything go, and then failed at it all. I feel defeated and heartbroken about this. And I keep trying to remind myself that I made it through a move and learning a new job, and now I’m starting all over again learning yet another job. Everything has been different the last three weeks. I’m tired of feeling guilt every time I borrow time to breathe, leave the apartment, and see a friend or go to an event. And I need time that’s not dedicated to work or school for my own sanity. I don’t want everything slipping out of my hands again, I don’t want to destroy my health, and I really hate feeling like a glass canon. Hopefully scaling down now means I can pick this back up later when there’s more bandwidth. One of my mentors said she wasn’t sure how I was appearing sane when I was in the office during the day. A friend said catching myself before falling shows I’ve matured since the last time I faced this kind of decision. I get it logically, but it’s not sinking in emotionally. I don’t feel that way. I don’t know if I waited too long but I’m hoping I caught myself, I hope I did better this time.
And after midnight we’re all the same.
I knew I would ebb and flow with you, and I knew neither of us would ever be angry, sad, or upset about silence again. That still rings true for me, and I hope that’s true for you. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear from you, I always have. I like that things aren’t loaded anymore. But I can tell there’s been a residual bit of sadness and hope I’ve been trying to work through or ignore. I also still have a problem you acted spitefully against me. I’m not holding a grudge, I’m not angry. Just disappointed.
We’re falling apart.
Forcing anything has always backfired. But it’s true, I thought there were things I’d do for the first time in this city with you. Approaching a year without you was giving me anxiety. Buying a house on Vashion was giving me anxiety because I felt like you weren’t doing it right. I have no right to think that. It’s none of my business. I always hoped it’d be different. I wanted you closer to me, I wanted you with me. I keep writing “I” so selfishly. I mean I’d never dreamed or imagined how my hypothetical wedding should go as a child, and thought if it ever happened I’d figure it out later with the person I’d marry, but for some reason Mt. Charleston came to mind. Never ever thought in a million years that would be my ideal, but I now have happy memories and sentimental value there. It would be like: go to the mountain, do the thing, then go back to the airport for wherever destination #2 is and gtfo, lol. Gullible silly me.
Their colors are paling in the falling rain.
But seriously, I think where I’m at is a testament to the fact that I haven’t allowed any of this to hold me back from making the right decisions for my life, what opportunities to push for, where to go, how to live. As sad as I am that it’s been yet another factor keeping you away, I am still glad I encouraged you to take the offer where you are now. It sounds like it’s still stressful (that sounds like a given no matter where you’ll end up at your level), but it sounds like you get more out of where you are now in return and for that I am happy.
Looking like a compromised suicide.
I have been trying to mind myself when interacting with you, and trying to match your cadence. Sometimes I don’t have it in me to initiate anymore and enjoy the silence. Sometimes when you respond I try not to overload and feel like I’ve failed. And I feel like sometimes I lag behind by a few days on that. I love and miss you. I just assume there’s a residual bit of love for me left in you. A lot of that is based on how you used to write to me. We’re not together until we’re physically together… that’s true. I’ve been hoping you’d prove me wrong, but I don’t ever expect to see you again.
Keeping all my dreams alive.
Next weekend I am going to PJ Harvey, then in a couple weeks I’ll be at TBM. I know I’ll wish you were there, since you missed the first round. I mean you were in SF and I was in LV, but you were in SF and I was in LV.
I’m trying to enjoy my time here more, find more room to breathe. I hope this downsizing obligations thing works and I can keep making better adjustments over time.