I was sitting at my desk and you caught me by surprise, saying good bye. I squeaked out a bye, and then you peeked back in the doorway smiling to see if I still had a ridiculous expression and if my heart was still beating like a rabbit’s. When I saw the smile on your face I realized ohh, he’s “leaving” but I know better, and said “bye” again a couple times.
There was this demanding lady expecting so much equipment for her title, pretty much everything they get plus an ipad and some other crazy stuff. She was going to need a cabinet to get it all out. And I was going through the buildings and they were huge, I misplaced my bag and needed to find it and thought if I walked out someone up front would know where it’s at, these buildings were huge, like Asian market huge. Then I was sitting on a nearly empty school bus with Jade and her brother. We were going south looking out the window at this epic park that was pirate themed with ships and flags, swings, other stuff you’d see at a large park. I said why don’t we figure out something to eat, then we can come back to the park for a little bit before I take you guys home and they were all for it. We were going down these windy roads, the grid was gone. We got turned around in this huge lot and I saw a bunch of Korean and Chinese lettering, and another building with Korean lettering and the Mexican flag and went omg, this is a huge Korean Mexican market, it’s a fusion market the size of the Assi Market in Korea Town!!! (which I recently found out closed irl). It was like being in CA again with the trees and grass, and the roads getting narrow, all the shops and things I wanted to check out and explore later. I had to try and remember the name of at least one of these shops so I could Yelp or Google map them later. The roads going south reminded me of NorCal but the places we ended up were so K-Town.
When we got there we had to take this lift up to the second floor, it was like riding a ski lift and when I was all the way up some Shiseido cosmetic cotton fell out of my bag, and I couldn’t save it from falling, lost my balance, and was pushing myself against a wall, trying to keep myself from falling to the bottom floor. This place was pretty, there was so much red everywhere, not the bright obnoxious red, the deep almost burgundy stained wood red, and gold trim accents. The place was huge, there was a little bridge, and trees with flowers. There were lanterns. I was about to fall and was freaking out and someone came and grabbed me. I went to the restaurant my party was going to, opened this huge red door, and started yelling at this one guy since they kept walking instead of helping me. Then took the lift back down but couldn’t find what I dropped. My phone was acting stupid so I called Verizon, who is my personal carrier irl, and the dude pissed me off so I said you know what, I’m gonna hang up on you and call my account exec and hung up. When I got to the top I was lead upstairs again to another suite and was left with this lady. The floor had all these cushy mats and she grabbed my foot and started um, doing stuff with some machine and sudsy stuff, I tried saying a couple things in Korean and in some super heavy accent she asked if I spoke Korean, I responded “jogum.” She was all ahhh, and made a comment on how I have words but I’m scattered on the language, and her accent got better and she became way more understandable as we interacted.
I can’t remember how I got there, cause dreams like to blip, but I was standing in a kitchen rinsing out bleach from my jet black hair, and the smell was burning my eyes. I dumped purple die over it then realized I effed up because I didn’t have my hair stylist bleach my roots again and even though it wasn’t store bought dye, like it came from a legit shop where you need a license, the order I did everything in was off.
Then I woke up. The end.