
Morgan Freeman was in my dream hanging out with my work friends from the last couple companies and I. He kept making comments about life. I got all super excited when at the end of a company event my table agreed to go out and do an after party thing and MORE people on the other side of the event yelled they’d join too.  Marisa was there and I did a spin while running through grass to the sidewalk in heels thinking “I’m either really good at this drunk or I just hurt myself and don’t feel it yet” (side note irl: now that I’m awake, I’ve seen more grass in Phoenix than Vegas) and we were walking to the next place hand in hand and she asked me what’s new since we hadn’t seen each other forever and I was gushing about someone like an idiot and she told me how her son was doing. A work friend was talking about some beer the place we were going to had and said the last time he had it he ended up getting married. Then my alarm went off and now I’m drinking tea.

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