I mentioned to Adrian earlier today that I had a dream lightning struck again, but it was very different. Lightning is what I’ve used to describe love at first sight. He asked if it was different good or bad, and it was neutral. I explained it wasn’t how I’d ever expect it to happen (not that I ever expected to experience this once, let alone twice), since it wasn’t instantaneous. It seemed to take a while instead, and this was a such a small snipped of the rest of the dream, but there was a notable flood of NRE. NRE is rare for me. Also, I’ve never experienced that kind of lighting as some epiphany or sudden connection, like I was already platonically connected to someone or maybe dating casually and then it just hit and suddenly there was oxytocin and this all consuming overwhelming knowing. I don’t even know if I could classify what I’ve experienced irl as some knowing. I didn’t know, I didn’t have the data, but I had a strong gut feeling and it said this is important, pay attention here, this is life changing.
Adrian said he always encourages new connections and relationships, and joked that I can have a harem. I mean, I’m not against connections and have always been open to possibilities while also being very selective with my bandwidth and energy. A lot of people I’ve met over the years kind of take themselves out of the running, I don’t have patience for stupidity.
Dreams are weird anyway. I don’t have the time to record them in the mornings and this kind of sucks because I wish I remembered the rest of it, oh well.