Monthly Archives: May 2020

The body remembers

Or maybe it’s just the mind. There’s that whole thing about your cells in your body replacing entirely at 7 years. That used to bring me some comfort that my body, the one I have today, is one my rapist never touched. I don’t know if that’s a credible fact or if that’s a popular misnomer. I haven’t been compelled to go verify it.

This evening acid went up my esophagus and burned my throat so bad it felt like I was drowning. This hasn’t happened in many years, and it’s stress. I downed some almond milk and then water, I’ll have to be careful for a few days with what I eat. I thought I was doing an excellent job avoiding irritants but I know it’s stress getting worse lately. I started getting regular muscle spasms again, it’s my system’s warning shots, it’s the last stage before constant intense migraines, never ending pain, and an inability to continue working. My mitigations like massage and botox for tmj haven’t been available since January and my stress hasn’t gone down or sustained, it’s increased with less relief and very few outlets.

I recently switched PCMs and I like this one. After some reluctance I decided to try a muscle relaxer again, hoping it’ll be a helpful tool until I can get back to other things that helped manage symptoms, and hopefully won’t be too sedating.

So here’s what I just realized at 2am, today is my rapist’s birthday. Once I know details about some people they just stay in my brain, even if I hadn’t thought about it for years the recall is still there even if I’d rather delete that info and save space for more important things. It is unfortunate a good friend in Arizona who shares a name with a former lover, also happens to share a birthday with the biggest predator I ever met. Seeing today was Josh’s birthday on social media reminded me of what else lands on this date. Things have been stressful for everyone, things are on fire and nothing is normal. I was already in steady decline and working to calmly slow that roll, and try to turn it around… but I guess my cells still remember what today is, and I’m spitting up avid and I feel nauseated and awful.

There’s some irony in just breaching the topic of consensual non-consent, I didn’t even realize how close we were to this date when that conversation was happening. I like the idea of taking something and changing its context, and being able to rewrite the script while knowing you have control and the ability to cease as needed. I can also see it being triggering or bringing out an unexpected reaction, I guess we’ll see how that goes.

It finally sank in last summer I couldn’t go back to a baseline or reset to “before,” but that’s not a loss. I didn’t have to hang on to things that didn’t serve me, and what I’ve been subjected to doesn’t get to define me. Sometimes unexpected things strike and I need to remember this.

This stomach acid and all the icky feelings that come with it need to go away.

Birthday cake

Woke up from a nap about trying to order a birthday cake. It’s been impossible to find a gluten free cake in the area and a friend pointed out a bakery up north that makes custom cakes with a $5 up charge for gluten free. They’re only open during weekdays from 7:30am – 1:30pm which makes them difficult af to get at, but I haven’t been in a hurry because I’ve been incredibly indecisive about what to order. I haven’t been able to pick out a cake in almost a decade and don’t want to make the “wrong choice,” not like there is one but it’s a rare occasion that probably won’t come along again and as much as I love chocolate… flourless chocolate tortes are easy to find so I keep going towards a white cake with buttercream or something like that.

Anyway, I dreamed about this ordeal in a nap earlier today. I had gone to visit the bakery in person to try and place an order (haven’t been irl so my brain assigned a coffee shop near the local courthouse) and was waiting to talk to someone about options. I wanted advice and I wanted opinions on what the best flavors were. Half way through they had to go deal with some emergency so I wandered around and came back to the counter, there was a chick to my left waiting by the espresso machine and I asked if she was waiting to order and she said she was. I mentioned trying to knock my order out for weeks and someone got me half way through before bailing and asked if I could just finish it up whenever someone came back and she was like yeah whatever.

Someone else comes up to the counter and I try to pick up where I left off and tried to pull a screenshot from my tablet and it brought up a picture of someone’s butt, their legs were in stockings and it looked like some burlesque promo. For a sec my brain ran through the following: that’s not what I meant to pull up, oops, is that me or someone else? This has to be someone else it looks like it’s for a show. Idk. I opened the image gallery and was finding some random photos from earlier in the day I had no memory of. Photos of my knees? A hospital gown, then a brown dog in the back seat of an suv. I mentioned I was still trying to find the reference screenshots but had no recollection of the photos from earlier in the day, like these were major memory lapses. Thr chick behind the counter said “sometimes that happens after the procedure,” and I was all what fuckin procedure? And I woke up around here.

Idk if I’ve ever gonna order this belated bday cake. ._.

Limited time

Bad dream mom needed surgery behind her right eye that could kill her. It was so invasive she might not wake up after, or might go in and out of consciousness but would never be fully alert. Other option was to let it be but her time was limited. I hate dreams like this the most.

Dad was pissing me off in a dream, we were still in Vegas and he was going to crowded places without a mask. Idgaf if he suffered the consequences but I was livid he could take mom down with him.

Maaaan was that an aggravating and exhausting dream.

Retracing steps

Just woke up from a random nap, I was in a hotel room trying to figure out a murder and some chick was down on the bathroom floor. It was like a virtual crime scene that was previously scanned and you could walk through it, touch the robe hanging on the bathroom door and feel the fabric, look around and all that. It was interesting.

There was another part where Jösh and I were attending the same gala event and idk if we had planned on coming together or if we ended up in the same town, like he knew I’d be in attendance and decided to go. Before the event we had decided to leave the hotel we were at in separate Uber’s and pretend to not know each other, and he’d interrupt someone else talking to me that I wasn’t interested in but was being polite, and then would proceed to hit on me himself.

Jösh showed up in another dream earlier this week out of nowhere, also involving technology. I was rewinding security footage to see what happened at a building earlier and saw him retracing the steps I took after I’d been there earlier.

I haven’t dreamed of him in a while, I guess he’s just in my subconscious this week.

Delirium in Quarantine

After only being able to sleep for 3-4 hours at a time for a couple weeks, the anxiety dreams are going for straight nightmares. String of nightmares where I was trapped in a hotel room with my ex in Phoenix and was making me go through my phone so I was going through an Amazon or Etsy wishlist while hooked up to hdmi on the tv. He went to the restroom and my assaulter came out acting like everything was normal and my brain was like …wtf? Did I just hallucinate he was my ex? Then I excused myself to the restroom and just paced in there trying to figure out what to do.

Woke up exhausted to delirium and went back to sleep.

Next dream I was in some house I was apparently staying at and there was a black bunny hanging out in a cage that seemed really friendly so I opened the door and waited for it to hop out. I noticed there wasn’t a thick layer of Timothy hay in there and could see the bottom of the floor. The bunny came out and I held him and then went out back and chilled inside a little tiny… Idk what to call it. It was like a low hammock inside of a three wall wooden box thing and the bunny splooted and was napping on me. I heard a lot of noise and saw a bunch of what I’m guessing were high school or college peeps gathering in the yard (it was a big yard) and took the bunny and went back to the porch. I was wearing a tshirt and underwear and this lack of warning was not cool.

Some people were sitting in lawn chairs facing the yard and I sat next to Sabrina. There was another chair to her left, and then another chair with some dude who looked kind of like my neighbor (the one I’ve had trouble with since I’ve moved into the townhouse I’m in). He turned to face me and said “hello again” and I responded “hi,” and thought why is it people who don’t like me see me when stupid shit happens? I went back inside and into another room to find my thing so I could get dressed and go, some I’m guessing primary school aged girl comes out of the room and said something and then headed for the yard. I was looking at this gigantic mess of stuff haphazardly thrown into these cubbies, okay it looked like a white IKEA Kallax shelf or something. I grabbed a sweater thinking it was mine but it wasn’t so I put it back, then opened a cabinet to my left above the counter and saw some tea but it had been rummaged through and all the good stuff was gone. I remembered there being more tea and thought maybe they removed it as a passive aggressive way to say I’m not welcome anymore.

I woke up still deliriously tired and exhausted.

Next dream was stuck in a house I didn’t recognize working from home and it was taking calls from GoDaddy but w current coworker was also there. We generally get along but also butt heads sometimes. The equipment wasn’t working, I was rusty dealing with hosting stuff, this was some weird issue for a thing (that doesn’t even exist irl) and apparently the cinoaby had been auto risking this guy for a month and I was the first to get through and he was trying his best to be nice and patient with me but was running into MFA issues to fully get into the account and I needed to put him on hold and couldn’t do it through the software and the physical phone said he was on hold when he wasn’t. I got up to try and find the colleague who was acting as a lead and when I got back to the table in the corner being used as a desk there was a gigantic fucking spider.

I mean it was like a cross between a crustacean and a goddamn face hugger. It was the size of a snow crab, all white legs that looked like skeleton it was bone white and a little body in the center, and it was fast and I tried to be brave and kill it. It crawled up the wall to the ceiling and then charged and dropped. Got back to the ceiling and dropped, and did this over and over. It was trying to land on me and I noped out and went upstairs to try and find someone. Went into the bedroom and found my mom’s friend’s daughter I hadn’t seen since the 90’s. We were both adults and she was in the bathroom wearing a mask and looking in the mirror like she was ready to go out in clubwear. I legit thought cyberpunk before I went oh yeah you need a mask to go out. She came out and laid on the bedroom floor next to where I was sitting and chatted a bit about how she was super sick from getting dysentery and discussed all the severe symptoms and I was like ._. umm, and then was talking about how I shouldn’t leave and we need to hang out and I was like… I’m oncall until 11pm and I’m in the middle of a goddamn fire at work and gotta go sorry, and exited the room to the hall and almost fell because I didn’t remember that step down.

Then I saw mom’s friend (I can’t even remember her name I haven’t seen her in like 20 years) and then I saw my mom and explained the spider thing and they went downstairs, then I went downstairs after a minute and the last two or three steps were broken. I could see the the wood splintering up from where it had fractured and there were holes you could see though to the crawl space underneath. Made it downstairs and Mom’s standing right outside the kitchen and says “that was a big spider!” I asked her if she got it and she was like almost. Jfc. We’re back in the first room and it’s chilling on the baseboard and she goes after it, it runs, and she tries to step on it and fails, it goes across the floor and somehow she kicks it and then stomps on it and it’s dead and she picks it up with a paper towel and that’s over.

Colleague sat at the dining room table and has two ceramic baking dishes filled with pasta and sauce lopped on it to the side. One looks like spaghetti and meatballs and the other has a creamier color to it almost like a vodka sauce or even what almost looks like a chicken tikka masala. He starts digging into the one by him and dumping spaghetti on his plate and mixing the sauce into the pasta. I realize the other dish is a gluten free version and thought it was nice he went through the trouble of making a separate one for me. I start wondering about that guy and his impossible case from earlier. Was he still on the phone? Did he hear me screaming while trying to manage the spider? Is he still on the phone waiting now?! Did my colleague tell him he’d research and call him back? No one told me anything so I don’t know.

Colleague says we need to check on a thing and I follow him through these halls in some other building (I don’t remember how we got there). It’s nighttime now so the building has very few people. We’re sitting at a table in what looks like a break room (guessing based on vending machines being there) and are talking with another person. Toy stores come up and we mention FAO Schwarz. He was talking about the one at Scottsdale Fashion Square, I tangented to Superstition Springs mall and how they had that and the arcade and the carousel. I talked about how my dad’s best friend had a son who was 5 years older than me and the dad used to babysit me sometimes when my parents were at work. We’d go to the movies and then browse around the toy store. Colleague asked me what I wanted the most from the store or if I had any favorites and I said no. He asked why and I said because I never expected I could ever get anything so while I looked and enjoyed being in there, I never set my heart on anything. I almost brought up running into the son later in college and him trying to hit on me (this did happen irl and it was weird af) but decided to leave it.

He apparently got the thing we came for and we turn around and start heading out. There was two people standing inside a doorway in a hall I’m passing (it has one of those doors split in half where you can open the top half and the bottom half is like a counter) and outside it is a bin. I looked in the bin to see what was in there a paper slipped out of my hand so I grabbed it and kept walking to catch up to my colleague. We ended up back at the house and were exhausted on the couch talking when he rests a leg across me and I’m like wtf.

And I woke up and am STILL deliriously tired and exhausted.


It’s 5:57am and I can’t sleep. This isn’t new, but it’s been progressively getting worse. There’s a strange collective grief and anxiety in the world, mixed with individual nuance and pain, customized to what we happen to be missing, worrying about, or going without.

It’s 5:59am and I feel like I’m in the wrong bed. I’m in my bed, it is the right bed, but I feel like on a Sunday morning I should be tucked under the covers and wrapped in the arms of the man I love. The last person to touch me almost two months ago. A lot of us are feeling a similar disconnect in our own ways. Touch starvation, and simultaneously being grateful for technology that allows us to interact from a safe distance, but not feeling safe from this ache that hits like clockwork as the sun starts coming up. I tried my best to embrace virtual social gatherings, I miss everyone, but I can’t bring myself to log in right now. I like my friends, but zoom and Skype and Houseparty suddenly feels like trying to eat when you can’t taste or smell food.

It’s 6:01am and I keep thinking about how I feel like I’m on borrowed time. This global issue doesn’t discriminate, every contact with the world indirect or otherwise (supply delivery) feels like a game of roulette. We don’t know how hard someone will be impacted until they face the threat themselves, if they must. Some of us will start that fight with deficits, some of us won’t make it. Having a lifetime of chronic conditions and knowing exposure likely being a matter of when instead of if, genuinely makes me worry my time will be up sometime in the next 16-24 months. Maybe I might make it, but I won’t make a full recovery. My mom won’t make it at all. She’s the only blood family I have. Even if I make it, my heart won’t.

It’s 6:06am and I keep going in circles. If I’m more likely to die within the next 24 months (and that’s an optimistic estimate without any real mitigation’s or vaccines on the market) why have I been completely isolated like this? It’s because I’m not stupid and we’re all (okay most of us) are holding out until there is an intervention. Doesn’t mean I’ll live to see it. But if I die soon, do I want my last days to be like this? I’d rather spend time inebriated, indulging in intimacy, and living up to my hedonistic nature. I’m not selfish enough to do it. Even if I’m hopeless enough to put myself at risk, a loved one depends on me to not fuck this up and I can’t take that away from her. Even if we end up taking a hit, it can’t be due to any mistakes or concessions I’ve made.

It’s 6:11am, I saw my bf drop off a present today though my window. The closest I got was one floor up, with glass between us. I can’t even explain how much that aches. I hate how common this is. I envy those who live with partners, who have pets, who aren’t high risk and who haven’t had their bodies betray them the way mine has betrayed me. Don’t mistake that for resentment, I don’t want them to not have those comforts if they have them. And I know they’re fighting their own individual battles. And sure my mom lives with me, but it took a full month of distancing before I gave her a hug, and I sat down to eat with her at the dining room table for the first time last night. And we all know familial and parental dynamics are very different from all the interactions and relationships that make life rich. I’m not saying that to discount her, I’m glad she’s here, I’m starving for the other kinds of loving interactions I just found in my life before the shift.

It’s 6:19am, this is still the wrong bed, in the wrong world, in the wrong timeline. But you know what would make this even a little bearable? Being in the right bed, then I could stomach being in the wrong world in the wrong timeline a little better. Self soothing fails after so long. I can’t fuck this up, and I can’t bare this.