Looking For Strange

KMFDM has been canceled after their rape apologist bs, but that song and title were so good, ugh.

I had this random sex dream with someone my brain assigned (no one I know irl). A lot of details are missing on why I was there but I was in some strange wide open office. It didn’t even have all the proper stuff? It looked like some makeshift / ad hoc space that was procured and then a conference table and projector were set up (some AV conference / war room kind of thing) and closer to the door some gigantic whiteboard on wheels instead of mounted to a wall. It was like one big rectangular room and a glass door and wall at the entrance like your find in an office suite or mixed commercial space or something. I was part of whatever was going on there but can’t remember what everyone’s purpose was there, or my own.

This one dude addressed me for something about but it was more for the sake of commentary than expecting information or a statement from me. I guess he was trying to make conversation, but then I remember cuddling with him in a cool (referencing colors and natural light through curtains) bedroom and some small talk (I again don’t remember). He paused after saying something and it was like it clicked in both our minds and we started making out. Like the light switch went off in my head and I was thinking yes, we’re definitely doing this. Things escalated until he was up on his knees in bed and I twisted to go down on him and he came very quickly, and apologized, and I said not to apologize and that’s kind of what we’re going for, and I woke up.

Idk why people apologize when that happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Some other thing I noticed was all the light and was natural and coming through a tinted or otherwise covered window. It made it seem like it was always late afternoon so that was interesting. Idk.