It’s Official

I can’t believe I’m writing this, for the first time since 2012 I’m officially partnered. I adore him so much, he’s given me so much peace and space to express things I’ve kept inside for a long time. I can’t believe I have a meta that’s this incredible, she mentioned she was rooting for me lol. It was really nice to sit around, drink coffee, and play games at the kitchen table with everyone, these are like the fairytale ideal polycule setups you read about online that supposedly exist, and then you insta fall for someone and suddenly you’re playing Sushi Go!

I feel like I’m just beaming right now. There’s been a lot of difficult stuff going on for a while but I feel like with all of this care and time spent together, that I’m better equipped to handle what’s going on. We met at the end of October and kind of made our “debut” out last night. My meta said it was very fitting that this debut involved a goth night and then venue hopping to an EDM night. I appreciate that, it’s a fair call out. 🙂 After the second venue we went next door for pizza and he expressed concern about me cheating with gluten but I decided to go for it and ate a little more than half of a gigantic slice of veggie pizza and it was delicious. He mentioned it’s not one he would have gone for until I went for it and at first I was like ??? and was all but it’s got banana peppers and- and he mentioned it was the onions and smell and that could bother some people but if we’re eating the same thing it doesn’t matter and I was like ohhhhhh, and said I’ve been single for so long I hadn’t even thought about it. This is when he pointed out I’m not single anymore. I had a momentary mental bsod. We’re gonna eat whatever we want / idgaf about onions on pizza. ?

Ugh, this is the gothic perfection I called out at the beginning of November. He’s gorgeous and kind, considerate, emotionally available, giving, and I’m grateful he likes me too and the chemistry’s been amazing. I’m so happy we’re exploring this, there’s so much I want to share and experience together.