Just woke up from a really messy complicated stress dream where everything was dangerous.
I went up a steep hill to help mom get the trash from the bathroom bins and lost a house slipper so I was going up this path on loose dirt and it almost became a vertical climb.
There was a small stint in it where dad did hurt me I don’t want to type out.
I was trying to visit a friend and there were building issues, I climbed to the 5th floor to the top of an elevator bay to try and lift myself over and get in the elevator knowing if I fell I’d die.
We eventually meet up and leave the property and another friend is driving and getting onto a freeway on-ramp. Strangely it looks like the freeways and landscape in Vegas but in the distance and across some water I can see downtown Seattle and tried to grab a photo with my phone but it didn’t go well. We were supposed to pick someone up and I pointed out them walking on the other side of a median from a road that ran parallel. Friend said it was okay and she’d figure out how to get to him and made a sharp turn thinking she’d almost missed an off ramp when there wasn’t one. We skidded through a section of gravel where there was no median, driving off the road and were basically falling to our death. I was riding shotgun and had the seat down wondering if that was worse or if it even mattered (airbags will go off, car will impact desert floor, insta death) but we kept falling and all I could think was shouldn’t we have impacted by now? I brought the seat up and sat up to see we were about to make contact with another road below the overpass and it wasn’t going to be bad. It was confusing / impossible and all the driver said was she thinks she’s got it. What? Magic? Did angels carry the car down or something? She continued driving and the area is an absolute mess, on the side of the road some kid is messing with a rattlesnake. Then when I turned to look again it was a man throwing a Komodo dragon with its tail missing.
Just w. t. f. All I wanted was a nap, I’m tired af.