Had a weird dream this morning I had to pull over in some lot and my car wouldn’t park, it kept acting like it would only go in neutral and kept rolling back out of a spot I parked in. It finally stopped and I walked the perimeter of what looked like a warehouse until I found the side with the open roll up door. Inside I found someone I knew (not irl) and this kid wanted to fight me. We were in some carpeted back room area… I guess some residential apartment inside or connected to the warehouse and I thought this was ridiculous, the guy was bouncing around and obviously didn’t know how to fight and I don’t really either but I got into the same stance I do at kickboxing and dude almost backed down for a second until he decided to do a shitty roundhouse kick and I punched him.
He decided to stop after that and we exchanged a few words but I forgot what we said. I went back around to find someone else and noticed one of my nails was barely hanging onto my nail bed. They we’re natural (no acrylic or hard gel) and surprisingly it didn’t hurt but it looked unnerving and I didn’t want to bang it against anything so I looked for nail clippers until I realized it would just come off. A few of my nails did this, but my fingers looked fine under. The other person I knew in the dream found me and we chatted a little before I left.
I was somewhere else that looked like it couple have been some convention or business thing and was standing at a table with a sign on it by an escalator. I noticed one of my teeth was in my hand and it was cracked and had some paper mache looking long pink root attaches to it. (I’ve had a lot of dreams over the years where I’ve lost teeth and it’s been bloody and terrifying). There was no blood here, and I had new teeth in place of the ones I lost. I looked in the palm of my other hand and there was an eye with that same paper mache nerve attached to it, which I thought was mine but I still had both of my eyes attached (and the iris was blue?). It was weird af, I was intending on taking the escalator but can’t remember if I did.
I was in an office and someone was going over some issue to a few of us, dad was there acting like he knows computers better than I do (that’s consistent with his behavior irl) and eventually I left and care back when he was gone and then the issue was handled after he left. I ended up in some theater at work and my lead shared this giant Snickers with me and we made Betty White jokes. Then I left to see friends and found Sage and we were sitting on a couch after everyone else passed out and I handed him a drawing I had in a folder.
Other than losing body parts this wasn’t so bad. And even that part wasn’t as bad as it’s been over the years because I’d regenerated replacements.
Happy Halloween?