
Woke up from a dream that felt like it was a lifetime ago and it’s fading and getting fuzzier by the second. It was unsettling and a lot was going on, there was something towards the end where it was like watching a movie, this woman had captured someone who harmed her or something she loved and she had them restrained on her couch, she wanted revenge and tried to shoot them but couldn’t pull the trigger. Somewhere else someone she worked with on resolving this issue was out dealing with some other business and was dealing with a lot of facetious dismissal because his badge or ID or whatever thing he had that proved his status wasn’t on him at that time. He looked down, smiled, laughed and shrugged it off because he was on his way back to see her anyway so who cares.

Back in the apartment she stepped out from the hall with a gun drawn in both hands and a blindfold over her eyes. She hadn’t realized her captive had quietly undone their restraints and had slipped away. The gentleman who had rushed back to her opened the apartment door and a moment later she pulled the trigger killing him. For a second there was darkness, then it looked like the room was covered in shredded newspaper up to his chin. She took her blindfold off and saw him fall to the ground, and I woke up.