
This has gotta be one of the most emotiionally exhausting dreams I’ve had in a while. I was sitting on a bed and looked behind me to see a lady sitting on the opposite side of the bed peaking, peaking out the window.  She was going to leave to go outside and started to vanish, so I hopped on the bed and asked her to stay, placing my hand on her shoulder, and she stopped fading for a minute. We interacted but I forgot what we said and she vanished.  I thought she was my grandma, but a 20 something year old representation of her.

I looked out the window to see the park outside the window of the house I grew up in.  It was larger and there was some party going on in the grassy area.  I ended up outside kind of half looking for where she was going, and half getting to my car.  There was a guy who sort of looked like Caesar and he was kind of ghostly too but wanted to talk to me.  He got in the backseat of the car and I got in the front passenger seat.  He started driving the car from the back and I was all uhhh, driverless cars aren’t a thing yet even though they’re working on it. Maybe I should get in the drivers seat for appearances? And then he was in the drivers seat mentioning how it was actually a nice car, and we were driving looking for a place to grab food and chat.  It was dark out now and he said to open the door on the count of three, which I didn’t get. But we both opened our doors so they were wide on en while we were still moving and then shut them.  We ended up at a restaurant where we got Indian food and were making small talk.  Then we ended up back inside the house and were lounging on opposite ends of the couch, wrapped in blankets, watching some weird Jonas brothers music video that had the three sons from Home Improvement in it, and I was all what are we watching? And ghost Caesar lookalike was all *shrug* and I got up.

We were outside at some pool area and I was moving my things from one table to another cause the water from the pool started rising and the patio started to flood. The chick from before was at the other table. Or someone else who looked like her was. And then I went into another room where o tried to find another pair of flip flops (I had a cheap black pair on at the pool) but only saw some heels so I threw those on.

There was some bit in there where I went grocery shopping at the commissary by myself but I can’t remember if that happened earlier in the dream.  It was cray, I was walking around trying to find a cart, then finally found one inside, and I was wearing this huge gray hoodie but didn’t have pants on.  So I kept trying to pull the hoodie down so no one would see my panties, and would hopefully assume there were shorts under there or something.

I was trying to drive to the airport but the signs were all jacked and I ended up in some weird parkway loop, asking someone for directions who ended up being a jerk, and then asking someone else who told me how to get there. It was dark out again. And I u turned  and then went across the street to this messed up parking lot that was all bumpy and some guy asked if I was there for car services and I was all nah, I’m trying to go somewhere else.

There was this other part later in the dream where I was in someone else’s house, house sitting for them and Brandon was over.  Someone kept calling the lan line so I picked up and a friendly voice asked some question I was hesitant to answer but can’t remember what it was.  They said they could see me, so I walked to the other room, looked out the window, and saw a guy across the street casually sitting at a table he setup with all this equipment. And as soon as I saw him, he stood up, picked up his gun, and started walking over.  I  was all oh shit, and tried to cover the mouth piece on the phone while communicating what was going on quietly to Brandon and it wasn’t going well. Then I think there was a baby in the house so I wasn’t sure if it was just house sitting or babysitting but I woke up here anyway. ._.