Monthly Archives: May 2018


Every single week has been painfully busy… since forever.  Noel talked me into seeing the Wax Trax! Documentary called Industrial Accident.  It was part of the Seattle International Film Festival.  Really she asked me if I wanted to get Korean food and we ran into a timing issue so I joined her for the film and we got food after. It’s so late. Omg.  It was absolutely amazing and emotional and there were a couple times we were holding back tears.  The director Julia Nash, Patty Jourgensen, Paul Barker, and Bill Rieflin were there for a Q&A after the film.  Noel and I talked about it at dinner, we can still feel the influence Wax Trax! had in our lives and how it still ripples today.

And of course our brains go sideways into other topics.  Also holy shit.  Idk why tf everyone compared you to Dave Grohl. I mean maybe vaguely, like when he was younger… like when Nirvana was a thing. And even then maybe distant cousin?  Not really.  Nah, today I saw the future.  Paul Barker, the guy who was in Ministry, the way Paul Barker looks today, is what you’ll look like in another 30 years, with some variation. Which means you’ll be gorgeous for fucking ever! He already looks amazing at 59, and you’re gonna do better. I am so bitter! I mean I was before but whatevs. I don’t even think you come here anymore, but I’ve referenced you in 2nd person for so long, why stop now? Idgaf if you ever see this or not.

Noel and I both have an aversion to SF. Because we have history and associations to SF. She dated a guy for years who hurt her. And me… yeah. They had an off and on thing. Noel and I have a lot in common. We both live very productive lives, were professionals, we go do things we want whether it’s with friends or alone, we’re adventurous and we’re hot. We both know this, our lives are awesome as is, but we miss companionship. That would be the cherry on top. Her words. Sometimes it helps. Sometimes? She’s more solitary than I am. She said that, but I think she’s lives more like an extrovert than I do?

Anyway, I explained the guy I dated right when I turned 21 did a fantastic job destroying my body image, on top of manipulating me and using me financially and otherwise. She told me her guy made her feel awful too, which is mind blowing because she’s so pretty. And I didn’t realize for years that the ex put me down so I’d stay. It took a long time to rebuild my confidence and realized he was full of shit. It really took regaining my health and going back into my profession to fix my body image. And not dealing with anyone else, and deciding to do at least a year of celibacy helped a lot too.

This detail just makes the situation feel like too much. It was already too much. Idk how to word this better, I can’t articulate this well. My best friend from high school said this was the first time I was in love. I know I’ve written this before. And I said something like, well there was Jay before. And she said this was different, there weren’t conditions attached. I wasn’t holding back either. And I get it. It wasn’t “I love you but x,” “I love you despite x thing,” or “I love you regardless of insert stupid bs reason here.” There wasn’t anything after “you.” It became a series of “I love you because.” And I felt that, and I recognized it. I remember being on top of you late at night, in the dark, listening to you tell me you loved me for my brain, for the way I laughed, for my body, and you kept going, and you meant it. For the first time, “I love you,” didn’t come attached with baggage. “I love you” stood on its own. You reinforced me. For the first time, I was happy with who I was as a person, and then I met you, and you amplified the things in me I loved. And I loved you for it. I loved you for many many reasons too. I met you when I’d already chosen solitude, and you made me so happy to reconsider. I wasn’t lonely when we met. I got used to LV, and I was content. I’ve been lonely since the day I met you.

She said she wasn’t sure if she ever fell in love that deeply with her guy in SF. When they broke up, she did mention telling him he had a small dick and was bad in bed. LOL. I said I didn’t have that, because to this day my guy in SF, is still the best sex I’ve had. And she was all that makes it harder. I’m bitter.

We talked about how shitty trying to date in Seattle is. She mentioned, there’s always talk about the Seattle freeze. I think it’s some bs that’s now a self fulfilling prophecy. The problem here is how passive everyone is. No one talks to each other. Even if you try, it’s rare someone reciprocated more than a couple sentences. We’re still better off with the choices we made. We know this. Someone recently mentioned there was a sub reddit about dating in Seattle and they talk about how passive it is here. Someone commented just saying “hi” already puts you way ahead of everyone else. That’s not an exaggeration. Almost everyone is in an open relationship. There’s nothing wrong with them, but we’re both of the opinion that if we see someone who is already partnered, we’ll play and have a casual thing, but we won’t commit, and if someone else comes along who puts us first, we’re done. I guess as long as everyone’s been up front with their intentions, it’s okay. Everyone else who is single and prefers monogamous dynamics, has some hang ups around sex. I mentioned how I thought it would be easier to date here. I had this ideal about Seattle, before I’d ever been here, that it’s a tech industry, and there are more men than women here, and the statistics would be in my favor. I was so wrong, I was so painfully wrong. She mentioned how she thought if she moved to another city, it would be easier to date. But she loves Seattle so it’s home for her. And I said I’d thought the same thing, but then I was worried what if I moved, and it was the same there? She said she had the same afterthought too, lol.

I can’t establish a fwb thing here like I could in Phoenix. She brought up a Tinder hookup so I brought up this guy, who claimed to be a LT in the Navy. I mentioned accidentally having a one and done thing with this guy stationed in Bainbridge. Okay so, you can claim to be anyone online. We were already having a really good conversation that lasted a few days, and if someone wasn’t who they said they were you could walk away. We went out for Mexican food and drank margaritas, and when we went back to his place I saw his degree from the Naval Academy and a graduation photo in this giant frame. That’s kind of really impressive. He was also very courteous, would ask if I was comfortable, and the sex was great! I felt absolutely nothing in a romantic context. Oh well. I’m okay with this for now. And then they left last month, also he’s a Submarine Officer. Gdi. I sent a text asking when he’d be back, but he might have already left before I sent it. If I hear from him again, cool. If I don’t, cool. And that’s how an unintentional one time thing happens. I explained I’d rather have a semi regular thing going with the same person because of health stuff, and because it’s just nice. She agreed.

I’m so fed up.


More crazy jumbled dreams.  Like hiding out in my designated rooms(?), or suite with a friend who was secretly more than a friend to me.  She was this very beautiful black woman with long straight hair.  I was drawing on the side of her leg from her ankle up to her hip using paint pens.  It was florals and lots of filigree work.

There were some other bits about touring this corporate facility and there were lots of glass panels being installed as dividers.  They had a green tint to them but were still see through.  And as I walked around to view the progress, I opened a door and realized I was in another part of the property that was being occupied by another entity and turned around.

There was a part where I was outside in the grassy area that looked kind of like the area I gree up in but the houses were all different. I ran into a guy who was outside sitting on the ground with some roast chicken and some other stuff. There was food everywhere, like someone setup a huge banquet / picnic thing.

I went inside and was in this huge AF fancy house.  The floors were marble, there were lots of details, I can’t emember how many floors were in this house but the stairs seemed to go on for a while.  There were a lot of other things going on too, like a lot of steps to reach a location and considering taking a train across the country for a couple weeks. But I’m losing a lot of detail now that I’m awake.

What If

“Somewhere, tucked away in the vastness of it all, hidden between the horizon and the sea, there exists a world where you are loving the one that got away, where the words you never allowed yourself to say flow freely between your teeth. There exists a realm where you did things differently- where you choose the other path. Maybe you are happier there, though that is not the point, for maybe you aren’t. Maybe, just maybe, despite circumstances, despite regret, you are exactly where you need to be. The only thing stopping you from realizing that is the way you whisper ‘what if.’” — Bianca Sparacino, Seeds Planted in Concrete


This has gotta be one of the most emotiionally exhausting dreams I’ve had in a while. I was sitting on a bed and looked behind me to see a lady sitting on the opposite side of the bed peaking, peaking out the window.  She was going to leave to go outside and started to vanish, so I hopped on the bed and asked her to stay, placing my hand on her shoulder, and she stopped fading for a minute. We interacted but I forgot what we said and she vanished.  I thought she was my grandma, but a 20 something year old representation of her.

I looked out the window to see the park outside the window of the house I grew up in.  It was larger and there was some party going on in the grassy area.  I ended up outside kind of half looking for where she was going, and half getting to my car.  There was a guy who sort of looked like Caesar and he was kind of ghostly too but wanted to talk to me.  He got in the backseat of the car and I got in the front passenger seat.  He started driving the car from the back and I was all uhhh, driverless cars aren’t a thing yet even though they’re working on it. Maybe I should get in the drivers seat for appearances? And then he was in the drivers seat mentioning how it was actually a nice car, and we were driving looking for a place to grab food and chat.  It was dark out now and he said to open the door on the count of three, which I didn’t get. But we both opened our doors so they were wide on en while we were still moving and then shut them.  We ended up at a restaurant where we got Indian food and were making small talk.  Then we ended up back inside the house and were lounging on opposite ends of the couch, wrapped in blankets, watching some weird Jonas brothers music video that had the three sons from Home Improvement in it, and I was all what are we watching? And ghost Caesar lookalike was all *shrug* and I got up.

We were outside at some pool area and I was moving my things from one table to another cause the water from the pool started rising and the patio started to flood. The chick from before was at the other table. Or someone else who looked like her was. And then I went into another room where o tried to find another pair of flip flops (I had a cheap black pair on at the pool) but only saw some heels so I threw those on.

There was some bit in there where I went grocery shopping at the commissary by myself but I can’t remember if that happened earlier in the dream.  It was cray, I was walking around trying to find a cart, then finally found one inside, and I was wearing this huge gray hoodie but didn’t have pants on.  So I kept trying to pull the hoodie down so no one would see my panties, and would hopefully assume there were shorts under there or something.

I was trying to drive to the airport but the signs were all jacked and I ended up in some weird parkway loop, asking someone for directions who ended up being a jerk, and then asking someone else who told me how to get there. It was dark out again. And I u turned  and then went across the street to this messed up parking lot that was all bumpy and some guy asked if I was there for car services and I was all nah, I’m trying to go somewhere else.

There was this other part later in the dream where I was in someone else’s house, house sitting for them and Brandon was over.  Someone kept calling the lan line so I picked up and a friendly voice asked some question I was hesitant to answer but can’t remember what it was.  They said they could see me, so I walked to the other room, looked out the window, and saw a guy across the street casually sitting at a table he setup with all this equipment. And as soon as I saw him, he stood up, picked up his gun, and started walking over.  I  was all oh shit, and tried to cover the mouth piece on the phone while communicating what was going on quietly to Brandon and it wasn’t going well. Then I think there was a baby in the house so I wasn’t sure if it was just house sitting or babysitting but I woke up here anyway. ._.


Its been a crazy week with the boss in town and with mom visiting last week and other stuff going on.  I didn’t think I was going to make it, but after a nap and some food I got dressed and went to this crazy show with 10 bands and two stages.  Combichrist headlined but I didn’t really care.  I’ve seen them more times than I can count in AZ and when you’ve heard one of their songs, you’ve heard them all.  They still have a good stage presence.  But Nightclub was playing and I friggin love them, so I was super happy to see them, and some of the bands before them were really good too. I had some random chats with people around me, the crowd seemed much friendlier at this show than the last couple I’d been to.  This was a nice change.

Here’s the fun bit…

TMW you run into the guy you kinda sorta not really saw for a few months over the winter at a show and you look this good.

Also, TMW the guitarist from the first band hits on you and adds you on the Insta at the bar a few minutes later.

But wait, there’s more. Some taxi almost got into an accident staring at me walking down the street back to my car.

I was fucking hot tonight. Lololol

This Sucks

TMW you discover the last two meds you just took for the evening are both metabolized by the liver.  Today would end this way.

I guess I’ll try to sleep, and if I wake up and feel like I’m dying, I’ll go to the ER.

Today was ridiculous. Two rejections, one without a reason and I’m waiting to find out what happened. The other actually likes me but I need to study and try again. And trying to retain new material while being constantly under fight or flight is nearly impossible.


A random conversation I had with the friend who came over for a bit today went through the two guys who ran into a dear in the headlights moment while in bed with me. Which is still incredibly aggravating.

He said he didn’t understand how I was running into so much trouble here because I’m pretty, have a good job, and am okay with an NSA scenario. And I was all IDK, this place is broken.  And if I didn’t care who I slept with, I could go to the grocery store and point at someone, then say “you’re coming home with me, get in the car,” or something like that. Lol.  Since I gaf, it’s harder.  And then the friend mentioned how I wasn’t looking for anything serious and made some comment assuming I wouldn’t want a partner.  I explained that I do want a partner someday, but lowered my bar in that context because I still have a ridiculous sex drive and want to get laid. I don’t have this all or nothing mentality with people so I can figure it out with someone as we go along. Someday I would like to get married… if that ever happens.  I want to grow old with someone.  Then I mentioned, I haven’t brought it up and think I gave up after the last time I fell in love. But I’ve always remained open to possibility.  If things lined up and we met, I wouldn’t run from it.

Strawberry Cake

This was pretty flattering.  Picked up a friend to hang out while I caught up on work stuffs before work tomorrow (which is stupid this is even happening) and we decided to stop by Five Guys for food.  I wasn’t that hungry but decided to run with it, and when we were walking in I apparently grabbed the wrong door since it was locked, and then grabbed the right one.  When we walked in the entire team was standing behind the counter and one guy yells out “OMG I love your hair!” and another chick was all “I was gonna say that too!” and my friend orders, we all start chatting and everyone’s super nice.  They ask if I want anything and I mention I”m alright, he finishes his order.  The cute red head was all… well what about a milkshake? And I mentioned I was fond of milkshakes, so they started naming off options and I said I usually go for strawberry.  We chat a bit more and I decide to go for it even though I’ve been cutting down on sugar lately.  She tells me to hang on so she can apply a discount, and then says it’s on the house.  They gifted me a strawberry milkshake, and were super nice, and liked my hair.  The best part was Cake’s Love You Madly started playing right before we walked out.  They were so nice and friendly. Day. Made.


Today I saw this tall, I’m guessing nonbinary, person walk by and they had this beautiful long yellow to red ombre going and it was like fire, but it was done nicely and not tacky so I told them their hair was gorgeous and they seemed thrown off for a sec, then said my hair was too and it threw me off and we kept walking ahaha


I don’t remember a lot about the dream I had, other than it involving super annoying and stupid interactions with people.

But there was one awesome bit where I discovered new levels on Super Mario World on SNES. It wasn’t related to star world or the special levels. It was different, and you could play as Mario, or Bowser, or Shy Guy! It was so good, I wish it was a thing.

In some unfortunate alternate universe

Had this horrible dream Jay and I were reconciling after taking a really short break. Its like I went back to 2012.  We were out at a venue, then went home and were in my bed about to have sex. He was acting unusual and was being hesitant in some ways so I took over, and as soon as I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer, he pulled back and had this panicked look on his face.  This is where I found out he slept with another chick and lied to me about it, and hadn’t gotten tested yet and was freaked out he couldn’t guarantee not passing something to me.  I’m pissed off about that, and also about him lying and putting my health at risk more than anything. This break was super brief, and I got up and yelled at him to “get the fuck out of my house.”  He left and I was fuming, trying to figure out what to post on fb, like how to word things as a warning for the community (and out him as a liar) without sounding petty or like I was falsely accusing him of anything outside of what he’d already done / I didn’t want someone to misread as a false accusation he had something when it was inconclusive. I woke up before I got that far.

Memory dump

I can’t remember what you feel like.  I can’t remember how you smell, or remember the sound of your heartbeat.  Fuck, I can’t even remember your voice anymore. All I do remember is perpetual sadness and disappointment.  It’s like my brain finally decided to drop things from my memory.  The realization is weird, but its better this way.


I need to make changes. Big changes. I don’t like feeling this way, or living this way, and I can’t blame my environment anymore.

I got the car I wanted.  I dropped the people who wouldn’t invest in me, and made some small strides focusing on friends who would plan with me.  Work is still taking up too much bandwidth, after half a year I haven’t been able to make the moves I’ve wanted internally.  It’s time to stop being reluctant and look externally.  I know it’s the fear of not knowing how things will fall in place, but staying still is worse.  Sometimes it’s hard to remember.  Fixing this will get some of the bandwidth back, and I can focus on changing other things that’ll make me happy too.

No announcements

Last night, or this morning(?), I dreamed we were sitting at this table somewhere. Idk if this was some office buiiding, but you mentioned you were engaged and I was just sitting there internalizing “Okay… this is what you needed to tell me? What the? How is this important to tell me?” And then you mentioned a bunch of corporate peeps who knew all of us attending and then mentioned some request either you or Anna had to strike me from the company’s record like I never existed. Which is bs. I think the dream moved on before I could say it. Its bs.

Also, elevators that go sideways are terrifying.  And my bags exploded and all the paper inside was crumpled and bent. !@#$ that.