You’re on a trip?

Had a normalish dream where nobody died  for the first time in a while.  I was in the house I grew up in and was trying to sleep but the kid I was babysitting wanted to keep showing me things and play, and it was so early.  Which is funny cause it’s not even 6am yet and I’m typing this.  Finally she said she was hungry and I said she could fend for herself with breakfast and she made some dramatic statement and walked off.

I was thinking about what day it was and when my friend Shelley was going to visit me, then went downstairs to find Sky, my friends niece (the kid I was babysitting).  I started telling her about when my mom started telling me to fend for myself and start cooking and she didn’t want to hear it, and how it encourages variety and you didn’t have to be on anyone’s timeline.  G was there and walked out of the kitchen with this look that said “good luck” and I decided to take Sky grocery shopping in this really weird right hand drive white Mercedes with white leather seats and… like everything I’d never buy or drive, but I think it was a rental?

She started talking about how she wanted to grab those pre peeled and cut packs of vegetables cause she didn’t want to deal with all the prep and I said it wasn’t that hard, and some of my kitchen skills are potato quality but better than they used to be from repetition (omg).  And we were inside this huge store running through produce and I picked up a mango and was walking around with it in my hand.  We saw someone who was walking by that looked familiar and it was Dustin! And I was all wtf why isn’t he in SLC? And then saw you behind him and was all… ???

You both were in winter gear and when you both saw us decided to come up and say hello, and I decided to walk right up to Dustin and was all “hello!” And we all started talking and you gave me some awkward side hug and then Dustin asked how Dawn was doing and I said fine (my dream traded Sky for Dawn) and asked where you two went and he mentioned some crazy mountain hiking trip he decided to go on, and then you decided to do it to, and you both just got back from being gone for a while, and I was all… ahhhhh. And then I was mad you left for a long trip and didn’t warn me ahead of time, and started eating the mango in my hand, and then was all, we should get going to Dawn and we left, and I was driving the weird car and woke up.

My brain has decided dream you went on a long trip out of the US, and you forgot to tell me.  I’m not really sure this is the right way to cope brain.  You’re implying he’s coming back… I don’t think he’s coming back.  All because I’ve had some things implode and needed some time to get sorted.. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it that this was what did it.   Brain, thanks for trying anyway. *sigh*