Work tragedy

Just woke up from from a dream there was a mass shooting at work.

All the conversations leading up to it seemed so real too in some bits. I was in a small office surrendering access to an old system since my team moved to a new platform  and Eric happened to be there with a clipboard going over names of who still had access and by this point it was only our org anyway, and I made some joke to the lady behind the counter while making the submission (looked like hardware pickup in one of the buildings)  and then was outside some huge park in the evening and there were a bunch of us, like the holiday party but some
other event and I was talking about Chevelle and how I either just missed them in the area or am about to and need to see them and Eric just saw them at some music festival and I was all all sheee, and started talking jimmy eat world and other bands when someone started firing down the road and people started screaming.

We got up and left and I followed him and we started hearing machine guns, he started messing with this gate lock and we were in this grassy area, some oblivious guy in like a park ranger uniform was all what are you doing? And Eric explained something unrelated and he was all oh and we walked to the back where there was some deck, and patio furniture with umbrellas. And we sat down and I noticed other people there nonchalantly hanging around like nothing was going on, and there was a tv on but it was silent and I was looking at it to figure out the time and see if the news would come on cause I left my bag and phone when we were in a hurry and couldn’t call anyone or respond if anyone checked on me.

And woke up… right before 3:30 in the morning…