Not Playing This Game

Still waking up with my throat burning.  Also woke up from a bizarre dream I was dealing with Jay, actually I was dealing with Josh but he looked like Jay… that or it was Jay the whole time but he’d been in the same position as Josh professionally the whole dream was weird and confusing.  Trying to communicate was terrible, trying to piece together where I was supposed to be and where my current hierarchy professionally was terrible.  We were somewhere back east but idk where exactly, and when I asked he said NY was only a 23 minute ride away which was shocking, I think we were in DC or somewhere near there.  I was with a group at a diner and he started going through a pocket in my backpack and pulled out what looked like these little crumpled receipts but they were little crumpled notes with lyrics and other reminders or bits of information on them, and I’d been taking notes on passing thoughts or reminders to go back and use for another project later.  And when I tried to grab them back he held them out of my reach and I got pissed off and eventually got them and yelled at him go back the fuck off and leave me alone.  So he got up and said he didn’t need this shit and walked away.  When he exited the building something triggered in my head that I wanted to give an actual explanation to the papers and also wanted to know why he felt compelled to go through my things, so I ran after him, out the door and down two flights of stairs when I realized I couldn’t see him, and thought he must have exited the stairway so I took the door out and saw him on a bench with some other people. And I asked him why, and I know the dream kept going but I can’t remember what happened after.  The whole thing was uneasy, felt chronically uncertain, and was very high anxiety.