Weird dream with a lot of random places, tea, candles… regular candles, faux tea light candles, nice elderly peeps (elderly couple?) practicing some kind of pagan but idk what specifically. But they were friendly and offered me earl grey. Someone who was like Patti but wasn’t tried to give me a black skirt with pink roses on it and white polka dots and I said I didn’t want it, and she seemed disappointed and said it wasn’t hers, like it was something she’d gotten specifically for me. It felt like there was some kind of history there and I was mad at her so she was trying to make amends after she was mean and I wasn’t having any of it.
I was chatting with someone through text and put my phone down and left it for a while. Jay picked up my phone and saw the next notification and immediately accused me of cheating, and I said I wasn’t cheating on him with anyone (which was true irl but whatevs) and that we hadn’t even met before. He walked away and I did too, then I saw is shadow on the side walk and saw that he had my coat, keys, and phone, and when I turned around he handed them to me.
There was some other place with equestrian sports competitions going on, and then there was a park with playground equipment and peeps dressed like the military swiping cards nearby, it was like Riley and the mission, eww. And I pulled up some insta app thing that went to a page with a Chinese calendar and it had a bunch of pretty floral pictures and then there was a red page with a bird.
But the weirdest nicest bit was being in bed when this guy got in behind me and held me. It wasn’t Josh or Jay, but it was that level of familiar. He looked kind of like Josh Dallas (which is weird). When we interacted he treated me well, he treated me like real Josh but without all the attached sadness. He treated me in a way that he could fully reciprocate and I could fully invest in. Idk how I can wake up equal parts happy and empty inside.