City of origin

Had strange dreams with my friend Dan, we visited Michelle at one point.  I was in Phoenix and was coming up on the horizon to downtown and almost cried because I missed it and it was warmer and sunny but not like invasive bright, and then it started raining and I was all.. okay the rain followed me lol.

But it was off, like you’re driving in Seattle but get over the hill on the 5 and see downtowns landscape and it’s like ooo, or like people who first visit Vegas see the strip for the first time, and Phoenix is so spread out that you don’t get that juxtaposition between not much and then downtown.

I mean the best view for me was driving into Phoenix on the i-10 east bound through north Phoenix into downtown cause the freeway is split between downtown and uptown and I remember visiting after living in Vegas and it was breathtaking. I grew up there and know it’s a big city but it never felt like it until I spent time in Vegas and especially that first visit back, it felt bigger the first day.  Where I am now is way denser, people would say this is more of a metro, but Phoenix probably has the same number of towers, just spread out.