I hate uneven breathing

Omg I can’t breathe out of my right nostril right now and it’s one of the most annoying things ever.  I was up all last night coughing and didn’t get much sleep but at least stopped coughing in the day time so I went to work.. until I tried to eat and got super nauseated so I just went home and went back to bed. And then I’d wake up if I slept in my side and one of my arms was asleep or if I was on my back and then I’d wake up coughing with an irritated burning throat.  I’ve been sick off and on four times since moving here, and everyone keeps saying that happens when you move somewhere new.  So that plus winter time, but new office germs… I’m over it.

I had a string of strange dreams I couldn’t remember today except in one it was a sex dream with B.  I told him about it and he said “oh my” then hoped it didn’t weird me out and I was all nah, I mean it differs per the dreamer, the subject, and other stuff.  I woke up like oh hey I should say hi to B. lol.  And he mentioned how dream him gets an absurd amount of more action than he does irk and I was all saaaame. I can’t even breathe evenly right now so whatever.  *throws hands in air*