Always wandering, always searching

We were on a bed in the middle of my room and you turned over to the edge of the bed to close the door, then rolled back over to me.  It was dim with natural light trying to peek through the blinds.  This looked a lot like my room in Phoenix except it wasn’t purple. And I had some weird flashbacks where we were in period clothing, like in the 18th century, and then we were there in bed and it was the 21st century again.  You were sadistic and dangerous.  You were malicious, but in this moment you were calm and safe, and even seemed happy.  I was in your arms fading in and out and looking at the window.

I ended up in “my room” but it was different and I didn’t recognize it.  I had a glass door that opened to a back yard and I couldn’t tell how much land there was.  There was a tree in front and then some cleared muddy area before more trees again.  I couldn’t tell if this was the PNW or some extremely rural part of Alabama in the winter.  And I was thinking about where I’d been previously and about you.  I looked at my key ring to see all the different keys on them and looked out the window to stare at nature while I bent over and sprawled out on my made bed.  I wanted to send you selfies but didn’t know if you’d respond so I abstained. And then I got up and wandered the house and sat at a couch to look out the front window, and there were a bunch of animals outside. There was a large gray angora rabbit, a couple skunks I worried about flipping out and  getting defensive, dogs on leashes, their owners, some livestock, they were waiting for a veterinarian and the vet may have been inside the building I was in.

I got up and wandered to the back, there were aisles of packaged foods, mostly junk food I walked past and saw a couple guys cataloging and organizing them.  I was walking past and a couple boxes almost fell over so I stopped to stabilize them and bent down to grab my items after, realizing I was topless and had to adjust my clothing, but instead of continuing down the hall to the right to get back to my room I decided to turn around and go left out to a courtyard and then saw a cliff and some water.  There was a Mediterranean style villa and a lot of merch and people.  I wandered in to browse black flowy dresses but happened to be wearing one, and then wandered further back and saw the displays and the fetish clothing, then kept going back and it looked like the store on the ASU Tempe’s campus but with Seahawks gear instead of SunDevil stuff.  Towards the back there were cards and I paused to look at the Valentines ones for a second then continued to the back where the retail space opened up to another walkway similar to how Mandalay opens up when you go outside towards the pools.  I looked around and was back inside another living space when I ran into TSO, Jimmy, and a couple other people and we came up to a bedroom door.  I told TSO he should be in front of the door when we knocked cause it was Smatson and he was all sure, and Smatson opened the door and the group was going to go off somewhere but I noticed this chick sitting on a bench by the door and asked if she wanted to come along. She said she had to get a swimsuit and offered to let he borrow one of mine and said her being taller wasn’t a big deal cause she could borrow a bikini and I had a vintage one piece packed away I could wear too, and she accepted the offer so we started to walk back and then she disappeared.

I turned a corner and started walking down this huge staircase.  It had red carpet but the patterns or design or whatever looked like casino carpet and I started passing these chick’s on the left.  One of the girls complemented my hair then said “she’ll chop it off of you don’t do x.” I can’t remember what “x” was, but apparently it wasn’t “up to standard” for the property and I think it’s cause my bangs had grown out to my cheeks, and I was all okay thanks for the advice.  I kept going and saw this other girl passed me who I knew (in the dream) that was working there and I got her to walk with me and asked.. so being here covers room and board, whatever food you grab etc? And she was all yeah, and before I could ask about leftover wages she explained how she owned $50 and change but after all the fees there were no wages left.  So she was an indentured servant in dev. I think they expected me to accept the same position in IT and I was all that’s not gonna happen. So I tried to piece together where we were geographically and was going to tell her to just walk out, then decided I would go to SC and buy her out, then I was all wait she’s in development and suggested she go to SC to get setup and then payoff any remaining “debt” she had with these people.  We were outside walking towards the street while having this conversation and she kept moving on ahead and I told her to slow down cause I was in flipflops but she was in a hurry to add distance between her and the properly, and I woke up.