Roo’s Invasion Dream

Dreamed about serious full scale alien invasion all night last night. Battles in the skies over Summerlin/ Centennial Hills area. Nellis’ response team was losing, bad. Best and brightest pilots wiped out quick. Ground missile launch teams were a scrambling, failingly chaotic second wave. Citizens stared dumbly into the skies snapping pics on facebook. Myself included- or at least, I was trying to- but all I could manage to post was the word “FUCK–” I got some video but it wouldn’t load. I met some of the humanoid looking aliens and understood they were not human but wearing like, “Edgar suits”. They seemed to think they were here to help, regardless of their ruthless disarmament. They sent automated drones out to collect human donations of objects and food for study. I tried to explain to them about days of the week and the concept of coffee. But I started choking in my dream and couldn’t speak or even breathe, so as I was blacking out I mentally begged the aliens for help. I felt them jolt me awake, and I woke up literally choking for real. Got some water and then fell back asleep and had at least 2 more subsequent dreams in the same storyline.
In the first I met or saw a documentary about a spaceship full of earth human children we had sent out as a sort of “great hope” experiment. They reported they had seen “friends” while up there [these same invading aliens], often tailing them or drifting alongside their ship. One boy explained, “At first we couldn’t talk to them very well, but then they gave us better words/3-D words…[I think he said “better words” but I understood he meant something like 3-D visual telepathic speech]” and the kid’s face brightened up and he indicated talking to their “friends” was fun and cool way they passed the time up there.
The second dream showed me that all of our chemical and material manufacturing processes on earth had been getting seeded with extraterrestrial particles and molecules from the aliens’ homeworld for a while to make the planet more hospitable to them and somehow also affect us- again part of their agenda to “help” us. The particles were now inextricably woven into everything- oils, plastics, metals, glass, fabric, even food and drink. The molecules bore a special alien ID tag or “makers’ mark” that was only visible under an electron microscope.
Needless to say I’m pretty tired today, lol.

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