Detached iris

Omg, in my dream my right iris kept detaching like it was a contact lens and I could feel it and would look in the mirror and try to look at wherever the iris was, like when an actual contact moves and it wasn’t working so I had to close my left eye and would try to get my right eye to look into it instead of trying to line it up using a mirror. And I was talking to this doctor and she was all well don’t do whatever, and take a break from wearing makeup, and I was all… but none of those things happened and I never wear make up and she was all ohh and lost her confidence on this being an easy thing to deal with right there. And I guess eye surgery was on the table, which freaks me out. Idk how people deal with lasik like everyone I know irl loves it but >_>

There was a bunch of other weird stuff too like kids with bad behavior running around in this building and the carpeting down the halls and ugly wallpaper made it look like a hotel or something but whenever I looked out a window we were super high up like this had to be an office building. I’m forgetting everything now, and that’s okay.. I wanna sleep a little more anyway.

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