
I’ve considered the Vegas dating/hook up/whatever scene to not even be worth window shopping in since I moved there.  I mean I never considered Phoenix to be that great but it’s a lot better by comparison.. which is pretty sad for Vegas.  And I’ve been on the fence about doing anything with anyone.  Part of me feels like I would be betraying my own heart, but I know I should be allowing myself to take more steps towards moving on.  Wtf happened to me?  I’ve always been selective, but still suuuuuper free spirited when I find someone I’d actually want to hit up. I’m not worried about hurting anyone… I’m more concerned about my emotions after.  I don’t know if I’m going to feel better with the distance after or if I’m going have to damage control some unexpected emotional fallout from inside.  I have not been able to sleep with anyone else.  No one else has kissed or held me since, and that’s probably making it harder to try again.   I’m making this harder on myself.  I’m being ridiculous.

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