I’m way more exhausted than I expected to be at the end of the week. I guess I’ve been staying super busy tying loose ends, speeding through errands, and getting everything I’m “supposed to” situated so I could free up time and dedicate everything to studying right now… and got less done than I wanted this morning due to bs and then spent all afternoon researching and found some free money and resources for friends and then the Cisco thing for myself AND got a loooot more ish done than I thought I would. Glad I held off on switching my major after all. I’ve needed to develop a set routine but wanted other stuff out of the way first, and I got like 80%-ish of everything done so… I’m probably going to cancel going to Phoenix to speed through Linux. I need this done before Cisco if I get the scholarship. That should be a “when” but nothing is guaranteed. This is a three month program, it looks like it’s going to hurt like a mofo. I still want it cause I’m crazy.
So I’ve spent this evening re prioritizing the order I want to do things in and figuring out feasible time frames with minimal (hopefully) burnout. I’m going to respond to the last round of recruiters and leads and then stop putting time into job stuffs until this is done. I started the first Linux class, it’s 45 hours of lecture, omg. *crying inside* Plus the practice exams after that, and burning through those nonstop takes me about two days. So yeah, I have to make a strict normal people schedule and stick with it. Omg all of this feels overwhelming right now. I already have weekend plans so I’m thinking of trying to casually do a couple hours here and there, and then dive in Monday with a 5 or 6 hour schedule. This whole thing is crazy. The timing on all of this couldn’t have been more perfect if I had planned it. Omg.
Edit: I have a goddamn phantom work phone I keep thinking I’m neglecting, or lost, at night.