
I just did something I hadn’t done since 2013.  I started a new script, and it’s an SNRI that’s supposed to treat fibromyalgia and nerve pain or whatever.  SNRI’s scare me, since I almost killed myself on the last one.  But the doc confirmed the one I was on had a bad reputation and got pulled, he said he prescribed it once and his patient had a bad time on it, so never again.  This one that’s new to me apparently has decent results.  He said it’s rare with this one, but if I try it for a few days and start having mood issues, or major depression, feel like a zombie, or have other issues to just stop taking it.  I’m sill super skeptical and this drug class makes me nervous, but hearing what he said about the bad one in 2013 made me feel validated, and it’s been literally years since I walked away from an initial visit with this much confidence in a doctor.  He’s having me follow up with a colleague there who is a headache specialist so we can figure out what’s going on with my headaches and what they’re doing to my vision..   I’ve dealt with rheumatology and other stuff before, but this is my first time going to see pain specialists at an institution that focuses specifically on pain.  And my friend who recommended this place to me said her quality of life got much better after seeing them.  They are out of network and are pricey, but if it helps it’s worth it.  I gave up on this yeeeears ago, so this is very very hard for me to try again.  I told him because it’s been so long, I was basically starting over, and  wanted to challenge my fibro diagnosis.  And he said that was cool, so there’s a lot of bloodwork in my future.  Also regretting switching from an HSA to a PPO, because at least I wouldn’t be paying for anything once I passed my deductible, but I know I’m going to pass it and start shelling out monies out of pocket. Whoops.  And this is probably one of the most expensive scripts I’ve ever filled, and it’s the generic!  At least I have the cash.  I know a lot of people who don’t have my options, and a few years ago I couldn’t have afforded this.  I still feel like hell after the trigger point test earlier today.  I guess now it’s called a “tender point” exam or something? He was commenting that my myofascial pain was really high or sensitive or something.  lol.  I’m just info dumping this somewhere so it’s out of my system.

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