Too many 80’s witches and rom coms

I feel like I had two random dreams that were competing with each other, or just bled into each other.  There was a judge that ruled I had to have party even though I didn’t have the capacity for my student body and back tracked later thinking, isn’t that breaking fire code?  I wish I’d thought of that sooner so I could have brought it up.  I was on the laptop at the dining room table (it was bright, it was different), and we were talking on AIM and the window was blinking but I had to keep opening another window in front of it or lowering the screen because I was trying to concentrate and people were walking in and out of the room.  And when I finally peeked, you said you were playing with Photoshop like I had been and sent me a few selfies and some other stuff and I was all omg, I don’t have time for this, why don’t I have time for this?  Omg.  And then I was walking around in this venue, and it was kind of like a mall, like Fashion Show where they have that runway in the middle, and it was at night and I was in this pageant-like dress and the fabric design was the American flag and there was a detachable cape.  It was weird af.  And then there were people outside yelling so I went across the street and went inside this small house, and someone invited themselves in to be a guest.

I was in another house upstairs, three girls disappeared into bedroom, and I was about to accuse them of trying to use Mel, but they came out of the room in party dresses and wern’t going to ditch her.  I went out back to the pool, then went around corner and walked around until I decided to go back inside and found another room whee Hurley and other people dressed like bikers and goths were standing around a flogging demonstration.  So I was all… this is out of place and was about to walk out but a friend saw me and hugs me and I’m in a really small swimsuit and want to gtfo, so we hug and then I gtfo.  There was a dude with a bunch of clipboards tied together on red cord he was pulling,  and I was trying to stay out of way, then grabbed one end of cord and ask if he’ll be rolling them up or using something else to see if I could help.  He said he wasn’t, then said oh yeah you’re IT, and I was all yeah I used to be, and he was all okay cool we’ll call you if we need you… okay cool.   It’s dark out and we’re behind a warehouse area, so I started walking back and step on glass.  There was a lot of broken glass on the asphalt.  I made it to the door and a nice lady helped me up the stairs, and along the wall there’s art from different students and one section has my projects from high school and she says my name and starts pointing some very steampunk looking things out, and at the end in a glass case is something I sewed and it apparently had some significance, like if our stuff was on the walls we had some kind of magic.. aaaand I woke up.

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