To my love, to my dearest

Mel believes you’re my first, and while I disagree, I understand why she believes it.  Just because someone was disingenuous with me, doesn’t invalidate the love I had for others in my past.  Every love is different.  But I know up until this very moment in my life, I have loved you differently.  I have loved you the hardest.  I have loved you the most.

I want to start off by telling you I love you and wanted to give you the best weeks possible.  I was so focused on the moment and enabled these issues instead of trying to face the problems I knew you didn’t want to touch.  I didn’t just want some short lived thing.  And it’s funny how this has lasted longer than most people’s relationships.  I wanted everything with you, I wanted a lifetime, I wanted to spend the rest of our lives together doing anything we wanted.  And if I couldn’t be your first love, I wanted to be your last.

I thought you were the love of my life.  That is hard to walk from, it’s harder to be near while it’s untouchable.  I can’t move on while things are still like this.  I understand you feel having anything less than our friendship feels like a loss.  We are both taking losses today.  I want us to end as well as possible, with only love and respect.  So this is goodbye.

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