
My dad just woke me out of a dead sleep by asking what time I was going in to the office today and I answered him, and then he said the guy who hit my car doesn’t want to pay for repairs because “I backed into him,” when my car is an automatic, and I was waiting for traffic to clear before making a right turn. Are you kidding?? So I dropped an f bomb and went off on that asshole and the audacity of this bs, and how can his insurance take his word for this when he was apologizing profusely to me that he wasn’t paying attention and was on the phone etc, and I have photos.. so now I get to pay a $500 deductible through my insurance to cover it like it was an uninsured motorist accident, and they get to sort it out, and then I realized what I was yelling through the door while waking up and was all “you woke me right out of a dream, I was running through a bookstore and then heard you and we were talking about that guy who hit my car and I dropped an f bomb and didn’t realize it, sorry dad.” And he was all its okay I’m not mad, sorry to wake you…

“it’s okay..” >_>

So I was running through a Korean bookstore a few minutes ago, and there was some indoor shop with different suits and booths/kiosks in the open areas and I was shopping, and I lost my cellphone and was looking for it, and had a huge pink umbrella, and was walking east cause I was using the umbrella to block the sun as it was setting, and some asshole lifted my skirt from behind and I got super mad and turned around to beat the shit out of him with my umbrella.

What a morning. I am so mad, and haven’t left my bed yet.

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