Monthly Archives: June 2016


My dad just woke me out of a dead sleep by asking what time I was going in to the office today and I answered him, and then he said the guy who hit my car doesn’t want to pay for repairs because “I backed into him,” when my car is an automatic, and I was waiting for traffic to clear before making a right turn. Are you kidding?? So I dropped an f bomb and went off on that asshole and the audacity of this bs, and how can his insurance take his word for this when he was apologizing profusely to me that he wasn’t paying attention and was on the phone etc, and I have photos.. so now I get to pay a $500 deductible through my insurance to cover it like it was an uninsured motorist accident, and they get to sort it out, and then I realized what I was yelling through the door while waking up and was all “you woke me right out of a dream, I was running through a bookstore and then heard you and we were talking about that guy who hit my car and I dropped an f bomb and didn’t realize it, sorry dad.” And he was all its okay I’m not mad, sorry to wake you…

“it’s okay..” >_>

So I was running through a Korean bookstore a few minutes ago, and there was some indoor shop with different suits and booths/kiosks in the open areas and I was shopping, and I lost my cellphone and was looking for it, and had a huge pink umbrella, and was walking east cause I was using the umbrella to block the sun as it was setting, and some asshole lifted my skirt from behind and I got super mad and turned around to beat the shit out of him with my umbrella.

What a morning. I am so mad, and haven’t left my bed yet.


We were stuck at this outdoor coffee table thing kind of how Postinos is set, there were people around us so we were lyncing each other and would shift our laptops over to nod for responses and were trying to get out of there. There was something else about a house but I can’t remember.

1:16AM – Hard conversations

I meant to be asleep hours ago but heard yelling downstairs when I was wrapping up homework and went to go check it out.  There was a lot of hostility and when dad went upstairs mom explained the situation, so I defined gaslighting to her and gave examples, and just said screw it and pulled up a wiki article.  She appreciated the explanation and how it validated her frustrations, anger, and hurt.

So I chilled with her in the living room for a bit and she was mentioning how I need to sleep since I have to be up extra early.. since I rescheduled the nail appointment from last Friday to this morning.. I have to leave in 5 hours.. ugh.  She asked how work was, and I explained the high level ish, and school, and how I’m considering changing some of the courses on my path with the university, how I am exhausted, about the changes I’m trying to make professionally.

She asked how is Josh?  I was like, fine.

Is this why you were gone the last week?  Yes. (Damn she’s blunt)

Are you two dating? No.

And this is where I started crying, and she immediately apologized because she hit something, and I said not to cause she wasn’t aware.  I said I ended it.  We couldn’t work.  She asked why, and I just deflected we can’t.  She asked if there was an issue with a woman and I just nodded.  I couldn’t lie to her as much as I wanted to.  It’s none of her business, I know she’s trying to be supportive and be there for me, but I still have my own pride, and I didn’t want her to think any less of the person I’m crying over.  I told her, that I explained we wouldn’t be able to talk again without it hurting, until we could be together, or I was over it.  I made it very clear, and I stuck to it.  She reassured me that I did the right thing.  She said I was strong for keeping up with work and school.  She said she was sorry, and tried to offer some comfort that time is the best medicine.

So hopefully I wake up and make it to my appointment in 5 hours.

Accidental texts

I like how in my dream I woke up drowsy and exhausted, so I get to do it twice.  I accidentally texted you a picture from this weird red blackberry / iPhone hybrid thing. Like it looked like my blackberry from back in the day but was the size of my iPhone and I can’t remember who said what but you pointed out I’d sent you a series of pictures like they told a story, and they were all pieces from Chiara Bautista. I had to find my actual phone in my backpack and my iPhone was like twice its size but still not an iPad?

Too many 80’s witches and rom coms

I feel like I had two random dreams that were competing with each other, or just bled into each other.  There was a judge that ruled I had to have party even though I didn’t have the capacity for my student body and back tracked later thinking, isn’t that breaking fire code?  I wish I’d thought of that sooner so I could have brought it up.  I was on the laptop at the dining room table (it was bright, it was different), and we were talking on AIM and the window was blinking but I had to keep opening another window in front of it or lowering the screen because I was trying to concentrate and people were walking in and out of the room.  And when I finally peeked, you said you were playing with Photoshop like I had been and sent me a few selfies and some other stuff and I was all omg, I don’t have time for this, why don’t I have time for this?  Omg.  And then I was walking around in this venue, and it was kind of like a mall, like Fashion Show where they have that runway in the middle, and it was at night and I was in this pageant-like dress and the fabric design was the American flag and there was a detachable cape.  It was weird af.  And then there were people outside yelling so I went across the street and went inside this small house, and someone invited themselves in to be a guest.

I was in another house upstairs, three girls disappeared into bedroom, and I was about to accuse them of trying to use Mel, but they came out of the room in party dresses and wern’t going to ditch her.  I went out back to the pool, then went around corner and walked around until I decided to go back inside and found another room whee Hurley and other people dressed like bikers and goths were standing around a flogging demonstration.  So I was all… this is out of place and was about to walk out but a friend saw me and hugs me and I’m in a really small swimsuit and want to gtfo, so we hug and then I gtfo.  There was a dude with a bunch of clipboards tied together on red cord he was pulling,  and I was trying to stay out of way, then grabbed one end of cord and ask if he’ll be rolling them up or using something else to see if I could help.  He said he wasn’t, then said oh yeah you’re IT, and I was all yeah I used to be, and he was all okay cool we’ll call you if we need you… okay cool.   It’s dark out and we’re behind a warehouse area, so I started walking back and step on glass.  There was a lot of broken glass on the asphalt.  I made it to the door and a nice lady helped me up the stairs, and along the wall there’s art from different students and one section has my projects from high school and she says my name and starts pointing some very steampunk looking things out, and at the end in a glass case is something I sewed and it apparently had some significance, like if our stuff was on the walls we had some kind of magic.. aaaand I woke up.

To my love, to my dearest

Mel believes you’re my first, and while I disagree, I understand why she believes it.  Just because someone was disingenuous with me, doesn’t invalidate the love I had for others in my past.  Every love is different.  But I know up until this very moment in my life, I have loved you differently.  I have loved you the hardest.  I have loved you the most.

I want to start off by telling you I love you and wanted to give you the best weeks possible.  I was so focused on the moment and enabled these issues instead of trying to face the problems I knew you didn’t want to touch.  I didn’t just want some short lived thing.  And it’s funny how this has lasted longer than most people’s relationships.  I wanted everything with you, I wanted a lifetime, I wanted to spend the rest of our lives together doing anything we wanted.  And if I couldn’t be your first love, I wanted to be your last.

I thought you were the love of my life.  That is hard to walk from, it’s harder to be near while it’s untouchable.  I can’t move on while things are still like this.  I understand you feel having anything less than our friendship feels like a loss.  We are both taking losses today.  I want us to end as well as possible, with only love and respect.  So this is goodbye.


I know I did the right thing, and can at least take that with me.  There is zero doubt.  There is no longer any unknown, no what if, none of that.

I’d known this for a while in the back of my mind but couldn’t put it into words until this week.  You always cited communication problems, and then you said I was blunt a couple times (which I thought was funny). I like being blunt, it’s simple, it’s to the point, it’s usually not hard to misinterpret.  I was trying to resist making assumptions even though you said more than once you were trying to make it easy for me to do it, so you wouldn’t have to say things outright, and despite my declaring I didn’t want to draw my own conclusions, and wanted you to say things directly, you still got me to run with your words, only to have me point it out again. You can’t have it both ways. Even if saying something directly is uncomfortable, you can’t force people to make assumptions by leading them with words, and then get upset when there are miscommunications.  That will not always work out the way you expect.  I hope you start paying attention to this habit and that it helps you when speaking with others in the future.

And I did notice your efforts on trying to communicate better, and we were seeing each other more often.  But you placed limits on us, and I was reminded every day.  You and I are never going to have a drunk brunch together.  I didn’t know if I would ever see you on a weekend, or know what it’s like to have a decent amount of time with you.  Travel with you.  Kiss you good morning and good night.  Celebrate anniversaries.  Celebrate each other.

You made me believe in love at first sight.  I never believed in “the one,” but I thought you were the one for me.  I didn’t want to waste any more time, and by that I mean I wanted all the time I could have with you.  Because we both know life is short, neither of us expected to be alive today at certain points in our pasts, and everything is uncertain.  I know someday we won’t be around, so I want to cherish every day I have with you.

You forced me to give up.

And believe me, I fought so hard not to.  I tried looking at it from every angle I could.

I fought myself.  I asked myself to keep pushing despite the self destruction.

I couldn’t act like this wasn’t happening anymore.  I had to speak in absolutes.  I had already acknowledged my limits, now I have to enforce them.

My love,

You are giving up your life for others, and it is destroying you, and I cannot watch you do this to yourself.

I can only hope that someday you’ll realize your value, that you absolutely deserve happiness, and will go after it.

Weird internets dream

I had a dream I was bitching to some dsl provider about a lan line and had to go into this telco room in my home and fuck with these coax cables but they were fiber. Nothing matched. >_>

Edit: I think it’s funny how I woke up from an ISP issue dream and this afternoon we had a Comcast outage.

Pink teddy bear

This pink zombie teddy bear was only a zombie because it didn’t have a heart like the ones they put in at build a bear, that’s it. It still looked like a normal teddy bear. The bear didn’t act differently, it was like some kind of insider knowledge. And now that I’m waking up it reminds me of the pink toy bears from MapleStory.

Also vaguely remember something about an ex dating some chick after the long term thing he had after me with the frigid chick, but the relationship after that already ended too. I saw a clip of them online and she looked like our friend Sarah but it wasn’t her and I got the impression she was super cool and thought… she’s too good for him. She could do better.. they broke up anyway. *shrugs*

Wtf did I just wake up from? Pink bears?


I can barely wake up in the morning, I ache, everything hurts, everything is heavy, it all stings. It feels like I’ve been crying all night whether I have or haven’t.  I’m hazy and distracted, distraught, dysfunctional.  Sleep deprived.  I keep hitting snooze, waking up from dreams every time, I’m dizzy, I’m nauseated, I can’t drive in the mornings anymore, and sometimes feel very close to crying for no reason.  Some days I can’t eat at all without the worry and feeling that taking this bite will bring everything back up, but there’s nothing because I haven’t been capable of any bites.  Some days I feel like I can’t stop and I’m making up for the previous day’s failure.  I’ve been nothing more than a shell, trying to go through the motions.  The last two weeks… need to stop.


How can I get so much done in one day and still feel so empty?

Still haven’t closed that tab from an email advertisement.  The $39 flight to SF and the $29 to SLC.  It’s not like I’d be buying them, I wouldn’t know when, or if I would even have that choice anymore.

Dark paradise

My arms feel incredibly weak and heavy, and I’m still drowsy even though it’s late in the morning. Lana Del Rey’s Dark Paradise is stuck in my head… really? *yawn*

The string of dreams last night was weird, I had to leave my Hyundai on the shoulder of the SR-51 for some reason and there was construction and bad traffic.  I was driving my second car and it was either a Kia or a Mitsubishi and I can’t remember (but it’s funny cause I’ve owned both) and was trying to figure out how to retrieve my first car but couldn’t drive both.  Tasha called and said she saw one of my cars on the freeway and offered to help me retrieve it sometime when I was ready. I drove over to this house and parked by this fenced off area, it looked a lot like the west side, and walked in and past Dyllan’s gf from Idaho and she said hi and was pretending to be nice when she was being nosy. I knocked on Tasha’s door and she wasn’t in so I left, and walked out of this large building.  This was like City Center. The buildings were large and led lit, I was trying to figure out which route to take to get to the part of the 51 the car was on so I could at least check on it, and from that part of town it was tricky, the guy who walked out with me and that first chick said they normally wouldn’t touch it from here and that’s a Tasha question or a Tasha skill, and I was all okay and decided to drop it until I saw her.

I was in some small office talking to a girl through IM who was worried about her sick friend and his medical equipment.  Her mother was in the room with me along with a few other people. I don’t remember who I was with but I think I was tagging along with them.  The girl I was talking to was worried because the device wasn’t functioning at 100% capacity, and I gave an analogy on a consumerable like a lithium battery, how it’ll keep working even if it’s capacity degrades over time, and it’ll eventually need to be replaced. She got really sad because it was expensive, and I told her it’s not there yet, he’ll still be okay for now, and this was normal but that eventually he’d need a replacement, and she felt a little better after showing her how to check on its levels.

I was in what looked like a Safeway or a Vons, and this guy was making some comparison about going to a Starbucks every day versus making your own shitty Starbucks coffee yourself and the cost savings, and I like going to Starbucks sometimes so fuck that guy, but I get the point he was making on home brew, anyway.. there was a table set up against a wall like the last aisle was missing and there were two large bowls, one filled with what looked like 5 spice pork belly, the other with what I’m guessing was bbq chicken?  They asked me to grab the pepper while I was up and kept looking for a container with black pepper, brought it over and started shaking it over the food, and it came out red.. like paprika or cayenne red so I stopped and sat back down.

I was walking on the sidewalk in the day time with this lady who looked kind of like Dee and kind of like my 5th grade school teacher, she had to go across the street to grab something she’d forgotten and said she’d meet up with me in the garage on the 6th floor, and I said yeah as a confirmation while getting on the elevator, and across the street she yelled yes mom! As a half joke so I yelled it back to her and she giggled. The elevator was weird, and like this coral goldish pinkish color. There was an older dude who was up in my space and I turned around which cause him to bump into me and he apologized.  There was a lady standing to my right in a lab coat and this guy was explaining this crazy medical issue to her that this other girl had, I didn’t know what their relation was. But when the doctor heard the name she was all ahhh that case was hard to break, she’d already heard about it and flipped her notes back a few pages. We exited the elevator and I was in some medical center instead of a garage (but I’d forgotten about it).

I was sitting on a cushion outside looking at this huge screen that wrapped around the area I was in. It was digital, it was displaying a green scenery to blend in, idk if we were in the shade or something.  But they were talking about dolphins, and then said they had penguins and I was all omg I wanna go in the zoo and see the penguins, and this chick mentioned something about koalas and I was all.. we don’t like those anymore, and a koala plushy fell from the sky out of nowhere onto the cushion I was sitting on and I was all.. the koala toy is kinda cute.

And you sat next to me and you were wearing a red tshirt, and your hair was almost as long as mine is right now, and we were talking about the park and then you mentioned something about an aunt in Texas who was about to have a baby. Like you had four people you knew in Texas who were cool, and you and this aunt were so close in age she was more like a cousin.  I laid down next to you and looked up at the ceiling, we were in a dim lit room on a bed that was low to the ground, like it was still daytime but the curtains were so thick it wasn’t too bright. We held each other and became intimate, you were unzipping my dress from the back and we pulled your shirt off.  I looked to my right and noticed the closet had mirrored doors, and in the reflection I saw myself but not you, and I turned my head and buried my face into your right shoulder, holding on tight, if I looked ahead I could still see you, and feel you, and just hold on. I refused to look anywhere else around the room because I was scared you’d disappear.  The environment was weird, there were features from like my last three apartments that kept changing.