My wifey is a mermaid

My wifey’s hair was super red again a she dressed up as Ariel from the little mermaid, in the blue and black dress with her hair in a bow for Halloween. And it was perfect! She looked like a character at Disneyland omg, and she flashed her huge smile, and she was wearing these pearl earrings, and had the long flowey skirt with a petticoat under, and she had some fake blood going down from the corner of her mouth to the bottom of her chin and she was holding a severed zombie hand while hugging someone who was dressed up as a zombie for Halloween. This was in the daytime out on her front porch and omg. ^-^

And there were donuts, so many donuts! I went to this bakery and asked for two, not realizing I ordered two dozen.  So when I got back I opened the box and kept pulling more donuts ou on to this wire basket to try and figure out which one I wanted to eat.  They were all fancy and decorated differently and a lot of them had this vanilla cream kinda like frosting inside.  I found one I ripped open and it was flakey inside like a croissant with some chocolate in it so I decided to eat that one.

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