Accidental Flight

I had this dream last night that I followed you to SF.. on accident.  I was legit sitting up front wondering what I was doing on the plane and was worried, then looked behind and saw you a few rows back and sank into my seat.  I wanted to make sure things were alright and then sneak back off but the plane started moving and I was all omg I can’t make them stop the plane and cause a bigger delay,  I’ll have to suck it up and when I land in SFO buy the next ticket back to LAS.  So it definitely wasn’t romantic chase after you like in the movies, it wasn’t planned and in the dream I was like oh shit, this could almost come off as stalker creepy, shit the plane is moving, shit I didn’t get off on time.  And people were starting to get up and it was huge inside, people were grabbing food and stuff and putting them in these cute boutique boxes and I kept my head down just in case hoping I’d look like some other random small chick then thought well shit, I should have taken my lip jewelry out and dyed my hair black.. actually I never should have been on here, and I was in a red pajama tank and pants set so I knew my back tattoo was a giveaway. Shit.

I slumped on the floor but it was all nice and carpeted and the seats folded and I had blankets.  You came around and started calling me out saying you know it’s me so look up, and I looked away towards the seat/wall thingie and you were all fine and sat next to me and grabbed the x box controller next to my foot and waited, then said something like you know there are three of us, how is this supposed to work? And then I caved and responded all, well it’s okay cause when I get there I’ll hop right on another plane back to LAS and don’t worry about it and got silent and thought to myself omg I sound crazy, I shouldn’t be here and didn’t get off in time, I’m probably being compared to those stalker chicks and I know I was worried but wtf could I of done if something had happened like if there was a plane crash or other emergency, I would be in it too and I wouldn’t be able to stop anything, I wouldn’t be able to protect him from anything. Awkward af dream.

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