Practical Magic

Decided to watch Practical Magic since I’d heard of it and never ever seen it before and Netflix… which can be summarized as: Guy from Tucson shows up in your town on business, and you can’t keep your words straight and are super clumsy and fucking things up when he’s around AND he keeps showing up in places where you are. Dudes got some fucking magical green and blue eyes, depending on lighting but usually they look blue. You wrote about him before you met. He discovers you have a problem and promises not to let anything harm you. He admits he was drawn to seek you out because he read your letter, even though that’s not why he’s there officially, but you are why he’s there, and why he came back.  You’re super pragmatic about what brought you both there and see the problems but hey, not like that’s gonna stop you or keep you away. Shit works out and Crystal by Stevie Nicks plays at the end of the movie.

Umm… What?


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