In Bloom

I walked into the living room, it was dark except for the tv and I was tired of watching Jay die at Super Mario so I decided to run through the game and show him how it’s done. He was being an asshole and when I came in kept asking about Wil Francis of William Control and was all oh hey where’s he at? Is he here? This was agitating him a lot and then I apologized saying I usually don’t care but Alexis is obsessed so when I walked in that kind of rubbed off and took over. When I looked around I saw tall stacks of red Verizon MiFi boxes and i5c stacks behind N64 stacks, but I was about to play SNES. Then I turned the TV back to the game to start a new one and it was weird with the items you could pick, and the character you could pick to play. A chick was then hanging out bed to me as I started it and then it started the game but it showed another chick with a guitar and it was some impossibly hard guitar hero sequence. The controller in my lap was a guitar hero controller so I tried to run with it and was  fucking up at first but then actually started to make it, then I made this excuse like oh yeah it starts this way I forgot, but I didn’t really know.

I put it down and was still sitting on the chair in front of the couch, and the were stairs to my left like the house in Phoenix. I was wearing this ivory white In Bloom night gown with pearls sewn in.  Alan Rickman came downstairs and sat in the other chair in front of mine, facing me. There was some pending proposal waiting on my answer and I was reluctant but decided to go for it to spite Jay. Alan had his hand on my back to comfort me because I was aggravated, then I placed a hand on his cheek and without looking up I said yes like I was agreeing to an arranged marriage. What surprised me though, was as I was accepting I was very happy because I knew he genuinely loved me and would care for me, and my posture changed and I was warmer towards him. He said he was very happy I accepted, and I quietly thought to myself I was too. He also mentioned it was pretty dim and I commented it was only 11:30am, so it must have been an overcast day.

I was at what was being called the Firehouse but it was like someone’s residence. Sharon Osbourne wanted to see Alan’s hand because it had been sliced open on the top and was infected. She asked one of the girls three to get her something and then was like “today.” She th went to a fridge and grabbed two morello beers and opened one to drink, then the other to hand to him. He politely declined saying he wasn’t sure how long we’d be here and she said it’d help the pain, and that he wasn’t sure how long this would take.  She was going to fix it.

i walked into another room with a pool table and this chick in this black jersey with this super cute pixie cut brushed my hand on the table intentionally then turned around to look at me. I was a little startled but didn’t want to be rude so I started to apologize then stoops before I could get a word out. Sharon had sat down on the couch against the wall and handed me two cigarettes, I placed on the table behind me next to my beer. The chick kept dancing and started getting up on me, it would have been like a lap dance except I was standing going omg wtf is happening. I planned on giving her the Tokyo cigarettes I was handed since I didn’t smoke and when I moved them the chick that was dancing asked “what did you do with my cigarettes?” And I was all oh! Here.. and handed them to her. I guess Sharon and paid her to dance for me and distract me, and I was supposed to give her the cigarettes as like a bonus, or a way for her to know it was me. So we sat on another couch while she ripped the filter off one and smoked it through some weird vape-pipe thing and she asked if I wanted any but I said no, thank you, I don’t smoke tobacco. lol

I looked at the table to my right and noticed there was a couple small fish tanks, one with the water only filled half way the fish trying to jump to the other on that was full with a water pump to circulate and oxygenate the water, and the fish on there was just chillin. I was thinking of moving the taller IKEA shelf with the cut outs they were on to the opposite wall by the door, then get something more like a coffee table against that wall on the right to put the fish tanks on. Then I looked around and realized I was in my own suite in Phoenix and it was really nice. I went outside to this enclosed patio to sit at the table and take pictures on my phone of the walls and ceiling since they were painted beautifully with designs using reds and some purples and other colors. Then some chick walked out to grab plates off the table from some brunch I apparently missed.

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