I was walking through what looked like a show room with different model kitchens, they were almost like the sets you see for pinup shoots while others were modern. One was really unusual where the fridge stuck out a little from its designated spot due to a lack of space. It was a large brushed chrome fridge that was way taller than me.. maybe not way taller and more like the one downstairs irl, but it seemed that way in the dream. I was messing with something else that was plugged in and tried moving the cord. It was like one of those large grey 220 volt appliance plugs, and when I turned around I realized I had pulled the cord and the fridge moved entirely out of it’s place so I needed to move it back. Then I realized it was unplugged and couldn’t rotate it to find its cord and plug it back in before trying to push it back.
I was in some weird apartment that was old but had been renovated. It was upstairs in a tall building and had an open floor plan with nice wooden floors that had a natural finish. I couldn’t tell if this was a studio or one bedroom apartment since it was long and the kitchen was surprisingly huge with black shiny cabinets and appliances. The island was rectangular but the cabinets were rounded and stylized like the dressers on the Fabulous and Baroque website. Like black on black lacquered Anais Credenza cabinets, they were gorgeous. There were large windows to my right previously but then there was a large industrial sized washer and dryer, was I in another apartment in the same building? They were the side loading style but large enough to walk in, they were the size of walk in freezers. The person who just randomly showed up in this dream, who I guess was showing me everything, even walked into one of them and the light came on in the “drum” except it looked like a chrome room and just seeing someone in there felt very ominous so I was all okay lets go.
Brandon and I were downstairs in a living room watching the TV and it had a little static. I wasn’t paying attention to it until he mentioned it making out a message on the screen and brought it to my attention. It was some kind of personal threat to my life. There was some chick with a short black bob we knew who walked down the stairs (the TV was against the wall the stairs shared) and we had a brief exchange about it and the other paranormal ish that was going around inside I can’t remember anymore, but lots of weird stuff was happening and it was directed at harming me. She seemed to understand what was going on but didn’t offer any guidance on the problem and walked back upstairs.
I was in some really small room and the walls were painted some pea green color, there was barely enough room for a twin bed and a small desk, I can’t even remember what was currently on the walls but was considering getting a framed dragonfly for one of the bare spaces and then something else for another space. I knew what the second object was in the dream and it’s gonna drive me crazy I can’t remember now.
Then I was sitting in a chair at this standalone desk where one side was against the wall. It was parallel to the two rows of desks where some of the people I knew from infra and networking were sitting. You and I had been discussing security and and there was another gentleman sitting at another desk like the one I was at. We were making small talk when I discovered he was waiting to be interviewed. We talked about different things while he waited and I gave him some info and general advice I would like appreciated in his situation and he thanked me. The door behind him opened and he walked in. At the row of desks were John W, Etori, Steve, and some other friends asking me why I didn’t go for that spot instead of the one I was currently considered, and we went back and forth on the pros and cons. The door was still open and you were sitting at the table with the guy from earlier and dude was all why don’t you go for this thing? I was happy with the decision I already made and these points only reinforced it.
So I was back in that pea green room but turned around and now it was a larger loft. I was looking at this part of the wall that was maybe a foot long, like a little dent so it wasn’t a boxy 4 walled room, and thought that’s where the framed dragonfly should go. I was talking to Brandon about placement while he sat in a chair at a desk against the wall. Then I was sitting on the floor at a table writing in a notebook and the room had white walls. A few of us were sitting on the carpet around a Korean table and you had your back against a sofa. We were addressing the paranormal weirdness from earlier and you suggested taking some spot that was going to throw our schedules off, because I’d be going back to a swing shift and would be schooling in the morning. It was going to be hard to see each other but you tried to push it for my benefit. I wasn’t happy about it but decided to at least think about it.