I was walking through this house / work space research facility out in the middle of nowhere. It was remote like in Ex Machina where it’s all green and near water and off the grid, but the inside wasn’t as barren or dim or gray, it was well lit without being too bright. We didn’t know how long we were going to be there for and I wasn’t sure what the project actually was. I opened the door and peeked out to see a deck and some peeps outside then went back inside to the kitchen and saw a bunch of dishes on the island. They’d been sent in and one was packaged with a note for me. He sent me food, and when I opened it saw these little yaki mandus in rows that made them look wavy and the mix inside made some spots look green. He called it mermaid hair or something like that. Which makes me think of Starbucks. lol
I don’t remember eating or doing anything else there. I was driving my car on the freeway and the screen under the dash went to a green screen that had a message saying it had been hacked. I started freaking out not knowing how to stop it or what was about to happen and woke up.