Monthly Archives: November 2015

Something Substantial

I recently shared an article: Sometimes I Just Need to be F*cked {Adult} by Kate Rose on 11/27, followed by a post about wanting to get laid. One of my girl friends commented the Katniss meme “I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!”  Another friend commented I just gave two dozen goth boys hope that their lives aren’t meaningless. Hah.  Hilarious.  Anyway,  the article starts off by explaining how it’s not just about wanting love or a relationship, but it’s the need to be “supremely f*cked.”  It goes on to explain this is not like using each other’s bodies for some mutual masturbation but is much much more meaningful and that’s what makes it supreme.  I don’t think a lot of women have gotten to this point and don’t know they’re settling.  A lot of us have still been here, and this is why we absolutely refuse to settle.  Friends have told me they admired how picky I was with partners… I don’t think that’s something to admire.  I truly believe people should do what they want, when they want, if they benefit from it, that is a reason to admire what someone is doing.  We should all be doing our own thing, we should all be doing what works for us, and if it happens to benefit someone else in the process that’s even better.  I feel very “been there done that” when it comes to casual sex, hook ups, fwb, and one night stands.  They aren’t entirely satisfying even if they are momentarily physically, and even then when you’re in the middle of the act it’s still not the same, it’s not the pure heroin you’ve floated to the ceiling with and then gently came down on to soft fabric and warm embraces.  That’s so hard to find.  It’s so rare, even in genuinely loving relationships, which is probably why once you find it, it’s damn near impossible to keep yourself from it.

My director friend in Phoenix took this opportunity to ask if I got my “much needed relief” and I laughed and laughed then said it wasn’t that simple.  Confused he asked how so?  I linked him the article since people probably saw the vent post without this literary gem before it and his immediate response was that he was in anytime and didn’t think I questioned his ability to deliver, or at least hoped I didn’t.  Again,  I was like no that’s not it, it’s not that simple.  I told him by the time we met I’d left a long term relationship that started great and ended toxic, then had my run of casual sex with friends, acquaintances, and random hook ups, I’ve always been safe and I’ve always been selective, I know that’s not in question.  And then everything was upside down and I was dealing with a one night stand that wouldn’t go away, because of a few reasons, then that was handled, my health went to shit, I moved, got my life picked back up, all that, and I’ve had the kind of sex that Kate so beautifully described, and I’ve hooked up a couple times since here and it didn’t compare, and not because the partners were bad, they were fine, but because the physical isn’t sufficient enough anymore.  There is a component many people ignore until they’re faced with it and then they can’t deny it.  He said he got it and “sounded like a pestering puppy.”  And I was like no.  He understood I wanted something deeper.  He said I was so pretty and kind.  Then he said I’m super sweet.  I hear that a lot now.  Then he cracked the joke he was still there for me if I got weak in the knees… I don’t get that too much anymore at least?

Chris M’s Dream

“So, I had a dream where I had a total mental breakdown. I was punching everything and everyone in sight. I was also ramming my shoulder into door frames and destroying stuff. Then I joined the Russian army for no reason whatsoever and the only focal point if that was wondering how I was going to cope with going from 5.56mm bullets to 7.62mm.. Then flash to flying the escape ship from Alien before the Nostromo blew up. Dafuq!?! Why does my shoulder and hand hurt?”

Kitchen Wars

I was walking down stairs in this house… so much beige, and I saw Jessica walking up in some of the smexiest metallic blue with black trim lingerie on, and she’s due in January and can still pull it off.  I was in a super soft long gray blue jersey chemise and a really light flowy robe I left open.  I kind of want to see if I can find these things shopping online now, they were damn comfortable.  I went into the kitchen to warm up leftovers, it was pretty obvious I was at a friend’s house (just not sure which one), but it’s the kind of friend where you walk into their place and say “I’m here to eat your food and steal the love of your pets.”  This guy walked up and was making comments about food so I grabbed another plate and pulled out more stuff from the fridge and told him I’d be out in a couple minutes.  There were a few people over.  Then some other guy came in, grabbed a plate, and set it down right next to what I was working on and was in my way when there was plenty of counter space to the left, so I asked him to move, and he was joking around acting like he wasn’t in the way and then I told him to fucking back off and get out of my way, because he could have waited a couple minutes, he didn’t come in for these things before me, or after me, so he could just get the fuck out of my way, and he walked out. Yay me.

Everyone was watching some movie and I was cuddled up with Lisa.  I had to go somewhere but when the movie ended its sequel was starting and I was all uhhh.  It was some black and white film following Hitler, like if reality TV existed back then.  It was him cooking and talking and going about his business like a normal person who never did anything terrible and I kept trying to figure out why this was off in the dream.  Then I went somewhere and this lady was sitting in a chair on a small stage reading from a huge book to a crowd.  It was ornate and had this pretty gold leaf filigree stuff going on around it.  I know there’s stuff after this but other than going to parking garage I can’t remember.


Tyler’s Dream

Tyler: Morning
Me: Morning <3
Tyler: Hi I had a dream we went to eat last night so I had you on the brain.
Me: Yay.  Where did we go?
Tyler: I don’t know a dream place.
Me: lol
Tyler: We had tea and I can’t remember all the stuff.  But we are all the things.

Anna G’s Dream

“Man, the dreams I have when I’m sick…. I dreamt that my ex was trying to seduce me but had some crazy mutant std, and I told him to f, off and there was a king fu battle so he tied me to a boat and I went off to sea where these warriors found me in the artic, then we came across these snow giant beasts who built an empire and they had captured these mermaids one Blond and one looked like like ariel, and they were bound to stones and the king of the land had to choose one.. the one chosen and kissed got legs, the one not would be sacrificed into a wedding soup for proprietary and good luck. He chose the blond one, and the Warriors I was with had a love interest with the red head who was going to be turned into fish stew. So there was an epic battle with arrows giants and snow, the mermaid now turned woman, decided to push him into the boiling Pot and said she hated him and would never have human babies. The Giants were set free and I rode on one of their furry backs back where there was a oriental festival going and unrealized I had jedi skills trying to chase down a glowing kitten I saw…”

Unni’s dream

“So I had a scary vivid dream last night.

I was leaning on the car waiting for Billy and I saw a UFO land behind a shop. I looked in the window to see a scary face on every TV screen laughing like Tim Curry’s Darkness in Legend. I jumped in the car, locked the doors and laid down in the floorboard, scared shitless. All of a sudden, the car fills with light, it is lifted and turned upside down, I am screaming, crying and burned by the light. Finally the light goes away and the car is on solid ground, still upside down. I have no idea where I am, it’s a small town and everyone is scared of something. I am just following groups of people running from house to house and I don’t even know what is chasing us. Every time I try to use my phone, I am interrupted or threatened by some kind of electronic device. At one point I am cornered by a hoarde of remote control car robot looking toy things. It seems like days pass before I finally get a chance to call Billy. I can’t remember the conversation, but I remember him saying that he saw it happen and he missed me. Then I woke up.

I dreamed about a 2-3 day long ordeal in less than an hour. I was asleep for maybe 45 minutes.


Gin then mezcal?

There was so much equipment on top of the cabinets in the hall and Arlan was passing by.  I was asking Angela how many unboxed monitors there were for the last row of desks in our area and when I went to do a count saw the desks that were missing them earlier had monitors mounted now.  She gave me a list and I went into the IT room and it was a little different.  The list was split wrong , we had what we usually did but there was a delivery location for all of the Stewarts, like that was some new office that was opened somewhere, and I argued it saying that was too complicated.  There was some new chick and she was arguing me about it but my voice was barely audible at most sometimes from being sick.  The floor was arranged different and she went to some other lady to talk about it who wasn’t involved in the process so I pulled her aside and explained how things were split and how SLC was going to have it’s own MDT setup soon so we’re only doing their stuff temporarily, and how GB was gonna start doing their own thing, but today’s split made no sense.  I brought up SCCM, and there was some other guy in the IT room and I told her to double check with recruiting on those addresses.  I woke up in the corner on the rack and still didn’t really have a voice so I was gonna call it and go home.  I couldn’t hear well like when you change elevation and everythings weird so you try to chew gum or swallow or whatever.  I vaguely remember a bottle of Beefeater gin.

I woke up from this dream in a super fluffy bed in a hotel suite and the entire wall on one side was a window.  I got up and pulled the curtains to discover I was on a ship.  There was a resort pool below and so much water everywhere, and so many boats going out to sea.  The room itself was absolutely beautiful and behind the bed was another room, like a sitting room.  Idk what to call it.  I  checked my phone to see if there was a text, and there wasn’t, then started sipping from a bottle of mezcal since I was on a cruise or something and it was early morning.

And then I woke up. lol

Dreams come true… in California?

I was somewhere north of West Hollywood trying to figure out plans later since my group had split up and all this stuff happened.  Everyone kept wanting sushi and I wanted to go to Disneyland then Bar Sinister.  The last thing I told you before waking up was I thought I was ovulating cause my panties were drenched and super slick and it was driving me crazy we weren’t fucking.

#4. I didn’t know this was a date

I’ve been on some really shitty dates, on the rare occasions I’m willing to subject myself to them.. but how the fuck are they dates if you never accepted them in that context to begin with?  So there are four Joshes in my life, idk how that happened, and they are ranked.  #4 came to visit me.  This is the guy I randomly hit on online that one time back in the day, since we had mutual friends, and he was like 300 ish miles away and I thought well, we’re never gonna meet in person and it’s the internet so I have free license to do whatever I want.. which I usually wouldn’t do something online I’m not willing to do in person, and I didn’t really do anything that bad anyway.  Turns out we both worked for the same company at the same time and never saw each other or I can’t remember, and we know a loooot of the same people and became fb friends and had been interacting online for months.  Things seem pretty legit so far.  He decides to visit Vegas and mentions it and I’m like cool we can hang out.  There is no expectation.  I absolutely hate it when there is some context or expectation people place on themselves, the other party, or the situation.

He asked if there was anything in particular I’d been wanting to see or do and I mentioned Penn & Teller so he made it happen.  The night before he drove up he sent me this vague text about trying to figure out a loose plan about what we wanted to do during his visit and he guessed we’d figure out food and “getting to know each other.”  I fucking hate that term.  There are certain phrases I get en masse online from people and some really annoy me, that’s one of them.  One of my peeves for years has been when people have a “quick question” for you, whatever the hell that is.  It doesn’t exist.  A question  is a question, dear lord, just ask the damn question.  So this “getting to know each other” is the personal interaction equivalent to asking a “quick question.”  stfu.  This already hit a nerve before he got here and it was kind of a flag he threw context and exceptions on something somewhere, but I was all whatever.  I can overlook this, it’s such a common thing people say, no matter how stupid it is, and I already said I’d chill this weekend, and I hate being a flake, and it’s the day before.

So after work we meet and check into the suite and start trying to figure out food.  He has no appreciation for tea or coffee.  I am confused.  He goes on to explain he was a picky eater as a child and didn’t grow out of it, never developed an appreciation for bitter flavors, and some other things.  I am so thrown off by this. He’s anti sushi.  I think I made a face here I couldn’t control.  But he said he was okay with Japanese food.  We get curry, he ends up confirming he doesn’t like curry. *mind blown*…  He has this old brown leather jacket and straw colored cowboy hat.  I’ve never seen either online that I can remember.  Oh god, we never discussed music.  He seems okay with metal though.  Try to associate with Rob Zombie.  He has long hair and facial hair.  Try, try, fail.  He also doesn’t smell pleasant to me but it’s not a constant thing.  Maybe it’s the jacket or the shoes, maybe it’s a chemical mismatch and his pheromones are a big NOPE to me.  At least this is subtle, until any benchmark of the libido I normally have at all times suddenly plummets.  While intoxicated he makes a general comment about my “cute nighty.”  Who says nighty?  I am irked.  Earlier he referenced the really nice suite we were in as a motel.  I have terrible flashbacks of the red neck one night stand who wouldn’t go away.  We spend the rest of the evening chatting and watching Hunter X Hunter.  I pass out.  He does some bs kinda sorta cuddle thing and I can’t stand any half assery or lack of confidence.  I grab his arm and pull him over.  I am assertive, I really need the same to take anyone serious,  I hope my actions elicit some kind of confidence or my actions are at least mirrored.  I’m seriously wondering if there is anything redeeming or if this is truly a lost cause and sneak a check on my hip… he’s not happy to see me, or I can’t fucking tell.  I can’t put up with even the potential for bad sex or I might kill someone on principle.  I go to sleep.

Late Saturday morning we wake up and I’m trying to figure out brunch.  We end up at the Perch and enjoy many mimosas and foods.  This was a positive.  We walk around Fremont day drunk and do the stereotypical thing and he gets a cigar and gets me cloves saying he’d keep the rest of the pack since I only wanted one.  Feels and smells like gothy gothy sin.  We end up at the toy store in Container Park and I fall madly obsessed for this Pusheen plushy.  I must have it.  He offers to purchase it for me, I keep declining until he caves.  We run through the store and I find Hogwarts lanyards, gleefully exclaiming how much the Slytherin one reminded me of my friend Gina.  So I genuinely forgot he knew her and they were friends on fb, I forgot they used to date.  So he asks “Gina C—-?” and I’m all yeah!  “remember the ex girlfriend who left me at Pax?  Yeah that was Gina.”  Ohhhhhhh…… *crickets*  That was fucking awkward.  He told me the story but I didn’t know it was Gina.  So when I said “wow what a bitch!”  I didn’t know I was calling my friend a bitch… uhhh.  Try to salvage that conversation but deep down I don’t really care.  Purchase my Pusheen, leave.  As we’re walking he has his hand on my back between my shoulder blades.  This feel bad, again it’s half ass and it’s light touch.  Also we don’t have that rapport or friendship dynamic, that was the whole point of the weekend, to develop it organically.  I will hold hands and walk down the street with friends, or hold on to someone’s arm while we walk around *if* we’ve established that.  Also, the way he was doing it was like some subtle attempt in public to look like he’d established his way in my life in some fashion, like I’m off limits, or just something.  It was annoying.  I walked a little faster.  His hand dropped, he put it back.  I moved to the right, it dropped again and he put it back, I think three times.  I’m quickly weighing it in my head thinking it’s not worth being a bitch over but at the same time how much annoyance am I willing to put up, and I have to decide and set limits now before I blow up and bite his head off.  As soon as that through processed I turn and say “Can you not?”  I couldn’t even finish the sentence.  I’m still not sure what would have come after that.  But he dropped his hand and he got the message.  We walked around more until we were sober and exhausted and went back to the hotel.  I had to nap, I was fighting fibro pain and fatigue.  He came to lay down next to me.  I wanted to tell him he didn’t have to, he could just watch tv or play games, he brought his PS3 with him which was cool, but I didn’t even have the effort to verbalize such things so I passed out.  When I woke up we had to start figuring out food before the show.  I asked what he felt like and he didn’t know, of course it was up to me.  I asked him what he wanted to do, he made some passive statement about wondering what my pussy tasted like, and I was all noooo I’m not feelin it.  We were walking around Fremont all day and I’m not all golden down there.  I’m pulling for any excuse at this point.  He said “I don’t care.”


EXCUSE ME?! The desperation.  Of all the wrong things to say.  Everything is going sideways.  It has been since Thursday.  Okay so 1. that’s like asking permission or asking “what would happen if I kissed you right now?”  What a turn off.  If you’re not in tune with non verbal communication, if you’re being well received, and you can’t pick up the nuances in your interactions with someone, nothing is going to help you.  It’s probably not going that well.  2.  This goes back to that lack of confidence and inability to be assertive.  3.  The best rebound would have been to politely suggest a shower or hot back, or to join me and scrub my back, or suggest we could get each other clean… have some clean fun, whatever.  I still would have said no.  But in general that would have been the best way to turn it around and idk… check yourself before you wreck yourself.  So I have to figure out dinner.  We get pho, he really really likes the Vietnamese beef carpaccio.  Thank Satan.  He mentions how much of a carnivore he is.  Cool story bro?  We get to the Rio and see Penn & Teller.  This is a damn good show, the tricks are fun, sometimes I felt like I was in atheist church and felt very at home, there was even a song with Laurence Krauss in it!  I am a huge fan.  There was one trick exposing how cold readings worked and books were being passed around the audience.  The third book ended up on his lap.  He went up on stage!  He was actually cool about it and got the envelope with the paper to take as a souvenir, that was really awesome.  We drive up the strip after so he sees it, I explained it’s better than walking it and he missed nothing.  We go back to the room and watch more Hunter X Hunter.

It’s Sunday, and idfk what to do.  I ask what he feels like, he says  “I don’t know” for the millionth time.  I keep thinking of different things but keep circling back to Mon Ami Gabi because of the buttery buttery steak.  Through this food circle in my head I discover while he doesn’t partake in my preferred method of caffeine consumption, which is fine, he’s apparently very fond of energy drinks.  Which I find absolutely disgusting.  I have one, the white monster, at the start of a cross state road trip.  So like once or twice a year, and that’s only sometimes.  It’s processed junk. But to consume that on the daily and in quantity.  I start to wonder if this is why even though it’s subtle, this why I find his scent unpleasant.  It’s all processed and chemically.   While describing the baked goat cheese and tomato thing Jovi got me hooked on, he mentions his dislike of goat cheese.  I immediately call that out and confirmed he’d only had feta and that’s nothing like what I’m talking about.  The thing I’m talking about is like your love of pizza x 1000, and then still better.  It’s one of the best cheats ever.  To his credit, despite all the “I don’t knows” over the entire weekend, whenever I came up with an idea, he never shot it down and just went for it.  He completely trusted my suggestions despite not enjoying the first one.  So we end up at the only place on the strip I feel is worth the hassle to visit and get the amazing dish and the buttery buttery steak.  While looking at drinks I asked if we wanted to share a carafe of something and he was cool with it, then I decided not to do it since I was already gluten cheating that day.  He then said if I was abstaining he would.  Nah… that makes no sense.  I told him just because I wasn’t drinking doesn’t mean he had to skip, it’s his vacation and if he wanted moscato, or that ginger and jack thing he’d been drinking he should go for it… and then he said something along the lines of thanks for letting him know he could get whatever he wanted and how usually the other person doesn’t try to control him “until after we’ve slept together.” Whoa.  I’m pretty sure that was A) a shot at his ex(es), B) an indirect shot at me (btw you can’t put kindness coins in until sex falls out), and  C) that was passive aggressive and awkward as fuck.  So here I am backpedaling that bomb, making general statements like no one should try to control anyone at anytime regardless of anything.  Really… I should have let him drown.  I shouldn’t have said anything after that or tried to help him out.  But this is Mon Ami Gabi dammit and awesome food is about to come out and this is a really nice restaurant so, so I’ll do it to save the brunch.  I can’t even remember how I rebounded form that.  He ended up really enjoying the baked goat cheese tomato thing.  Because it’s amazing.  I asked him what his plans were after that, and we were already checked out of the hotel so I was hoping he was ready to go back home so I could go home and have some of my weekend to myself.  He said he was hoping to spend the next few hours with me unless I was planning on just leaving after this.  I asked what he wanted to do though, he didn’t know.  I said even my spontaneous voodoo was finite.  Then I thought about a movie and we went to go see The Martian.  It’s a really good movie, and it was later in the afternoon when we got out.  After chatting about how much we liked the film he started complaining about how the science started going downhill in the movie.  I said that’s pretty much Hollywood but just appreciate the movie for what it was.  He follows me to the gas station since he needed to fill up.  We part ways.  I’m almost home.  Omfg.

So had we of met before this I never would have thought of him as a potential for a fwb.  He’s fine to hang out with, in small doses.  I can’t take him seriously for multiple reasons.  There are personality clashes, and obviously my own biology is telling me to run for it.  There’s a tilt on idk if it’s cynicism, and every intelligent person has a healthy dose of that, but he was just negative, and unsure.  The personality thing, the lack of the things mentioned previously, and the failed attempts to compensate.  I said this was a time to chill and figure our dynamic out, not to put pressure or expectations on things.  He obviously failed that.  It’s not like I’m perfect,  I’m very very far from it, and very aware of my flaws, but this doesn’t work.  It’s not fun.  For an entire weekend, it’s painfully exhausting and I was drained.  Even if there was no sexual chemistry, or it was one sided, we still could have had a lot of fun without the awkward shit.  Some parts were still fun but it took more effort than it should have.  I reimbursed him for my ticket, he covered Friday night’s dinner so I covered Saturday.  We split the check Sunday morning.  I wanted everything to be equal.  I wanted to go dutch, I didn’t need any context here.  Just chill with me.  Lord.  I love Lo’s comment on how some people “didn’t pass the audition” and that’s why they don’t get a call back.  He never had the chance to audition in the first place.  I mentioned this to Tyler and he said it sounded like a beta male met an alpha female.  That’s not terminology I use but it cracks me up.  There’s probably some truth in his statement.  Whatever.

iPods, Facetime(?), Calligraphy & Music

I was messing with my old school 4th gen iPod from like 2004 except it was on this pink case and the little screen above the wheel had video capabilities and I’m guessing we were using Face time or whatever it’s called. The click wheel thing was gone too.. I think. I think it was something else but I’m not sure. I had like that and two phones, I think at least 4 devices on me. Maybe this was the weekend, Joshua was showing me a really nice kitchen through his phone, and had wine, and then pointed the camera at Anna and she waved, then his parents, then Kathryn.

I was digging through stuff around my desk, it had been a while since I’d been there and found drive kits under the desk in a box with other stuff where it didn’t belong so someone else was using the space. Later I went to some private music / calligraphy lesson and was playing with this wind up music box egg thing where on one side you could see the gears move like in a watch, and then after it started playing on the other side was a scenery that moved.  The figure inside wasn’t too happy and she deviated from what the box usually did. I think she was over it lol. The elderly gentleman giving the lesson was showing an example of how to write a C in calligraphy with all the whispy filigree.

In some other dream I was in some dim lit living room with some people and could hear this one chick singing in the shower at the top of her lungs and it was terrible and I’m sure the terribleness was on purpose and I called her ratchet. Someone said to take that back and I was like what its not that bad. Then we were at a park and I tried making some gesture to throw the olive branch by offering to get us food or drinks or something, they declined and were heading out since the sun was setting. I was talking with Angela and she had to go since her dog was waiting for her. I think the dream assigned her dog the name Ishtar. Then I sat at a bench across from Kathryn and we were chatting. I asked if it were too late in the day for mimosas and cake and she said she’d love to but had to let her dog Isis out since she was waiting for her. Her dog may have been Ishtar and Angela’s may have been Isis. I’m not sure. Whoever had Ishtar endearingly shortened it to Ish. Kathryn looks like a tall lady in her pics, and my brain keeps comparing her height to Angela irl, I wonder if they’re around the same height or if Kathryns a little taller.  And they have no reason to ever interact but I think they’d get along well if they ever met.

I was in the house I grew up in during the evening and decided to put the washing machine into some kind of self cleaning mode, this steam cleaning it does to the whole system. I watched this metal a move around with some steam / pressure wash thing going on behind this glass wall and started to walk out of the kitchen but peeked back and saw the arm laser cutting the glass to get out, and it looked super Terminator so I ran to the front door, unlocked it, and ran outside trying to think which neighbor was more likely to have a gun. I thought of the neighbor around the corner but where the lot used to be was replaced with some children’s play area with the squishy floor and water fountains like they have at Tempe Marketplace and Town Square. I ran to the next open area and it was filled in with the same thing.

Anne and I were walking around all these booths somewhere where there wasn’t much grass. I think it was midmorning but it was pretty overcast. It looked kind of like a college recruiting event except one of the booths was Twitter and I think they were recruiting. We heard this story of some AI that was in a SSD and could be transfered to other hardware that could move and do things. Like the drive was a brain that could sit in a mecha suit built out of computer components. I thought that was crazy. The guy talking about it said it was packaging itself up now to ship out. I guess it was purchased?

I can’t remember much of these dreams after this.