I needed to move like yesterday

Day 2:

Got home at 8:35PM. 20 hours in the office this week and counting.  I’m cranky I haven’t been going to barre and haven’t gotten any homework done.  I’m cranky because I want to get drunk, but  then I feel like it would be irresponsible because I’m too tired, and I don’t have the time for it anyway.

And then apparently some schedule change happened for some termite inspection today I was unaware of and mom tells me she came into my room to tidy up and was like you don’t mind right? And I’m all “WHATEVER.”  I mentioned something like who cares about a slightly disheveled room, seriously other than my closet door being open and my bed being unmade everything else is immaculate.  Well, certain items that plug into walls and contain batteries were in my bed but blankets were over them.  I walk in and see the bed is made and pillows are over it.. I haven’t even bothered to undo it to see what I’m dealing with regarding what she dealt with earlier… this shits supposed to happen when I was like 10 years younger, wait maybe not, but like no. Just no.  I wish she found weed instead, but not really but kind of?  Idk.    My bones ache from today.  I can keep up with the hours for a while when it’s straight desk work but right now it’s not.  I’m seriously not complaining, I really don’t mind the work and I understand what’s happening, I’m just tired.

I’m trying to ride this anger high to keep that mortified feeling back.

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