I was sitting at my desk with a bunch of hardware all over the place and had a closet between me and whoever was on my right. I had a second computer in there that looked like three towers stacked and on a server rack but it was one thing on its own thing. I had it down to its frame and had the panels for its chassis against the wall. After messing with it I closed the closet and sat back down. Josh was sitting in Jimmy’s desk next to mine and was killing time waiting for me. I noticed he was wearing the cutest white sandle flats and even though his feet are way bigger than mine, they’re way more narrow in comparrison and he had some really nice neutral nail color and a white toe ring in his right foot. It’s like my brain merged him with Alexander, who isn’t agender and is more of a blend and does a great job of it even though he’s not in drag, he’s just him. Since I’m on tangents, even if my feets are a bit wide for their size, which makes a difference when buying, I still think they’re cute. Whatever.
I decided to go back in the closet and put the chassis back together and picked up the side panel, it was almost 4′ in length and even longer in width so it was awkward to lift up then try to line up the prongs to slide and lock it in place. It’s that ugly back in the day cream color all the computer towers used to be before the industry went black. Anyway, I got the side covered and the front covered but realized the other side and back were missing. I was gonna leave it, it’s fine, not like there’s a lot of dust in the area and the closet it was in was cold so I wasn’t worried about overheating and it’s easy access.
The closet it was in was larger than previously with another set of double doors on the other side so I went in and it looked like some mix between a data center and a warehouse, like up front where they bring boxes in and you have to discard it there since cardboard isn’t allowed. There was a huge red cart and it was loaded with broken down boxes and there was some little kid standing on a pile of boxes trying to bring something down and I went to look and see if he needed help but he made it down on his own. I kept looking for the other parts of the chassis and couldn’t find it and was like whatever and started to walk up front. Collide was playing and I passed a huge mirror right before going through the double doors and saw myself. I had super purple hair, like a few shades lighter than I’ve had it and my hair was like pre 2010 long. Weird. I went back into the og closet/room where the computer was and Mona was at the counter arguing with me about it and how it’s a problem and I should call the guys in some other department and have theme order the missing pieces and they’ll bring it up to me but I didn’t want to deal with the hassle. I explained how it wasn’t a big deal since the area is controlled and there isn’t a lot of dust or other particulates in the air. The only concern I thought of was airflow but the !@*$ rooms cold. She was like okay and I thought that was it then she was all so do you wanna go with Google then and get a replacement? “What? Googles expensive.” Then she mentioned the annual budget and how now is my shot before the next gen comes out and it’s beyond our reach and before our budget cuts and I was like fuck… fuck it.. let’s buy from Google, and my alarm went off. ._.