Monthly Archives: September 2015

Cities that disappear when you blink

I haven’t been sleeping much lately… because of the waking up a lot.. and the getting home later and not being able to fall asleep immediately.  I remembered a dream when I was driving to work this morning, it was kind of bad timing due to the content of the dream.

I went somewhere and was going to visit Mel but someone else was sitting in a recliner in front of me.  She kind of looked like Mel but something was off, and when I listened to her speak I noticed her cadence and speech patterns were different.  We ended up leaving and were in a car, she was driving and I was in the back seat.  As we passed some building she mentioned going there and I said it didn’t really sound fun, but then I realized I didn’t know where she was taking me and it didn’t feel right, I wondered what happened to Mel, and as we kept going toward the city I noticed all the lights were out and the buildings were like shadows.  It’s kind of like driving on the i-10 east bound towards Phoenix, you can see downtown to the right, and uptown to the left.  The freeway splits right between the two, and everything was off.  But this city was larger, like LA.  Anyway, when I noticed everything was off I mentioned it and we stopped on the road, then there was a bunch of dust and all the buildings collapsed.  I realized I was in the back on my lancer and ducked thinking this was it.  I either wanted to survive or I wanted to die quickly.

And that is the part of the dream I remembered while I was driving to work this morning and could see the strip to the left, all I thought while looking at it was… that’s tiny.  I wouldn’t be nearly as destructive.  Ugh.

The dream kept going after that.  I was in some run down apartment and people were around, this one lady had a tiny dog, and we were sitting around in front of an old CRT TV but I wasn’t sure if it was due to boredom or if we were trying to get some kind of news.  I was sitting on a mattress on the floor and Brandon was sitting on it behind me.  I looked down and noticed there was blood on my legs but I wasn’t sure if I was cut somewhere or if it was period blood or if it was even mine.  That’s all I can remember from this morning.

I needed to move like yesterday

Day 2:

Got home at 8:35PM. 20 hours in the office this week and counting.  I’m cranky I haven’t been going to barre and haven’t gotten any homework done.  I’m cranky because I want to get drunk, but  then I feel like it would be irresponsible because I’m too tired, and I don’t have the time for it anyway.

And then apparently some schedule change happened for some termite inspection today I was unaware of and mom tells me she came into my room to tidy up and was like you don’t mind right? And I’m all “WHATEVER.”  I mentioned something like who cares about a slightly disheveled room, seriously other than my closet door being open and my bed being unmade everything else is immaculate.  Well, certain items that plug into walls and contain batteries were in my bed but blankets were over them.  I walk in and see the bed is made and pillows are over it.. I haven’t even bothered to undo it to see what I’m dealing with regarding what she dealt with earlier… this shits supposed to happen when I was like 10 years younger, wait maybe not, but like no. Just no.  I wish she found weed instead, but not really but kind of?  Idk.    My bones ache from today.  I can keep up with the hours for a while when it’s straight desk work but right now it’s not.  I’m seriously not complaining, I really don’t mind the work and I understand what’s happening, I’m just tired.

I’m trying to ride this anger high to keep that mortified feeling back.


All my days are blurring together, there are so many hours strung together because there aren’t enough of them to do all the things.  Been doing a lot of foodie adventures with Tyler and Brandon.  I introduced Tyler to Moko and we ate a bunch of awesome things.  Brandon and I went to Mint earlier in the week and I had the best Indian food in forever.  Saturday was Liam’s birthday bbq house party thing.  Sunday I goth’d out for the moon and it was cloudy so I went to see Sarah while she was bartending and ended up at Cornish Pasty with Brandon, then back to her bar.  I was called totes adorb and given chocolate bread pudding that night. It hurt my tummy, but it was so tasty and i would have felt rude refusing it.  I like how I’ve been surrounded by so much alcohol lately, and feel like I need to drink myself into stupidity but have barely had any.

I feel like I’m not keeping up right now.  I was so wrecked from the hours last Tuesday and Wednesday I went home early Thursday and Friday, slept early Friday and slept off and on Saturday before leaving the house around sunset.  I crashed out in their guest room so I wouldn’t have to drive across down sleepy and still woke up exhausted.  I decided to detour to Sunrise Coffee since it’s around the corner and got a London fog and gf lemon poppy seed muffin.  I love that place.  London fogs, dirty chais, and Mexican mochas will always be my caffeine drinks… in that order.  It’s one of the places I still associate Josh with.  Brandon and I were talking about landmarks in cities since he recently went through a break up.  I didn’t have it so bad in Phoenix, and I think it was due to a few factors.  I have a long established history there, my earliest memories are there, I had a life and friends and other associations, and a strong support network of friends.  Even when certain places were associated with Jay it was fine because I had my own places, or maybe we were together long enough I was just established all by myself.  I would have ended up the scene anyway, I just have so many ties directly and indirectly, but he really immersed me in it, and I passed him socially, and I know that got to him.  I will never settle roots where I am now, and have the luxury of not being tied to any place, so I can have ideals and go sample them before deciding.  I’m more comfortable here, I’ve felt like I’ve had hometown advantage sometimes even if this doesn’t feel like my hometown, but I just passed the 6 month mark living here when I met him.  There were/are strong associations to Four Seasons, it was hard looking at Mandalay, I would stare at MGM waiting for a light to turn green.  The coffee shop on the east side, my favorite Korean food place.  All these happy things just super painfully sad.

The associations and the emotion have dissipated a little and it was surreal over the weekend leaving the coffee shop, it was faster taking Sunset road all the way down and that road stretches along the airport.  I’ve only been there for him and for Mel and Chris.  I saw all the Southwest planes, then saw two Deltas take off and go west, I wanted to be on one, to go anywhere, to be anywhere else.  The drive to go somewhere is so bad right now.  The airport entrance to the 215 was blocked due to construction so when I got to Las Vegas blvd I could either go left and pass Town Square to the 215, or turn right and take Russell to the 15.. I decided to do that since it’s faster and I’m willing to take that stretch of freeway during those hours.  It’s very calculated lol.  There I was at the light right after the Las Vegas sign, waiting to turn left, right in front of Mandalay.. glancing right and as my eyes wonder up the strip there is the MGM off to the right.  And it wasn’t so bad.  It’s some minor melancholy, without the urgency, without the sharp, stabbing, heart in your throat, empty feeling in your chest.  This is a slow transition.  I couldn’t listen to certain music for a while and was like fuck it.  This was established in my life a long time ago. Leaving the coffee shop Utada was playing, and turning onto the freeway Something To Sleep To started. Seriously, Michelle Branch? Thanks shuffle. I guess time and a sense of already having been there and conquering that kind of emotion helps.  New memories and associations help.  Feeling more established where you are helps.  I know the situational and seasonal depression has been compounding with other noise in my head and that’s making everything harder to adjust to.  I have no patience for myself, I’m working on it.  I woke up nauseated and fatigued this morning, pushed through today, managed 10 hours.  Ralph was there for me Friday and today, he pulled me away from my desk to stop and get something to eat.  He’s noticed my exhaustion and surprisingly has been a moral support. I guess my loud obnoxious good mornings diminish into hey, I walk different, I guess my face gives it away too? It’s noticed, it’s weird.  It’s appreciated.  He’s stressed and concerned about how he’s doing, and he’s trying to get it right.  Everyone is stressed, not one person is able to say anything different.  I was so tired I had no appetite when I got home but ate a little bit half an hour ago. Today was hard.  I don’t know why, I don’t know if it was because yesterday didn’t phase me, and the day before that, like it’s some kind of delayed reaction, or if I’m just tired and worn out today.  I just felt like hiding.  So then I’ll hide for a day, and if I feel like it tomorrow I’ll do it again.

Stolen cars, snow, and snogging

Omg, so cranky.  Just woke up from a dream my car was stolen while I was in Prescott.  I’ll get to that.

Earlier in the dream Shaun and Allison were apparently siblings.. I don’t think they’ve ever met irl.. anyway.  Shaun and I were sitting across from each other at a bench inside somewhere waiting on dessert, they looked like the fruity pebbles rice crispy threats you can get from Cheba Hut, and he had this thing on the table that almost looked like an old school record player than a chaos pad and he slid it closer to me and I leaned over the table to hear it better and kissed him.  Minor snog session was cool.  Then I was outside and it was daytime, we were in a jeep and I was fighting the top trying to get it off and were waiting on a couple friends and gave up.  I went up and sat next to Shaun and we were on some jacked up road and up ahead it looked like there was a really bad accident and ice was everywhere, there was a rollover, some other cars. I thought it was like snow but driving past it it was millions of ice cubes like something transporting it crashed and in the middle was this car that was ripped open and these two small kids still strapped in their seats surrounded by ice up to their knees.  I was freaked out and emergency crew was still trying to get to them.  Then I was in the parking lot of some lodge and had two friends in my current car, I had to go inside and grab something and when I came out they were gone and I was flipping out.  My old lancer was also in the lot but I guess I was still somehow stranded.  I keep thinking Prescott but this seemed a lot more like Flagstaff… fuck Flagstaff.  So many bad times and bad memories.    I was messing with my key fob and remembered the UVO app on my phone so I tried to find where the car was through gps to try and retrieve it.  They were driving up the 85 in northern AZ in the dream (super inaccurate).  I couldn’t go after them in my lancer cause I wouldn’t be able to drive back both cars and no one was willing to help me with this.  I was with some weird group like I was stuck in some university thing and they were treating it like it was nothing and to cut my losses.  We were going outside and it was super cold and windy and snowing and I didn’t have the right gear for that.  I kept looking down at my phone to figure out where the car was and then eventually it was on some street not too far away… but that’s all I remember.

I hurt more now than when I went to sleep even though the sleep kind of helped, this is confusing.  Its like I need more sleep but work is so jacked with multiple projects and missing staff and having so much to backfill I gotta push a little today.  Then come back and sleep and netflix or something.  So glad I got a massage last night.

Ex lovers and crippled fingers

I kept getting cramps in my legs last night, haven’t had to deal with that for a while but I guess 22 hours in 2 days will do that.  My right ring finger specifically and my hands hurt too.  By the time 7pm rolled around yesterday the way my hands were gripping boxes looked like I had advanced arthritis with my index and middle fingers crossing over each other for support.  I had to keep trying to correct my hands but at least it was at the end of the day… this is the first time they’ve acted this way too.

Anyway,  I had dreams where everyone was having breakfast at different tables post wedding and I went to give the brides hugs, glomped Mel, glomped Chris and she kissed me and I was like well that was unexpected and girly. lol

Matthew broke up with his girl who was also named Chris in the dream, but her name is Ashley irl.  I was wondering in the dream if that meant he’d come up to visit me on his own without his group… immediately after hearing a break up, how terrible of dream me.  Seriously. And recently when he did text me asking how I was I said good and immediately asked how Ashley was doing to shut that down.  I know he’s a great guy in a not so great relationship who feels responsible for some girl who didn’t have her shit together but he needs to really sort that out.  Just because we were fwb back in the day, it doesn’t mean I want to continue everything in the same context.  Bruh… we’re still friends, just not like that.

I wonder if this has to do with my friend in Phoenix messaging me online about Jay and Darlene breaking up.  I’m kind of surprised anyone would immediately hit me up about it and kind of not?  Idk, I haven’t seen him in years and cutting him out of my life was one of the best things I ever did.  I wouldn’t have met so many amazing people, and wonderful men, and had the opportunities and growth I’ve experienced professionally, personally, and with education.  It’s been all wins and no losses.  She thought I might be amused by it saying she guessed he was tired of dating himself.  I said I found it kind of sad, cause I had hoped he got it right this time with her.  Even if I no longer  have respect for him and who he became, I still wish him the best, and hope he goes through his own personal growth to being a better person.  This isn’t in some facetious judgmental or empty statement.  Once upon a time he had my heart, so once upon a time he was a wonderful person to me.  I hope he gets there again and gets it right with someone.

Sitting here wide awake on little sleep, drinking an earl grey latte I made downstairs.  My hands hurt so bad, everything aches, but at least it was due to work and not because of fibro so it’s more acceptable and less depressing haha.  Idk what today is going to be like.  I’m also fighting dyslexic fingers this morning so this should be fun.

Can’t talk about it

I was at some event and there were people standing in a hall. One guy was standing by another door and he turned away some chick who tried to go through, I guess there was a party somewhere in the building. I walked up and he was telling someone else no when she just blew past him. She was gone before he could do anything. It was great, I did the same thing.

Anne and I were wandering around the halls then found an operating room except it had displays like different scenes were frozen in time. There were mannequins or wax figures dressed in scrubs and masks. They were medical staff mid operation and there were patients opened up on tables and there was so much blood. The room was dim and quiet and it threw me off. I thought about when I was brought into operating rooms and how I’d wished they knocked me out before wheeling my bed in, and how uncomfortably cold it was.  There were multiple tables and surgeries in here, I wanted to leave. We weren’t supposed to be in here and we couldn’t get to the other door because it was blocked. I said to turn around and go back to the entrance but Anne wanted to go to the other door cause it was closer and tried to move the figures so she could get through. An alarm went off, are you fucking kidding me? We ran to the entrance but heard running on the other side do we went through another door. When we got outside and went down a grassy hill we saw staff looking for us.. but thought hoe would they know it’s us? We took off our name badges and kept walking until we were on some other property. We met some chick there and I saw Roger, which is funny cause he invented lifebot.  We were outside on a balcony for a while when I said we needed to go and asked Anne if she had the keys to the suv and she pulled them from her boot and handed them to me. She was all cranky. I wanted to gtfo.

I’ve been waking up constantly the past few nights. This morning I woke up around 4am and it just kept happening. I had another dream this morning where he was holding me in bed and making my back and hips twitch on him. He grabbed my leg and put it over him but kept making me move and all I could do was breathe, and giggle, and kiss him. He pulled my hips down and hit my cervix. Every nerve went off and I was lost in it and was an absolute happy mess. And he rotated so I was on my back, then he grabbed my wrists and held my hands above my head while he kissed me. I can’t talk about these things with him anymore.. even if I wake up with a little smile, by the time I’m awake I know it’s not right.

Computers that are bigger than I am

I was sitting at my desk with a bunch of hardware all over the place and had a closet between me and whoever was on my right. I had a second computer in there that looked like three towers stacked and on a server rack but it was one thing on its own thing. I had it down to its frame and had the panels for its chassis against the wall. After messing with it I closed the closet and sat back down.  Josh was sitting in Jimmy’s desk next to mine and was killing time waiting for me. I noticed he was wearing the cutest white sandle flats and even though his feet are way bigger than mine, they’re way more narrow in comparrison and he had some really nice neutral nail color and a white toe ring in his right foot. It’s like my brain merged him with Alexander, who isn’t agender and is more of a blend and does a great job of it even though he’s not in drag, he’s just him. Since I’m on tangents, even if my feets are a bit wide for their size, which makes a difference when buying, I still think they’re cute. Whatever.

I decided to go back in the closet and put the chassis back together and picked up the side panel, it was almost 4′ in length and even longer in width so it was awkward to lift up then try to line up the prongs to slide and lock it in place.  It’s that ugly back in the day cream color all the computer towers used to be before the industry went black.  Anyway, I got the side covered and the front covered but realized the other side and back were missing. I was gonna leave it, it’s fine, not like there’s a lot of dust in the area and the closet it was in was cold so I wasn’t worried about overheating and it’s easy access.

The closet it was in was larger than previously with another set of double doors on the other side so I went in and it looked like some mix between a data center and a warehouse, like up front where they bring boxes in and you have to discard it there since cardboard isn’t allowed.  There was a huge red cart and it was loaded with broken down boxes and there was some little kid standing on a pile of boxes trying to bring something down and I went to look and see if he needed help but he made it down on his own. I kept looking for the other parts of the chassis and couldn’t find it and was like whatever and started to walk up front. Collide was playing and I passed a huge mirror right before going through the double doors and saw myself. I had super purple hair, like a few shades lighter than I’ve had it and my hair was like pre 2010 long. Weird. I went back into the og closet/room where the computer was and Mona was at the counter arguing with me about it and how it’s a problem and I should call the guys in some other department and have theme order the missing pieces and they’ll bring it up to me but I didn’t want to deal with the hassle. I explained how it wasn’t a big deal since the area is controlled and there isn’t a lot of dust or other particulates in the air. The only concern I thought of was airflow but the !@*$ rooms cold. She was like okay and I thought that was it then she was all so do you wanna go with Google then and get a replacement? “What? Googles expensive.” Then she mentioned the annual budget and how now is my shot before the next gen comes out and it’s beyond our reach and before our budget cuts and I was like fuck… fuck it.. let’s buy from Google, and my alarm went off. ._.

Never doubt my love for you

I’ve had a lot of time to think about many things, and I guess time never hurts.  It lets me sift through the noise, the anxiety filled tangents and what if’s my internal dialog runs through, and  it gives me the chance to observe what’s been happening between us and within myself.  Had we of continued what we started at the end of June, what I would have brought up and how I approached it would have been different than how I would have done it last month, and that’s different from how I’m approaching it today.

There was a goal to hash everything out, get answers, satisfy curiosities, and get closure in case my heart needed it.  But deep down I was hoping to figure something out.  Since I’m not so far in it like I was in June, I can see the big picture and prioritize what matters to me.  You confirmed that you loved me, and explained you loved four women, all very differently.  I believe it.  What I wanted to know was if you’re in love with me.  It matters.  Who is the love of your life now?  That answer lets me know if it’s time to give up or if it’s time to keep fighting, because I know I can, but I need to know if it’s worth it.

But of course it’s always more complicated than that.  I wanted to address something that’s chipped away at me since I read your blog pdf.  Specifically from January about not being sure if you and I would make it, but what you’re currently dealing with has outlasted everything else so you have to keep pushing.  I don’t know if you could imagine how much it hurt to read that, that you would write us off as a possibility so quickly.  Don’t cling to a mistake because you spent a lot of time making it.  Change it for yourself.  If that’s the only reason why you’re there, you have no reason to be there.  Also,  I thought it was implied but maybe I never said it, so here it is.  I don’t want tomorrow, or a week, a year, or a few years.  When I’m in something, I’m in it forever.  I hope you never doubted that about me.  When I wanted to make long term plans I wanted you in them, forever.  I want forever.  There is no expiration date there, no exit plan, nor was there ever a desire for one.

I came to the realization there would always be “reasons.”  I understand things don’t change over night, but we are ultimately in control of our own destinies and small choices will eventually lead to big changes.  Your choices have not brought you closer to me over time.  I thought I wasn’t worth it to you, or  maybe I am but you haven’t been able to take a step back to see what’s going on and what you are doing.  You’ve never had to fight for me, and that’s because I don’t believe anyone should make it hard for someone who loves them to be with them.  I’ve been fighting for you, because of these circumstances, alone.  You can say you never meant for anything to happen, then follow up with “but it didn’t stop it from happening.”  We both made decisions not to walk away.  We can’t be in denial about the fact that there is something between us that pulls us toward each other.  I’m not the kind of person to run from it.  I had wished we met at the right time in our lives, or not at all.  Then I realized that was wrong.  It’s never perfect, and we are never ready.  But those who take the biggest leaps get the biggest rewards in life.

Now I know that I am worth it, and so much more.  The problem isn’t me, and I shouldn’t have to push like this.  I wouldn’t want it to be that way anyway.  I am not waiting. There is no pending conversation, but if you have questions you’re welcome to ask.  I will not push for you to change a thing.  I don’t doubt that you love me.  Never doubt my love for you.  I know you’re not ready for me.  I love you enough to not be in a codependent relationship with you, or to let us compromise who we are.  I thought I would always be last in your life because you care too much about image.  Because you put others before me.  I will always be last because you will always put everything else before yourself.  You’ve always put yourself last, not me, but it’s essentially the same thing.  I hope that you choose happiness, and when you do, if you realize I’m not part of that picture, it’s okay.  Or if you choose happiness, and realize you do want to share it with me, that you’ll fight for me.