I haven’t been sleeping much lately… because of the waking up a lot.. and the getting home later and not being able to fall asleep immediately. I remembered a dream when I was driving to work this morning, it was kind of bad timing due to the content of the dream.
I went somewhere and was going to visit Mel but someone else was sitting in a recliner in front of me. She kind of looked like Mel but something was off, and when I listened to her speak I noticed her cadence and speech patterns were different. We ended up leaving and were in a car, she was driving and I was in the back seat. As we passed some building she mentioned going there and I said it didn’t really sound fun, but then I realized I didn’t know where she was taking me and it didn’t feel right, I wondered what happened to Mel, and as we kept going toward the city I noticed all the lights were out and the buildings were like shadows. It’s kind of like driving on the i-10 east bound towards Phoenix, you can see downtown to the right, and uptown to the left. The freeway splits right between the two, and everything was off. But this city was larger, like LA. Anyway, when I noticed everything was off I mentioned it and we stopped on the road, then there was a bunch of dust and all the buildings collapsed. I realized I was in the back on my lancer and ducked thinking this was it. I either wanted to survive or I wanted to die quickly.
And that is the part of the dream I remembered while I was driving to work this morning and could see the strip to the left, all I thought while looking at it was… that’s tiny. I wouldn’t be nearly as destructive. Ugh.
The dream kept going after that. I was in some run down apartment and people were around, this one lady had a tiny dog, and we were sitting around in front of an old CRT TV but I wasn’t sure if it was due to boredom or if we were trying to get some kind of news. I was sitting on a mattress on the floor and Brandon was sitting on it behind me. I looked down and noticed there was blood on my legs but I wasn’t sure if I was cut somewhere or if it was period blood or if it was even mine. That’s all I can remember from this morning.