I know I’ve been writing more about my waking hours instead of my weird dreams, and they’ve been happending and they’re weird as !@#$.. and I’ve been waking up so incredibly exhausted lately that by the time I’m alert enough to not fall on my face as soon as I get out of bed and stand up… it’s pretty much gone.
I know an ex was in my dream last night. It was some weird time travel thing where we were changing history just by being there and stuff was weird. I think it was a police state. Um.. the other night my rapist was in my dream. Prolly cause the other day I realized I’m now the age he was when we met… which breaks my brain more on why he’d do that to a teenage girl… but I don’t understand why anyone would do that to another human being.
That’s how this last week has been going in dreamland so I haven’t bothered.