I pretty much forgot what I had dreamed about until Jimmy Eat World’s Sweetness started playing in my head, then I remembered part of the dream where a friend and I were with a group of people just singing it. “Are you listening? Whoa ohhhhhh..” This friend was someone my brain made up. The group was together for some reason and I can’t remember why but there were weird things going on outside and heavy rain. It looked like a large black sun was in the sky just above eye level but not on the horizon, like in the middle, and I saw a rainbow form around it, like something bad was going to happen. These were small groups of two to three people who knew each other and some individuals. I was thinking about how different the dynamic might be if it was one large group that was already acquainted and my friend and I were the two newcomers, and how easy it would be for them to remember us but how hard it would be to place names for me.. and would it be easier that or with how the dynamic was now? I suck at remembering these things in mass quantity, I had that problem with the scene when I was 21 so I’d blame it on being drunk the last time I met someone at a club and apologize and ask for their name again.. even though almost every night I went out I stayed sober. But I felt bad.
Anyway, there was some other part where I was chillin in some home and there was a bunny, a cat, and two hamsters running around on the carpet. Hiding under a blanket, or wondering under a dresser or bed. I was in black pajamas. Then I was out driving and had to make this left turn and the median was almost a uturn, into some busy lot and this large tire was in the way. I was late for some appointment and Jovi was calling me from the door so I walked up to meet her.. right before that I saw something, like a multi tiered cart or something in a small room or maybe like a small server rack and turned on the light to illuminate it. Then I walked into an office space and sat down with Joanna, her sister. This was like some school administration building. I’m sure that wasn’t the end of the dream but I can’t remember what else happened.