I napped for Black Mirror to happen?

I was sitting on the floor by a coffee table half awake and Jimmy and a group of his friends were over and one threw a softball that went past and fell near my feet.  I wasn’t going for it but they said they were going out back to chill and the sun was going down so I said hang on I need to tie my shoe lace and would grab it for him.  I was wearing grey chucks. Which is really weird.  Vans > chucks just sayin.  Anyway, I went outside and was by a tree with a bunch of crows.  I can’t remember if I went up a ladder or a swing or something but would look up and over the field where I saw a couple houses, birds, lots of grass, a couple goats running to the left.  Below was a laptop and I remember a bunch of random things.  But I was out somewhere else and my pinky nail was broken most of the way through except for one end and I could bend it down, so I was trying to figure out how to fix it.  I looked down an aisle in a store and saw someone missing an arm trying to assist another amputee who was having issues with something.  There was another man nearby who was holding a baby and when I looked back it looked like he was having some allergic reaction and was breaking out in hives, then vomited black stuff.  I was back by the tree and noticed a lot of people with cameras, and camera phones, all over the place, then I realized what I was watching on the screen resembled places I’d just been in, and the surrounding area with the light green trees and couple houses.  Jimmy was walking up when I realized it was like White Bear and was all omfg all cameras are on me, and that means something dangerous happens.  I told Jimmy a bunch of things from Black Mirror were happening, like there were other things but I can’t remember.  Some other chick was with us, not sure if she was Asian or Hispanic, we got in this van and Jimmy was driving, I moved up to the front seat.  The seating in the van was laid out really weird.

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