“I had a dream that I was volunteering at a prison/shelter. Charles, I saw you briefly first. We exchanged pleasantries (flirtatious, of course) and then you bounced like the tigger you are to help with the BBQ. It was a lounging day and a reward for the inmates/displaced. There were many, 30 or so total. It was a very bustling, social occasion. Everyone was in high spirits. I then saw Alex King (SueJung) and we chatted for quite a while. Shortly after, I ran into Eric. I was showing him a video on my phone where I held photos of my “friends.” The video he was most interested in was of a reddish colored pug that was walking backwards, seemingly unknowingly into a small water inlet and at the last second, turned and jumped across it. Eric, you thought that was impressive, more so than my other photos, lol… Then, a few random actors/actresses came into the picture. A woman looking very much like Winona Ryder in black lipstick, short black hair, & leather came and sat front of me on the edge of the couch I was lounging on looking a bit confused. She held my hand behind her back and ran her fingers up & down my wrist. She then saw a man that looked like Brandon Lee from “The Crow,” make up and all, and became nervous as he was her former lover. But she continued to play with my hand and wrist. She began looking in the other direction that he passed toward at some buildings that looked similar to a shopping mall of adobe houses, Pueblo Revival style, in the distance. She became more nervous, looked back at me, withdrew her hand, and left towards those buildings. Then, Natasha Lyonne and I were remarking on how this was the cleanest shelter we’d ever volunteered in, no roaches specifically. But she said that she wouldn’t date me because I had and area of grey hair that was becoming noticeable towards the back of my head. I said it was fine because I wasn’t going to dye my hair. SueJung, you sat beside me next, looking sad because you had to leave soon. But you gave me a blue pinky press on nail that had a zipper on it and a chain that connected to that zipper which wrapped around all of my fingers. You said not to move the nail around too much or it wouldn’t stay on. The rubbery glue lost some of it’s stickiness in the exchange because it never stuck properly but I kept trying anyways. I figured I wouldn’t lose it with the chain wrapped around my fingers anyways. Looking sad, you walked away as well. The rest of the dream involved the BBQ and everyone sitting down to eat. I wandered through the tables trying to go undetected because there was nothing I could eat. I remember being very sad because my friends had left, in person. All I was left with was photos/videos on my phone.”