Just weird

Was stuck at some carnival county fair-ish like event. I went into a Walgreens to grab stuff but inside it was weird and super fancy. I was there to break a large bill and was expecting more back from some previous transaction, then watched the guy on the other side of the bar put the cash in this box with another stack and.. grind it? The money was cut into little squares and was destroyed. After walking out I found Javier, he hugged me and we walked to some other room and sat on the couch in some awkward pseudo cuddle but not really position. It weirded me out and I got up, went up front and saw Sabrina with other people. Saw Javier ‘ s parents who were these stereotypical red necks with southern accents and redneck names. The mom asked me if you had to hook up power cords to phones. I said no, explained PoE and pointed to an ethernet jack in the wall. She made comments on my dress trying to be nice but she had issues with it. I went to the bedroom to put on a sweater since it wasn’t worth dealing with, grabbed my phones and bag, and went back to retrieve my money.

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