I knew this was a dream

For the first time ever I verbalized “wait, this is a dream, isn’t it” while asleep.  I looked over at Kircher and Linda H after saying it cause my next immediate thought was remembering the concept where I thought the dream would fall apart.  I had to concentrate on what should happen next, but the alarm came on since it went off 5 minutes prior, I hit snooze on accident, and just decided to take the 5 minutes and went right back into it.

I was walking upstairs in this house and was looking at these rooms for a place I would be moving into or renting out.  I had the master bedroom and was showing them one of the other rooms when I said just take both, we were walking through the hall and one of the other rooms when I noticed all this stuff, Linda said something about how the place was lived in and I noticed an open bag of maybe chips, noticed the walls were a dark purple, remembered they should have been a light purple (like the color I painted my room in jr high), remembered I’d been in this house before in my dream, looked at Kircher, and that is when I realized I was asleep.  Self fulfilling prophecy, the dream was difficult the continue after even before the 2nd alarm went off, since it was my previous expectation.

Earlier in the dream, before the first alarm, I had a reoccurring dream where I was dealing with multiple smart phones, they look similar to the moto photon, and previously there were 2, this time 5 were laying next to each other on a pillow in a flower pattern. One had trillian installed and another was my main.  I was going through one of the secondary phones with IM to see what I had missed, since this was a phone I’d misplace or forget about or was a backup in case the primary disappeared. Saw depressing posts from my previous roommate Jamie, saw some txts from Sweet I just deleted, then went back and tried to undo so I could actually read them but couldn’t. Scrolled through the IM contacts and saw Gorla at the top, txted “hello.”

There were other things I barely remember dreaming but they were small details.  Time to wake up.

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